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Chapter I: Meeting My Darling Angel by the Seashore
Dear Jeniffer, in the year 2003, as though predestined by the Skein of Destiny, among my old cassettes, books, time-stricken letters, paraphernalia and souvenirs of the 90s, I came across the absolutely beautiful recording of Mass in C minor, as conducted by maestro Ferenc Fricsay, escorted with the incomparable voices of Hertha Töpper and Maria Stader · Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin ℗ 1960 Deutsche Grammophon Gmbh Hamburg.
Maestro Ferenc Fricsay was to Mozart's Mass in C minor, what C. W. Ceram was to the fascinating stories and sagas of archeology (Tumbas, Dioses y Sabios).
Like Heinrich Schliemann, we ought to take pick and spade to unearth the finest pearls, gems and treasures from the crumbles and nihilism of the Twentieth Century.
Among these priceless finds, there was to be found a beautiful woman from another dreamtime, a mermaid from Greek mythology, the siren of Odysseus: soprano Maria Stader, whose divine voice could probably have the power to lead astray Odysseus and his crew, when these, captivated by the uncanny strains of loveliest nymphs, the adventurous mariners almost lost their homeward way. But Maria, with her mellifluous voice, has rather assuaged the heart of many a seafarer.
How many hours I whiled away listening the dolce voce of this goddess singing Kyrie, Eleison?
I gasp, her cantanbile lines, at times, would make me breathe, sigh, that I was perhaps before the presence of an angel: a remarkable woman of extraordinary sensitiveness. I am mesmerized by her beautiful voice.
During these years (2000-2009), I experienced some mystical raptures, nay, numinous experiences and epiphanies in this solemn Mass by W. Amadeus Mozart.
It was during this time when I convinced myself that, our transient moments and circumstances, as though eddying and bursting forth in the flux and spate of things --like wafting foamy bubbles in the turbulent impetuous sea of existence-- may rather find their source of origin in a Divine Power; whence, as though activated by recurrent dynamics, these ever-swirling thoughts may constantly emerge, interweave, interlace and then disperse, poco a poco rit, in this ever-rolling scroll of our destiny: the placid seashore of that experienced seafarer who knew how to mark his seaports in the riveting voyage of life.
Whether these forces be divine or blind, I dare not say, but rather, herein, I would keep silence and reverence.
As I turned 33, year 2003, I received this present-gift for my soul, Mass in C minor, Kyrie Eleison, as sung by these two divine sirens: Maria Stader and Hertha Töpper. These two angels would sing me back to my proper place among the beauteous spirits.
Kyrie Eleison, Mass in C minor by Mozart
Their mission, divine and propitious: to revive my soul from the valley of dry bones in New York City, to infuse my bosom with those awesome feelings, wonderful fleeting moments of a melancholic youth, an adventurous musician, a romantic, who once made me so gloomily happy, cheerful, dreadful, terrific.
If you believe in God, then you must admit the purifying power of classical music.
Back in the 80s, it was believed, at least among some people in Latin America, that classical music had a binding nexus with things divine and godly, and in our search for God, such music would exert a tremendous influence and spirituality.
Retreating back to solitary places, amidst the dread of the wilderness, through impervious passages in bosky woods and endless cul de sacs, like Dante Alighieri in his Divine Comedy, we all dare ask questions about the meaning of life.
I asked for no less, but to imbibe the soul of Werther (the Sorrows of Young Werther of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe), and thus inquire whether I have lived or not.
For these reasons, from 1992 to 2009, I searched me in sequestered places, whereat, perhaps, I could say that I had lived and descried the depth, width and length of human existence.
At times, the mysteries of existence stirred me up in deep reverence for the meaning of life: this sense of higher spirituality in the music of Mozart, Skryabin, Schubert, Beethoven, would turn me into a mystic, sometimes a hermit, and even a silent scribe would whisper in my ears amazing stories of wonderlands and people (1988-1989).
True, when I consider the beauty, perfection and divinity of this supernal music, I am inclined to accept the religion of Plato, Aristotle, and Spinoza, as kindred to the Elective Affinity of Goethe: we ought to choose what is congenial to our peculiar nature.
Find the ideal music and places where you are at home with your embosomed thoughts and feelings.
Perhaps the Will-to-Exist by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (the World as Will and Idea), may have destined us all to a life, which viewed from the intervening lapses of time, could probably find coherence, wholeness, cohesiveness, which, I fain say, it is indeed meaningful and fascinating for those who are fond of introspective recollections, medications and reflections.
In this manner, we gather those autumnal leaves, however mottled with warmest reveries, and pensively, we seem to hold our precious memories the most endearing in the comprehension of our times through this earth.
It is here when we all feel like pilgrims, wayfarers, whose mossy paths and trails, seem to speak most boldly and meaningfully to the interpretation of life.
Be of a cheerful heart! With music, rhythm, and joy, let us quaff some enravishing zest in the sweet welkin above.
Tell me of that youth, oh boy! whom out of his wit, would not venture into those untamed woods and madness with the Nordic people?
Of course, there were times when I made up my mind to sound the depth of those terrible thinkers, but my temperament and nature, essentially of a warmer clime, made me hanker for my beloved San Juan with new impetus and yearnings.
Almost a hundred years ago, Ferdinand Ossendowski (Men, Beasts and Gods) prophesied a disheartening dangerous time, total destruction of psyche, when people would have neither feelings nor reverence or awe for the sublime and divine. It is, indeed, a frightening time when few souls could have ears and hearts for Mass in C minor by Mozart.
The ineffable voice of Maria Stader...what dare I say? Is it possible to find such beauty and grace thus embodied in one soul?
I am still moved by the power of this music, and she will always have an especial place in my heart.
Between the years of 2000-2009, the gloomy spirit of Goethe haunts me in his Faust. I seemed to be bound to a fantastic world of magic and fascination: unfathomable thoughts which visited me in the inscrutable questions of life, mysteries, religion, metaphysics, are so real to me, that I simply lived as though straddling two worlds, contiguous but in my mind, my meditations.
The sweet candle's flame joyfully flickers at the happy news of more evenings nearing nigh, more eventides and vespers in the celebration of these holy communion with the beautiful.
And all these experiences, and even more, seemed to reconnect me with superior worlds, though unseen, I am totally entranced by what greater things may hold things from beyond?
Indeed, these mystical experienced impelled my pinions aloft in the promise of new victories, new revelations and fascination in my personal walk with God.
This feverish verve for mysteries, ecstasies, quests, revelations, epiphanies, religion, books, inspiration, and even the tempting atheism of Frederick Nietzsche, with all these nays and yeas, sometimes I felt like a morbid symptom of rebellion against the destructive power of a civilization gone wild, callous and unspiritual.
All these ideas, however paradoxical, turned me into a human possessed as though with a fantastic exaggerated, however distorted view of the world. The world, outside, may resemble a city of steel, which frankly speaking, seems to be the more stranger to a man, or a woman, vouchsafed with pedigreed sentiments of sylvan times, bucolic settings whereat we feel snug with feverish passions and ardor for God.
We may blame books for a wrong footing in the world, but at least, like Don Quixote, we rather live in an idealized world. If people call us nuts, perhaps we may reach the old age when we finally learn to live nonchalant to every personal attack.
Josh Manson:
Nevertheless, what is mortal in me prevailed against this indefatigable dreamer, this poor fellow buried within my bosom. Is he a grasshopper, who once dared stretch his legs widespread unto things divine, angelic and supernatural?
Where am I now?
Perhaps you too have dared reach that Juan Salvador Gaviota of your constant strivings to higher realms: to climb up unto that mountain's topmost peak, whereon some souls may believe themselves to be but birds, free spirits of destiny, ever hatching lofty nests and eyries atop that Mount Olympus of your high-flown aspirations.
Year 2009, the mystification of that feminine beauty:
Wouldn't be genius if you could conceive your own ideal human beings, your sublime ideas, but forged in the Platonic conception of things beautiful and divine?
Your holy handmaid, is the creation of your own mind, and is decked out with precious things, treasured properties, as befitting noblest conceptions for great human beings like you.
Your beloved one, is but the embodiment of an indescribable truth, terrible, divine, and her countenance, her rosy cheeks are indeed delicate as that of a holy soul.
To be honest with you, I could spend more days and nights listening to the supernal voice of Maria Stader.
Great music, a greater life, is for people endowed with feelings, these are thoughts not easily accessed or scaled by a generation of spiritual machines.
Ms. Maria Stader, who, by the way, does not have the zillion views on YouTube, will always have a special place in my heart.
At any rate, I believe life is preferable when this has something of magic, supernatural, wizardry, irresistible powers in the Genius of Mozart.
This recording of the heroic Mass in C minor by Mozart, may be among the finest echoes I have ever heard resounding in the interpretation and meaning of life.
Let me know if you like the voice of Maria Stader.
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Chapter II: Ecce Homo (Behold, the Man)
Dear Jeniffer, as you may already know, my conviction may strike you as a syncretism of Judeo- Christian’s ideas.
Don Sebastian Cornelio: “When I preen myself as a Latin man, fountains of living waters would gush forth through the arteries of my heart, and something authentic within me would quiver at the chilly thoughts and sights of forgetfulness.”
My frights are real, my griefs and exiles in foreign lands are true stories. Yes. Beautiful mermaids, like Selena, I have seen many gone astray through the forgetful waters of the Lethe River (Rio Del Olvido).
You may embrace me as a Latin person, though I do not speak the ancient tongue of my ancestors.
Every feeling, every endearing moment would sluice forth in unspeakable streams of sadness, as though yielding expression to my soul's innermost rivers of sorrows, his losses and misfortunes.
Herein, I shall compare the Latin race with a hapless siren, the moon's mournful veils. Her name is Selena. This maid, as pale as the moonlight, would make me weep.“
The best of me is perhaps to be found in the budding years of my infancy.
Should I gainsay this child buried deep within my bosom?
My dear, this time around, as I jot down my thoughts in the ever-rolling scroll of my iPhone, the application happens to be in the Spanish language.
Therefore, I shall write a few thoughts in the Spanish language: mi querida lengua natal, tan sembrada en mi humilde pesebre con Latino América.
Every feeling, every endearing moment would sluice forth in unspeakable streams of sadness, as though yielding expression to my soul's innermost rivers of sorrows, his losses and misfortunes.
Herein, I shall compare the Latin race with a hapless siren, the moon's mournful veils. Her name is Selena. This maid, as pale as the moonlight, would make me weep.
Only God knows the grievous moments I had to endure for my kin. May I blame Dante for these lofty ideas in the woman of his delight?
Divine poet who thus forged his inspiration with opposite natures.
From the fatal hexes of Medusa and her sister Lilith, the bard of yore would then nurse my wounded bosom with the sweet tenderness of a woman so holy as Mary, so faithful as Beatrice.
O dear reader! Take heart at this love-story, for every time I read it, my weeping eyes are overcome with the sad tears of Selena.
It is the real struggle of life, and how frightening to see human beings of the finest kind finally destroyed by that dreadful spirit. And the grim fiend knows that need, like necessity and weakness, has the face of heresy.
The pain of losing a mother is indeed unbearable, but the sight of Selena, now a phantom haunting the waste lands of purgatory, could rend my heart to pieces.
The history of the Latin people in the United States, seems to get lost in the oblivious waters of the Lethe River (the stream of forgetfulness).
Shanti’s Extracts (By the Hudson River)
A brave soul, showing me his blister-stricken
soles, has claimed to have gone around the Isle of Manhattan, like a pilgrim, thrice the circle of his heartbreaking penitence.
On certain occasions, just before the gloaming hours, strange watery figments seemed to form the hideous image of Minos (Divine Comedy of Dante in Hell). The monster, like a shark, appeared to be trawling the fetid currents of the Hudson River.
Phoenix Bird:
Dear reader, my heart almost broke into pieces at the sight of a lovely maid, a virgin, in the likeness of Mary, was nearing too close to the troubled waters of the Hudson River. This woman was being devoured by an impudent demon.
The maid, whose stunning beautiful face was that of a heavenly mermaid, came to grips with a horrendous sea-monster. The monster, doubling down, dragged her into that river of fetid waters.
At this frightful sight, I almost swooned with astonishment and panic. Like a grim shark taking possession of the seal, whose fragile fins could not match the claws of a bigger beast, so the dreadful demon, all of a sudden set his lurid eyes on me, and making an indecent gesture, forthwith, amidst the impetuous sea-waves, took the hapless victim, la belle Selena, as his rightful property.
Dear Jeniffer, in the year 2003, as though predestined by the Skein of Destiny, among my old cassettes, books, time-stricken letters, paraphernalia and souvenirs of the 90s, I came across the absolutely beautiful recording of Mass in C minor, as conducted by maestro Ferenc Fricsay, escorted with the incomparable voices of Hertha Töpper and Maria Stader · Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin ℗ 1960 Deutsche Grammophon Gmbh Hamburg.
Maestro Ferenc Fricsay was to Mozart's Mass in C minor, what C. W. Ceram was to the fascinating stories and sagas of archeology (Tumbas, Dioses y Sabios).
Like Heinrich Schliemann, we ought to take pick and spade to unearth the finest pearls, gems and treasures from the crumbles and nihilism of the Twentieth Century.
Among these priceless finds, there was to be found a beautiful woman from another dreamtime, a mermaid from Greek mythology, the siren of Odysseus: soprano Maria Stader, whose divine voice could probably have the power to lead astray Odysseus and his crew, when these, captivated by the uncanny strains of loveliest nymphs, the adventurous mariners almost lost their homeward way. But Maria, with her mellifluous voice, has rather assuaged the heart of many a seafarer.
How many hours I whiled away listening the dolce voce of this goddess singing Kyrie, Eleison?
I gasp, her cantanbile lines, at times, would make me breathe, sigh, that I was perhaps before the presence of an angel: a remarkable woman of extraordinary sensitiveness. I am mesmerized by her beautiful voice.
During these years (2000-2009), I experienced some mystical raptures, nay, numinous experiences and epiphanies in this solemn Mass by W. Amadeus Mozart.
It was during this time when I convinced myself that, our transient moments and circumstances, as though eddying and bursting forth in the flux and spate of things --like wafting foamy bubbles in the turbulent impetuous sea of existence-- may rather find their source of origin in a Divine Power; whence, as though activated by recurrent dynamics, these ever-swirling thoughts may constantly emerge, interweave, interlace and then disperse, poco a poco rit, in this ever-rolling scroll of our destiny: the placid seashore of that experienced seafarer who knew how to mark his seaports in the riveting voyage of life.
Whether these forces be divine or blind, I dare not say, but rather, herein, I would keep silence and reverence.
As I turned 33, year 2003, I received this present-gift for my soul, Mass in C minor, Kyrie Eleison, as sung by these two divine sirens: Maria Stader and Hertha Töpper. These two angels would sing me back to my proper place among the beauteous spirits.
Kyrie Eleison, Mass in C minor by Mozart
Their mission, divine and propitious: to revive my soul from the valley of dry bones in New York City, to infuse my bosom with those awesome feelings, wonderful fleeting moments of a melancholic youth, an adventurous musician, a romantic, who once made me so gloomily happy, cheerful, dreadful, terrific.
If you believe in God, then you must admit the purifying power of classical music.
Back in the 80s, it was believed, at least among some people in Latin America, that classical music had a binding nexus with things divine and godly, and in our search for God, such music would exert a tremendous influence and spirituality.
Retreating back to solitary places, amidst the dread of the wilderness, through impervious passages in bosky woods and endless cul de sacs, like Dante Alighieri in his Divine Comedy, we all dare ask questions about the meaning of life.
I asked for no less, but to imbibe the soul of Werther (the Sorrows of Young Werther of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe), and thus inquire whether I have lived or not.
For these reasons, from 1992 to 2009, I searched me in sequestered places, whereat, perhaps, I could say that I had lived and descried the depth, width and length of human existence.
At times, the mysteries of existence stirred me up in deep reverence for the meaning of life: this sense of higher spirituality in the music of Mozart, Skryabin, Schubert, Beethoven, would turn me into a mystic, sometimes a hermit, and even a silent scribe would whisper in my ears amazing stories of wonderlands and people (1988-1989).
True, when I consider the beauty, perfection and divinity of this supernal music, I am inclined to accept the religion of Plato, Aristotle, and Spinoza, as kindred to the Elective Affinity of Goethe: we ought to choose what is congenial to our peculiar nature.
Find the ideal music and places where you are at home with your embosomed thoughts and feelings.
Perhaps the Will-to-Exist by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (the World as Will and Idea), may have destined us all to a life, which viewed from the intervening lapses of time, could probably find coherence, wholeness, cohesiveness, which, I fain say, it is indeed meaningful and fascinating for those who are fond of introspective recollections, medications and reflections.
In this manner, we gather those autumnal leaves, however mottled with warmest reveries, and pensively, we seem to hold our precious memories the most endearing in the comprehension of our times through this earth.
It is here when we all feel like pilgrims, wayfarers, whose mossy paths and trails, seem to speak most boldly and meaningfully to the interpretation of life.
Be of a cheerful heart! With music, rhythm, and joy, let us quaff some enravishing zest in the sweet welkin above.
Tell me of that youth, oh boy! whom out of his wit, would not venture into those untamed woods and madness with the Nordic people?
Of course, there were times when I made up my mind to sound the depth of those terrible thinkers, but my temperament and nature, essentially of a warmer clime, made me hanker for my beloved San Juan with new impetus and yearnings.
Almost a hundred years ago, Ferdinand Ossendowski (Men, Beasts and Gods) prophesied a disheartening dangerous time, total destruction of psyche, when people would have neither feelings nor reverence or awe for the sublime and divine. It is, indeed, a frightening time when few souls could have ears and hearts for Mass in C minor by Mozart.
The ineffable voice of Maria Stader...what dare I say? Is it possible to find such beauty and grace thus embodied in one soul?
I am still moved by the power of this music, and she will always have an especial place in my heart.
Between the years of 2000-2009, the gloomy spirit of Goethe haunts me in his Faust. I seemed to be bound to a fantastic world of magic and fascination: unfathomable thoughts which visited me in the inscrutable questions of life, mysteries, religion, metaphysics, are so real to me, that I simply lived as though straddling two worlds, contiguous but in my mind, my meditations.
The sweet candle's flame joyfully flickers at the happy news of more evenings nearing nigh, more eventides and vespers in the celebration of these holy communion with the beautiful.
And all these experiences, and even more, seemed to reconnect me with superior worlds, though unseen, I am totally entranced by what greater things may hold things from beyond?
Indeed, these mystical experienced impelled my pinions aloft in the promise of new victories, new revelations and fascination in my personal walk with God.
This feverish verve for mysteries, ecstasies, quests, revelations, epiphanies, religion, books, inspiration, and even the tempting atheism of Frederick Nietzsche, with all these nays and yeas, sometimes I felt like a morbid symptom of rebellion against the destructive power of a civilization gone wild, callous and unspiritual.
All these ideas, however paradoxical, turned me into a human possessed as though with a fantastic exaggerated, however distorted view of the world. The world, outside, may resemble a city of steel, which frankly speaking, seems to be the more stranger to a man, or a woman, vouchsafed with pedigreed sentiments of sylvan times, bucolic settings whereat we feel snug with feverish passions and ardor for God.
We may blame books for a wrong footing in the world, but at least, like Don Quixote, we rather live in an idealized world. If people call us nuts, perhaps we may reach the old age when we finally learn to live nonchalant to every personal attack.
Josh Manson:
Nevertheless, what is mortal in me prevailed against this indefatigable dreamer, this poor fellow buried within my bosom. Is he a grasshopper, who once dared stretch his legs widespread unto things divine, angelic and supernatural?
Where am I now?
Perhaps you too have dared reach that Juan Salvador Gaviota of your constant strivings to higher realms: to climb up unto that mountain's topmost peak, whereon some souls may believe themselves to be but birds, free spirits of destiny, ever hatching lofty nests and eyries atop that Mount Olympus of your high-flown aspirations.
Year 2009, the mystification of that feminine beauty:
Wouldn't be genius if you could conceive your own ideal human beings, your sublime ideas, but forged in the Platonic conception of things beautiful and divine?
Your holy handmaid, is the creation of your own mind, and is decked out with precious things, treasured properties, as befitting noblest conceptions for great human beings like you.
Your beloved one, is but the embodiment of an indescribable truth, terrible, divine, and her countenance, her rosy cheeks are indeed delicate as that of a holy soul.
To be honest with you, I could spend more days and nights listening to the supernal voice of Maria Stader.
Great music, a greater life, is for people endowed with feelings, these are thoughts not easily accessed or scaled by a generation of spiritual machines.
Ms. Maria Stader, who, by the way, does not have the zillion views on YouTube, will always have a special place in my heart.
At any rate, I believe life is preferable when this has something of magic, supernatural, wizardry, irresistible powers in the Genius of Mozart.
This recording of the heroic Mass in C minor by Mozart, may be among the finest echoes I have ever heard resounding in the interpretation and meaning of life.
Let me know if you like the voice of Maria Stader.
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Chapter II: Ecce Homo (Behold, the Man)
Dear Jeniffer, as you may already know, my conviction may strike you as a syncretism of Judeo- Christian’s ideas.
Don Sebastian Cornelio: “When I preen myself as a Latin man, fountains of living waters would gush forth through the arteries of my heart, and something authentic within me would quiver at the chilly thoughts and sights of forgetfulness.”
My frights are real, my griefs and exiles in foreign lands are true stories. Yes. Beautiful mermaids, like Selena, I have seen many gone astray through the forgetful waters of the Lethe River (Rio Del Olvido).
You may embrace me as a Latin person, though I do not speak the ancient tongue of my ancestors.
Every feeling, every endearing moment would sluice forth in unspeakable streams of sadness, as though yielding expression to my soul's innermost rivers of sorrows, his losses and misfortunes.
Herein, I shall compare the Latin race with a hapless siren, the moon's mournful veils. Her name is Selena. This maid, as pale as the moonlight, would make me weep.“
The best of me is perhaps to be found in the budding years of my infancy.
Should I gainsay this child buried deep within my bosom?
My dear, this time around, as I jot down my thoughts in the ever-rolling scroll of my iPhone, the application happens to be in the Spanish language.
Therefore, I shall write a few thoughts in the Spanish language: mi querida lengua natal, tan sembrada en mi humilde pesebre con Latino América.
Every feeling, every endearing moment would sluice forth in unspeakable streams of sadness, as though yielding expression to my soul's innermost rivers of sorrows, his losses and misfortunes.
Herein, I shall compare the Latin race with a hapless siren, the moon's mournful veils. Her name is Selena. This maid, as pale as the moonlight, would make me weep.
Only God knows the grievous moments I had to endure for my kin. May I blame Dante for these lofty ideas in the woman of his delight?
Divine poet who thus forged his inspiration with opposite natures.
From the fatal hexes of Medusa and her sister Lilith, the bard of yore would then nurse my wounded bosom with the sweet tenderness of a woman so holy as Mary, so faithful as Beatrice.
O dear reader! Take heart at this love-story, for every time I read it, my weeping eyes are overcome with the sad tears of Selena.
It is the real struggle of life, and how frightening to see human beings of the finest kind finally destroyed by that dreadful spirit. And the grim fiend knows that need, like necessity and weakness, has the face of heresy.
The pain of losing a mother is indeed unbearable, but the sight of Selena, now a phantom haunting the waste lands of purgatory, could rend my heart to pieces.
The history of the Latin people in the United States, seems to get lost in the oblivious waters of the Lethe River (the stream of forgetfulness).
Shanti’s Extracts (By the Hudson River)
A brave soul, showing me his blister-stricken
soles, has claimed to have gone around the Isle of Manhattan, like a pilgrim, thrice the circle of his heartbreaking penitence.
On certain occasions, just before the gloaming hours, strange watery figments seemed to form the hideous image of Minos (Divine Comedy of Dante in Hell). The monster, like a shark, appeared to be trawling the fetid currents of the Hudson River.
Phoenix Bird:
Dear reader, my heart almost broke into pieces at the sight of a lovely maid, a virgin, in the likeness of Mary, was nearing too close to the troubled waters of the Hudson River. This woman was being devoured by an impudent demon.
The maid, whose stunning beautiful face was that of a heavenly mermaid, came to grips with a horrendous sea-monster. The monster, doubling down, dragged her into that river of fetid waters.
At this frightful sight, I almost swooned with astonishment and panic. Like a grim shark taking possession of the seal, whose fragile fins could not match the claws of a bigger beast, so the dreadful demon, all of a sudden set his lurid eyes on me, and making an indecent gesture, forthwith, amidst the impetuous sea-waves, took the hapless victim, la belle Selena, as his rightful property.
Late in the night, when the drooping hours in her vast domain rule imperial among the hapless dreamers, the ghost of this beautiful woman, veiled in mysteries of palest skin, hair blacker than pitch, is said to appear in the form of a stranded mermaid.
Her face like that of Selena, a ghost, is bathed in the silvery light of the Moon, Clare de Lune. Such sad spectacle, such nostalgia, I sigh, would soon overcome my mettle.
Her mournful strains seemed to overfill my hearts with inexplicable rivers of tears. Her Operatic Neptune, like a requiem, would echo far into the sequestered enclaves of the seashores.
Her drawn-out whimpering, resounded like an elegy to the soul. Her clamors and sighs would be voiced far-off in the luring waters of the uncanny sea, so dishearteningly compelling, that I was soon moved to seek God as a poor man overcome with dread and fear.
My God, save my soul, lest I die at the mournful echoes of this hapless woman.
(Hebrew Chapter 13)
Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
Yea, and the gods, in the likeness of strangers from far countries, put on all manner of shapes, and wander through the cities, beholding the violence and the righteousness of men (Odyssey of Homer Book XVII, 274).
The Ghost of Rev. Franklyn Montez, former pastor at Iglesia El Buen Samaritano in Washington Heights:
It was a quiet summer evening of September 11, 2011, in the uncanny dusk and gloaming hours of my existence, mysteries not yet solved, like those ethereal wisps of elusive shades in the dark mantle of night, or like those fleeting figments conveying my innermost yearnings and dread in the unfathomable womb of penumbras, so I felt my heavy-laden heart transfixed with inexplicable hankerings, dread and forebodings.
Thus, the Mysterious Sotto Voce of Existence, the spirit of my destiny, led my restless steps to that secluded place, where of old, there dwell some Silent Scribes.
These hoary stones, however grey and forsaken, had defied the passage of time with remarkable fortitude, and like sturdy sentinels, they have kept their vigils through many a sea-storm and trepidation.
Upon my arrival, I found these bleak stones strewn about by the rutted slippery banks. The stones, escarpments and trenches seemed to steep deep into the Hudson River's eddying waters.
All these stones, however forsaken, were piled-up and supine, as a heroic thronged army ready to face posterity with certainty.
Perhaps these are the courageous souls of a hapless army, which, tossed off by fiery storms of our difficult times, the soldiers were almost shipwrecked and destroyed; and perhaps some stranded souls could reach my path, to tell me the story of their misfortune.
Oh my dear reader! How I stood there, speechless, motionless, my soul could not but weep and weep, and weep the tears of my solitary walks by the Hudson River, which, like fine droplets of precious memories, slowly sluicing forth from the living fountain of my soul, they would softly dissolve in the ever-eddying waters of yesteryears.
While I was stepping on the brink of a cold slab, all of a sudden, there appeared a shade, veiled in the dark mantles of penumbra, the specter of a man, a geezer, hovering in a most ghostly fashion before my eyes.
Lo! The Great Scribe of Millennia!
The phantom appeared to be touching his bosom with his right hand, perhaps conveying great remorse, yearnings, longings, love or loss for something left behind in his seaports with Puerto Rico.
And little I could do to heal the still bleeding gash in his bruised bosom, and the grievous wound of incessant winds was the Wordless Language of His Senile Face.
De poca ayuda era mi presencia para curar aquella llaga todavía sangrando en su alma, y sus heridas eran renovadas con los incesantes vientos de aquel lenguaje sin palabras: la expresión de su rostro en un amigo fiel.
O my dear soul!
What happened to thee?
—How thou haunt this Spirit Realm in rags and tatters?
On my way back home, through the damped banks of this old River, I was gloomily tingled, and my chilly blood ran cold through my veils, because I thought I had heard the hoarse cadence of a great prophet. Indeed, it was a grave raspy sound so as to make me tremble with fear, premonition foreboding: a piteous voice coming forth from a badly sore cavity.
I looked back and askance! Lo!
Is he a ghost or is it a deceptive figment spawned in the unconscious precipices of my mind?
His countenance was but a dim steady visage beaming somewhat pale, opaque and livid. The phantom was standing six feet tall near a bleak craggy stone, and hauntingly, he was constantly looking at me with inexplicable penetrating powers, as though scrutinizing the very depth-core of my frightened being’s profundity. With piercing silence of solemnest seriousness, he appeared as though floating mid-air, yea, engulfed and veiled amidst fogs, penumbras, shadows, mist, thus defying my comprehension!
Afterward, as I gathered my thoughts in the clarity of my placid meditations, I understood clearly that the said suspended ghost in question was Reverend Frankly Montez, a pastor from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Rev. Frankly Montez, as I remember him, was always hankering for his sweet days left behind in the prime of his youth: Puerto Rico.
Finally, the unpalatable pages of destiny would ultimately win over his inmost yearnings, and thus he passed on to the Spirit Realm in New York City.
Una Conversación Con El Fantasma del Reverendo Franklyn Montez: Translated to English by Jeniffer Gem
Her face like that of Selena, a ghost, is bathed in the silvery light of the Moon, Clare de Lune. Such sad spectacle, such nostalgia, I sigh, would soon overcome my mettle.
Her mournful strains seemed to overfill my hearts with inexplicable rivers of tears. Her Operatic Neptune, like a requiem, would echo far into the sequestered enclaves of the seashores.
Her drawn-out whimpering, resounded like an elegy to the soul. Her clamors and sighs would be voiced far-off in the luring waters of the uncanny sea, so dishearteningly compelling, that I was soon moved to seek God as a poor man overcome with dread and fear.
My God, save my soul, lest I die at the mournful echoes of this hapless woman.
(Hebrew Chapter 13)
Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
Yea, and the gods, in the likeness of strangers from far countries, put on all manner of shapes, and wander through the cities, beholding the violence and the righteousness of men (Odyssey of Homer Book XVII, 274).
The Ghost of Rev. Franklyn Montez, former pastor at Iglesia El Buen Samaritano in Washington Heights:
It was a quiet summer evening of September 11, 2011, in the uncanny dusk and gloaming hours of my existence, mysteries not yet solved, like those ethereal wisps of elusive shades in the dark mantle of night, or like those fleeting figments conveying my innermost yearnings and dread in the unfathomable womb of penumbras, so I felt my heavy-laden heart transfixed with inexplicable hankerings, dread and forebodings.
Thus, the Mysterious Sotto Voce of Existence, the spirit of my destiny, led my restless steps to that secluded place, where of old, there dwell some Silent Scribes.
These hoary stones, however grey and forsaken, had defied the passage of time with remarkable fortitude, and like sturdy sentinels, they have kept their vigils through many a sea-storm and trepidation.
Upon my arrival, I found these bleak stones strewn about by the rutted slippery banks. The stones, escarpments and trenches seemed to steep deep into the Hudson River's eddying waters.
All these stones, however forsaken, were piled-up and supine, as a heroic thronged army ready to face posterity with certainty.
Perhaps these are the courageous souls of a hapless army, which, tossed off by fiery storms of our difficult times, the soldiers were almost shipwrecked and destroyed; and perhaps some stranded souls could reach my path, to tell me the story of their misfortune.
Oh my dear reader! How I stood there, speechless, motionless, my soul could not but weep and weep, and weep the tears of my solitary walks by the Hudson River, which, like fine droplets of precious memories, slowly sluicing forth from the living fountain of my soul, they would softly dissolve in the ever-eddying waters of yesteryears.
While I was stepping on the brink of a cold slab, all of a sudden, there appeared a shade, veiled in the dark mantles of penumbra, the specter of a man, a geezer, hovering in a most ghostly fashion before my eyes.
Lo! The Great Scribe of Millennia!
The phantom appeared to be touching his bosom with his right hand, perhaps conveying great remorse, yearnings, longings, love or loss for something left behind in his seaports with Puerto Rico.
And little I could do to heal the still bleeding gash in his bruised bosom, and the grievous wound of incessant winds was the Wordless Language of His Senile Face.
De poca ayuda era mi presencia para curar aquella llaga todavía sangrando en su alma, y sus heridas eran renovadas con los incesantes vientos de aquel lenguaje sin palabras: la expresión de su rostro en un amigo fiel.
O my dear soul!
What happened to thee?
—How thou haunt this Spirit Realm in rags and tatters?
On my way back home, through the damped banks of this old River, I was gloomily tingled, and my chilly blood ran cold through my veils, because I thought I had heard the hoarse cadence of a great prophet. Indeed, it was a grave raspy sound so as to make me tremble with fear, premonition foreboding: a piteous voice coming forth from a badly sore cavity.
I looked back and askance! Lo!
Is he a ghost or is it a deceptive figment spawned in the unconscious precipices of my mind?
His countenance was but a dim steady visage beaming somewhat pale, opaque and livid. The phantom was standing six feet tall near a bleak craggy stone, and hauntingly, he was constantly looking at me with inexplicable penetrating powers, as though scrutinizing the very depth-core of my frightened being’s profundity. With piercing silence of solemnest seriousness, he appeared as though floating mid-air, yea, engulfed and veiled amidst fogs, penumbras, shadows, mist, thus defying my comprehension!
Afterward, as I gathered my thoughts in the clarity of my placid meditations, I understood clearly that the said suspended ghost in question was Reverend Frankly Montez, a pastor from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Rev. Frankly Montez, as I remember him, was always hankering for his sweet days left behind in the prime of his youth: Puerto Rico.
Finally, the unpalatable pages of destiny would ultimately win over his inmost yearnings, and thus he passed on to the Spirit Realm in New York City.
Una Conversación Con El Fantasma del Reverendo Franklyn Montez: Translated to English by Jeniffer Gem
April 2, 2013, it has been almost two years since my last brief rendezvous with that bedraggled Scribe of Millennia, Rev. Franklyn Montez, a great Pastor and prophet who now haunts the clammy banks of the Hudson River.
And yet, I can’t forget his wordless language, and how we nodded each other in mutual agreement of respect and silence for the Story of Humanity, the future of our post-petroleum civilization; whereupon, a soft gale, airy and supernal, gently issued a most tender symphonious whistle, a divine melody was imported into our very midst, and the sad requiem-strain reminded me the haunting ghosts of renown American preacher, Harold Camping, William the English poet Wordsworth, Thomas Kinkade, the legendary painter of light, and the other illustrious bard of yore, Walt Whitman.
Thereupon, his sedate gaze of a caring father was fixed upon my eyes, and then, with his right hand trembling, the old man summoned me to consider that blissful heaven above, and I, obeying his order, set my far-away gaze unto the sweet promises of heaven.
And behold! Amidst the dispersing clouds, there was a shining vesper above his head, a lovely star blinking to my heart-content, a great human being, whose Bible studies, many a long night, infused my whole being with new strength, impetus and dewy inspiration for the meaning of life.
At this point, my misty countenance was caressed by a breezy serenity of warmest thoughts, affections and high-flown feelings for the voyage of life.
Meanwhile the eddying Water of Time continued its ceaseless course, bathing ineffable love through the roomy expanses of my being; occasionally, the Gall of Existence, nevertheless, would rub anew the Human Heart.
Finally, with little strength with me, I left behind the wounded scribe, an elder swaddled in rags and tatters, along the path of oblivion, the story of yesteryears trailed in the shivery waters of The Hudson River.
And yet, I can’t forget his wordless language, and how we nodded each other in mutual agreement of respect and silence for the Story of Humanity, the future of our post-petroleum civilization; whereupon, a soft gale, airy and supernal, gently issued a most tender symphonious whistle, a divine melody was imported into our very midst, and the sad requiem-strain reminded me the haunting ghosts of renown American preacher, Harold Camping, William the English poet Wordsworth, Thomas Kinkade, the legendary painter of light, and the other illustrious bard of yore, Walt Whitman.
Thereupon, his sedate gaze of a caring father was fixed upon my eyes, and then, with his right hand trembling, the old man summoned me to consider that blissful heaven above, and I, obeying his order, set my far-away gaze unto the sweet promises of heaven.
And behold! Amidst the dispersing clouds, there was a shining vesper above his head, a lovely star blinking to my heart-content, a great human being, whose Bible studies, many a long night, infused my whole being with new strength, impetus and dewy inspiration for the meaning of life.
At this point, my misty countenance was caressed by a breezy serenity of warmest thoughts, affections and high-flown feelings for the voyage of life.
Meanwhile the eddying Water of Time continued its ceaseless course, bathing ineffable love through the roomy expanses of my being; occasionally, the Gall of Existence, nevertheless, would rub anew the Human Heart.
Finally, with little strength with me, I left behind the wounded scribe, an elder swaddled in rags and tatters, along the path of oblivion, the story of yesteryears trailed in the shivery waters of The Hudson River.
Chapter X - The Question of Existence: Sobre La Mala Suerte y Sus Desgracias (On Bad Luck and Misfortunes)
Hola Jeniffer, aquí te relato otra historia de amor. Espero que la disfrute más en el idioma Español.
Hola Jeniffer, aquí te relato otra historia de amor. Espero que la disfrute más en el idioma Español.
La Llorona:
El Fantasma de Una Mujer Con Vestimentas de Novia (1987), basados en Proverbios 5: 15, nunca se pudo resolver este misterio, es decir, si esta mujer, era en realidad una muerta o simplemente una actriz británica, y que sufría de una extraña enfermad de huesos. Ella era una mujer mala y despiadada.
Weeping Behind My Voice: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hFoHh--ZCZw
El Fantasma de Una Mujer Con Vestimentas de Novia (1987), basados en Proverbios 5: 15, nunca se pudo resolver este misterio, es decir, si esta mujer, era en realidad una muerta o simplemente una actriz británica, y que sufría de una extraña enfermad de huesos. Ella era una mujer mala y despiadada.
Weeping Behind My Voice: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hFoHh--ZCZw
Ana S. Man-Son: “…Ghost of a Bride-to-Be (1987), her mystery was never solved, that is to say, whether she was a ghost or just a British woman suffering from an excruciating bone disease. The lady was weak to the bone.
Algunos creían que esta mujer había sufrido muchas decepciones con los hombres, y su alma, tan herida con "mal-de-amores," pues se gozaba en destruir los corazones de sus pobres víctimas.
Some believed this elusive woman to have suffered "mal de amores," (jilt), and as a dreadful scorned spirit, she was probably hellbent on destroying other men's hearts.
The creature had a wicked delight on other men's excruciating heart-aches.
--Desgraciado, te duele?
You Jerk, does it hurt?
Selena, la sirena del corazón, me advierte de la integridad como un asunto de seguridad y sabiduría, y sus consejos sobre el peligro del Internet (e.g., Facebook, Texting Strangers Recklessly, LinkedIn) a quien compara como un océano de peligros insondables, lleno de pirañas, pues lo tomo muy en serio.
Con respecto a la palabra Jilt, su significadono es lo mismo que rechazar a alguien (reject), o simplemente "dejar a alguien plantado," es el pecado de dar lugar dulce a Venus y luego arruinarlo con desdén y despreció.
Para otros, el significado de la palabra "jilt" es alguien que juega con los sentimientos de otra persona, y no le importa hoy ofrecer lugar (pecho) sagrado a lo íntimo, y mañana ya estar indiferente a los sentimientos de Selena en su integridad.
Personas bajo el poder de Asmodeus, no pueden ser fieles, porque sus heridas emocionales les hacen vengativo, rencoroso y pronto a la desconfianza.
Con el Internet y textear muy de moda, pues es muy fácil irse con un desconocido como aquel pájaro al matadero (Proverbs Chapters 5-6). Personas como estas (jilts) pronto rompe su voto de amor, y ya se retiran por las aguas de la extrañez, el olvido y aquellas adventuras con los tiburones del dolor.
La persona íntegra es fiel en su corazón, a sus fuentes de agua viva, y no deja a su querido conocido por cualquier extraño.
Parsifal- Squirrel: warns us to quickly clad my heart with the armory of integrity and wisdom, and his warnings on the dangers of the Internet, Facebook, and texting strangers recklessly, could make my heart contract with fear and reprehension.
For the most part, these blood-sucking leeches live on the immeasurable ocean of deceit, lies, infidelity, treachery, mischief and deception.
The master compares the Internet to an ocean of unfathomable depths and dangerous Leviathans. Therein, you may find huge monstrous things, insatiable piranhas, voracious leeches and sharks, whose fangs and mouthful grasp could swallow even ladies the likes of Mary and Marta.”
Finalmente, sed selectivo, y eliges tus amigos como una persona prudente, quien prefiere las perlas de la soledad que la mala compañía con gente vulgares --for blades of grass are more common than lotuses.
Finally, be selective as a prudent human being who would rather find her Heaven in solitude than to go around confabbing with people of low principles.
When inviting outsiders to your private meetings, please, choose your friends and acquaintances with selective affinity.
Cuando invites convidados a tus reuniones privadas, pues sed selectiva con tus amistades.
Of course, I have seen weddings and funerals completely damaged for lack of foresight and prudence.
Por supuesto, yo he visto bodas y funerales arruinarse por falta de prudencia y precaución.
In Washington Heights, there are the amazing stories which could send shivers down our spine. Of course, you have all read my many travails in NYC, but this one I still recall with sighs and reprehension.
En el vecindario de Washington Heights, se escuchan historias de amor que más bien pueden ser escalofriantes. Ya tu sabes las muchas osadías que he vivido en Nueva York, pero esta historia de amor todavía la recuerdo con temor y miedo.
Una Boda Es Dañada Por Falta de Seguridad - Washington Heights:
(Wedding Spoiled in Washington Heights)
In 1995, I remember playing a fine wedding-reception at a Presbyterian Church located at 174th Street and Wadsworth, and when everything transpired joyfully, all on a sudden, a mad woman broke in through the main-entrance door flanked by two stocky short men, faces tinged with mischief and treachery.
The three devils had come to the wedding to beat the bride-groom (fiancé).
En el año 1995, recuerdo estar tocando el piano para una boda que tomaba lugar en una Iglesia Presbiteriana, localizada en la calle 174 con la avenida de Wadsworth.
Todo transcurría con normalidad y alegría, cuando de repente, una mujer desquiciada irrumpió la escena a través de la puerta principal de la Iglesia. Estaba ella acompañada de dos hombrecitos rechonchos y de carácter belicosos e impulsivos. Estos tres gallipotes venían a golpear al novio.
All Hell broke loose in the midst of the reception; and the groom, like a silly rabbit, had to dodge the punches, smacks, clouts and slaps as best he could.
Todo se convirtió en un caos en medio de la recepción. El desafortunado novio, como un conejo asustado, y con gran empeño, pues trataba de esquivar las galletas, trompadas, bofetadas y puñetazos que se le ofrecían sin cesar.
Now, we never suspect when the things of the world would strike and haunt us (where? when?); and so the groom, who had been a devout Christian for quite so time, had now to cope with some lingering issues from his shady past.
Ahora bien, uno nunca sabe cuando las cosas del mundo nos van a sorprender, y el novio, quien ya era un Cristiano por varios años, tendría que tratar algunos asuntos personales de su pasado oscuro.
The Lord blessed the Prodigal Son abundantly, and even gave him a stunning beautiful bride, the finest Dominican chick of pure European stock, a lovely senorita from Salcedo, Dominican Republic.
El Señor había bendecido al hijo pródigo, y aún le dio como chica guapísima, una dama Dominicana de alta estirpe europea. Ella era oriunda de Salcedo, un pequeño pueblo al norte del país, en El Valle del Cibao.
But the new-born man had left behind some unresolved spooky issues, and the rabble, the Ghetto-People, were not so happy to see this newly-raised happy frog, a parvenu, a pretentious caricature to stick up his cocky head out of the pit of hell.
Pero la nueva criatura de Dios había dejado algunos asuntos sin resolver con la chusma, y estos no estaban muy alegre de ver este sapo, un salta-monte, pues con tantas pompas y galas salir del hoyo de estas áreas marginadas en Washington Heights.
And pay heed, Latino people, like the Germans, have remarkable talents to worm out secrets with remarkable meticulousness, and they had investigated the whole affair patiently, so as to bring the greater possible harm to the poor creature. And so they came to church to jerk the whole shrine a-rocking.
Presta atención, porque los Latinos, como los Alemanes, pues tienen talento para sacar los secretos de algunas personas con gran ingenio, y así estudiaron el asunto de esta boda con el ominoso fin de hacer daño (1 de Pedro Capítulo 5:08)
In the midst of this religious confusion and pother, the pastor and his scattered sheep came to defend the groom who was under attack.
En medio de este motín, el pastor y sus ovejas dispersadas, pues trataron de defender al novio quien sufría unos puñetazos en presencia de su amada señorita.
And I, in disbelief, saw the stone-faced pastor, the deacons and the elders wholeheartedly involved in this amazing scuffle, because the implacable foes were not kidding, but they had in mind to bringing down the silly groom-rabbit from his lofty pedestal of integrity.
Yo, anonadado, vi la cara seria del Reverendo, los diáconos, los ancianos, todos, totalmente envuelto en este tremendo combate, porque estos enemigos implacables no estaban bromeando, pues vinieron a bajar al novio de su "nuevo estatus social."
As a last missile and blast for the newly-wed groom-bride, the furious woman --as a free for all "polvoreda cósmica," went on to accuse the gentle Christian man of having a secret affair with her minor daughter, and that the girl was only 17.
Como si fuese un misil, o como una polvorada para los novios y sus convidados, la Furiosa Mujer procedió a acusar al novio de este tener un secreto romance con su niña adolescente de a penas 17 años de edad.
At this point, and we were all flabbergasted; the mysterious woman, defying the laws of gravity, forthwith, jumped from the upper level-stage, and landed most naturally, like an eagle on her two solid feet, and thence, she stormed herself out of the church like un Ciclon David (A Hurricane which swept Santo Domingo in 1979).
Al escuchar esto, todos nos sobrecogimos de vergüenza e indignacion; la misteriosa mujer, como desafiando las leyes de la gravedad, se arrojó de aquella tarima alta hacia el nivel inferior, de esta manera cayendo firme (como una águila en medio de nosotros) sobre sus dos canillas rectas como de hierro. De ahí, como el ciclón David, o como una tormenta, así se retiró aquel espíritu malvado acompañada de sus dos secuaces.
My goodness! I was eating cake and playing the piano, Maple Leaf Rag, but after that unhappy incident, we all stopped eating and enjoying the feast.
Dios mío! Yo comía mi bizcocho de chocolate y tocaba mi Maple Leaf Rag, de Scot Joplin, pero después de este triste incidente, pues paramos de disfrutar el festín por varios meses.
And the bride-to-be, who was an adorable maid of decency and respect --a good Dominican girl, was really hurt to the core with twinges, pangs, qualms, scruples and shame.
La novia, quién era una adorable dama de decencia y respeto, una buena chica Dominicana, sufrió heridas afiladas de decepción, espasmos y vergüenza.
Sure, they went on to have their honeymoon in Florida, but, the Devil, Asmodeus, had changed the honey-moon to gall and wood-worms.
Por supuesto, ellos se fueron para Florida a tener su luna de miel, pero el diablo Asmodeus, cambió toda esta boda en ajenjo y amarga hiel.
The beautiful wedding was spoiled by the unpredictable "pother." We have neither securities nor safety...nor understanding of the complexity of this American society.
La bella boda fue arruinada por un impredecible escándalo. A pesar de nuestros queridos amigos de confianza, pues no teníamos guardias de seguridad, tampoco entendíamos la cosas complejas de esta sociedad.
Despite their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the beautiful couple got divorced 10 years later, and the groom happened to be a veritable jerk and a silly creature --Shakespeare was perhaps correct, for character, like an image forged in a coin, is hard to efface.
A pesar de ambos tener fe en el Señor Jesucristo, la pareja se divorció 10 años más tarde. El novio resultó ser un canalla y un Juan D Los Palos. Shakespeare estaría correcto, pues el carácter de una persona parece ser una imagen imprimida en una moneda.
Time just passed, and pressed on inexorably, to corroborate the accusation of the woman, the groom was just a player and a wrong choice.
El tiempo transcurrió inexorablemente, y en sus páginas grises, pues se corroboraron las acusaciones de la Mujer Enfurecida.
El novio era simplemente un pica-flor, y una mala elección.
* * * * * * * * *
El Señor Vasconcelos Muere de Amor por Helena Del Rosario
(Proverbs-5-6 in the Old Testament):
Algunos creían que esta mujer había sufrido muchas decepciones con los hombres, y su alma, tan herida con "mal-de-amores," pues se gozaba en destruir los corazones de sus pobres víctimas.
Some believed this elusive woman to have suffered "mal de amores," (jilt), and as a dreadful scorned spirit, she was probably hellbent on destroying other men's hearts.
The creature had a wicked delight on other men's excruciating heart-aches.
--Desgraciado, te duele?
You Jerk, does it hurt?
Selena, la sirena del corazón, me advierte de la integridad como un asunto de seguridad y sabiduría, y sus consejos sobre el peligro del Internet (e.g., Facebook, Texting Strangers Recklessly, LinkedIn) a quien compara como un océano de peligros insondables, lleno de pirañas, pues lo tomo muy en serio.
Con respecto a la palabra Jilt, su significadono es lo mismo que rechazar a alguien (reject), o simplemente "dejar a alguien plantado," es el pecado de dar lugar dulce a Venus y luego arruinarlo con desdén y despreció.
Para otros, el significado de la palabra "jilt" es alguien que juega con los sentimientos de otra persona, y no le importa hoy ofrecer lugar (pecho) sagrado a lo íntimo, y mañana ya estar indiferente a los sentimientos de Selena en su integridad.
Personas bajo el poder de Asmodeus, no pueden ser fieles, porque sus heridas emocionales les hacen vengativo, rencoroso y pronto a la desconfianza.
Con el Internet y textear muy de moda, pues es muy fácil irse con un desconocido como aquel pájaro al matadero (Proverbs Chapters 5-6). Personas como estas (jilts) pronto rompe su voto de amor, y ya se retiran por las aguas de la extrañez, el olvido y aquellas adventuras con los tiburones del dolor.
La persona íntegra es fiel en su corazón, a sus fuentes de agua viva, y no deja a su querido conocido por cualquier extraño.
Parsifal- Squirrel: warns us to quickly clad my heart with the armory of integrity and wisdom, and his warnings on the dangers of the Internet, Facebook, and texting strangers recklessly, could make my heart contract with fear and reprehension.
For the most part, these blood-sucking leeches live on the immeasurable ocean of deceit, lies, infidelity, treachery, mischief and deception.
The master compares the Internet to an ocean of unfathomable depths and dangerous Leviathans. Therein, you may find huge monstrous things, insatiable piranhas, voracious leeches and sharks, whose fangs and mouthful grasp could swallow even ladies the likes of Mary and Marta.”
Finalmente, sed selectivo, y eliges tus amigos como una persona prudente, quien prefiere las perlas de la soledad que la mala compañía con gente vulgares --for blades of grass are more common than lotuses.
Finally, be selective as a prudent human being who would rather find her Heaven in solitude than to go around confabbing with people of low principles.
When inviting outsiders to your private meetings, please, choose your friends and acquaintances with selective affinity.
Cuando invites convidados a tus reuniones privadas, pues sed selectiva con tus amistades.
Of course, I have seen weddings and funerals completely damaged for lack of foresight and prudence.
Por supuesto, yo he visto bodas y funerales arruinarse por falta de prudencia y precaución.
In Washington Heights, there are the amazing stories which could send shivers down our spine. Of course, you have all read my many travails in NYC, but this one I still recall with sighs and reprehension.
En el vecindario de Washington Heights, se escuchan historias de amor que más bien pueden ser escalofriantes. Ya tu sabes las muchas osadías que he vivido en Nueva York, pero esta historia de amor todavía la recuerdo con temor y miedo.
Una Boda Es Dañada Por Falta de Seguridad - Washington Heights:
(Wedding Spoiled in Washington Heights)
In 1995, I remember playing a fine wedding-reception at a Presbyterian Church located at 174th Street and Wadsworth, and when everything transpired joyfully, all on a sudden, a mad woman broke in through the main-entrance door flanked by two stocky short men, faces tinged with mischief and treachery.
The three devils had come to the wedding to beat the bride-groom (fiancé).
En el año 1995, recuerdo estar tocando el piano para una boda que tomaba lugar en una Iglesia Presbiteriana, localizada en la calle 174 con la avenida de Wadsworth.
Todo transcurría con normalidad y alegría, cuando de repente, una mujer desquiciada irrumpió la escena a través de la puerta principal de la Iglesia. Estaba ella acompañada de dos hombrecitos rechonchos y de carácter belicosos e impulsivos. Estos tres gallipotes venían a golpear al novio.
All Hell broke loose in the midst of the reception; and the groom, like a silly rabbit, had to dodge the punches, smacks, clouts and slaps as best he could.
Todo se convirtió en un caos en medio de la recepción. El desafortunado novio, como un conejo asustado, y con gran empeño, pues trataba de esquivar las galletas, trompadas, bofetadas y puñetazos que se le ofrecían sin cesar.
Now, we never suspect when the things of the world would strike and haunt us (where? when?); and so the groom, who had been a devout Christian for quite so time, had now to cope with some lingering issues from his shady past.
Ahora bien, uno nunca sabe cuando las cosas del mundo nos van a sorprender, y el novio, quien ya era un Cristiano por varios años, tendría que tratar algunos asuntos personales de su pasado oscuro.
The Lord blessed the Prodigal Son abundantly, and even gave him a stunning beautiful bride, the finest Dominican chick of pure European stock, a lovely senorita from Salcedo, Dominican Republic.
El Señor había bendecido al hijo pródigo, y aún le dio como chica guapísima, una dama Dominicana de alta estirpe europea. Ella era oriunda de Salcedo, un pequeño pueblo al norte del país, en El Valle del Cibao.
But the new-born man had left behind some unresolved spooky issues, and the rabble, the Ghetto-People, were not so happy to see this newly-raised happy frog, a parvenu, a pretentious caricature to stick up his cocky head out of the pit of hell.
Pero la nueva criatura de Dios había dejado algunos asuntos sin resolver con la chusma, y estos no estaban muy alegre de ver este sapo, un salta-monte, pues con tantas pompas y galas salir del hoyo de estas áreas marginadas en Washington Heights.
And pay heed, Latino people, like the Germans, have remarkable talents to worm out secrets with remarkable meticulousness, and they had investigated the whole affair patiently, so as to bring the greater possible harm to the poor creature. And so they came to church to jerk the whole shrine a-rocking.
Presta atención, porque los Latinos, como los Alemanes, pues tienen talento para sacar los secretos de algunas personas con gran ingenio, y así estudiaron el asunto de esta boda con el ominoso fin de hacer daño (1 de Pedro Capítulo 5:08)
In the midst of this religious confusion and pother, the pastor and his scattered sheep came to defend the groom who was under attack.
En medio de este motín, el pastor y sus ovejas dispersadas, pues trataron de defender al novio quien sufría unos puñetazos en presencia de su amada señorita.
And I, in disbelief, saw the stone-faced pastor, the deacons and the elders wholeheartedly involved in this amazing scuffle, because the implacable foes were not kidding, but they had in mind to bringing down the silly groom-rabbit from his lofty pedestal of integrity.
Yo, anonadado, vi la cara seria del Reverendo, los diáconos, los ancianos, todos, totalmente envuelto en este tremendo combate, porque estos enemigos implacables no estaban bromeando, pues vinieron a bajar al novio de su "nuevo estatus social."
As a last missile and blast for the newly-wed groom-bride, the furious woman --as a free for all "polvoreda cósmica," went on to accuse the gentle Christian man of having a secret affair with her minor daughter, and that the girl was only 17.
Como si fuese un misil, o como una polvorada para los novios y sus convidados, la Furiosa Mujer procedió a acusar al novio de este tener un secreto romance con su niña adolescente de a penas 17 años de edad.
At this point, and we were all flabbergasted; the mysterious woman, defying the laws of gravity, forthwith, jumped from the upper level-stage, and landed most naturally, like an eagle on her two solid feet, and thence, she stormed herself out of the church like un Ciclon David (A Hurricane which swept Santo Domingo in 1979).
Al escuchar esto, todos nos sobrecogimos de vergüenza e indignacion; la misteriosa mujer, como desafiando las leyes de la gravedad, se arrojó de aquella tarima alta hacia el nivel inferior, de esta manera cayendo firme (como una águila en medio de nosotros) sobre sus dos canillas rectas como de hierro. De ahí, como el ciclón David, o como una tormenta, así se retiró aquel espíritu malvado acompañada de sus dos secuaces.
My goodness! I was eating cake and playing the piano, Maple Leaf Rag, but after that unhappy incident, we all stopped eating and enjoying the feast.
Dios mío! Yo comía mi bizcocho de chocolate y tocaba mi Maple Leaf Rag, de Scot Joplin, pero después de este triste incidente, pues paramos de disfrutar el festín por varios meses.
And the bride-to-be, who was an adorable maid of decency and respect --a good Dominican girl, was really hurt to the core with twinges, pangs, qualms, scruples and shame.
La novia, quién era una adorable dama de decencia y respeto, una buena chica Dominicana, sufrió heridas afiladas de decepción, espasmos y vergüenza.
Sure, they went on to have their honeymoon in Florida, but, the Devil, Asmodeus, had changed the honey-moon to gall and wood-worms.
Por supuesto, ellos se fueron para Florida a tener su luna de miel, pero el diablo Asmodeus, cambió toda esta boda en ajenjo y amarga hiel.
The beautiful wedding was spoiled by the unpredictable "pother." We have neither securities nor safety...nor understanding of the complexity of this American society.
La bella boda fue arruinada por un impredecible escándalo. A pesar de nuestros queridos amigos de confianza, pues no teníamos guardias de seguridad, tampoco entendíamos la cosas complejas de esta sociedad.
Despite their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the beautiful couple got divorced 10 years later, and the groom happened to be a veritable jerk and a silly creature --Shakespeare was perhaps correct, for character, like an image forged in a coin, is hard to efface.
A pesar de ambos tener fe en el Señor Jesucristo, la pareja se divorció 10 años más tarde. El novio resultó ser un canalla y un Juan D Los Palos. Shakespeare estaría correcto, pues el carácter de una persona parece ser una imagen imprimida en una moneda.
Time just passed, and pressed on inexorably, to corroborate the accusation of the woman, the groom was just a player and a wrong choice.
El tiempo transcurrió inexorablemente, y en sus páginas grises, pues se corroboraron las acusaciones de la Mujer Enfurecida.
El novio era simplemente un pica-flor, y una mala elección.
* * * * * * * * *
El Señor Vasconcelos Muere de Amor por Helena Del Rosario
(Proverbs-5-6 in the Old Testament):
Dear Theodore, as I parse your previous writings, very unhappy wedding indeed, my heart beats and contracts for some missing lacuna in this your mad love-story.
Estimado Teodoro, mientras reviso tus escritos sobre aquella boda en Washington Heights (1995), mi corazón palpita y se contrae con algunos pasajes ausentes en tú locas historias de amor.
In another e-mail you mentioned a good elder, Mario Vasconcelos, a man of some respectability in his community, and how his life relapsed into gall and the wood-worms of jilted-love by a beautiful woman from Santiago, Dominican Republic.
En otro correo electrónico, tu menciona a un tal Mario Vasconcelos, un buen anciano De la Iglesia Cristiana, hombre de cierto respeto en su comunidad, pero que su vida se hizo amarga como la hiel con los aguijones del amor de Eros, Helena Del Rosario, la Galatea de su locura y oraciones incesantes al cielo.
The good man had even put his life in danger for defending the silly rabbit-groom, Don Juan D' Los Palos, in that fateful day of his wedding.
El buen hombre aún puso su vida en defensa de aquel novio infiel, un Don Juan D' Los Palos, el pica-flor de la señorita linda de Salcedo, en aquel trágico día de su marcha nupcial.
And who was that heavenly maid of his heart-ache and twinges?
Y quién fue esa doncella que así causó tanto dolor en su corazón?
Dear Jeniffer, a few years ago, I payed my final respects and adieu to the good elder at his funeral, La Funeraria Ortiz.
Jeniffer, ya hace unos años, fui a la Funeraria Ortiz a rendir mi último adiós a aquel gran anciano De la Iglesia Cristiana: El Buen Samaritano.
For almost 10 years the good elder, Mario Vasconcelos, had struggled with sharp pricks of unrequited love by an adorable woman, La Señora Del Rosario, who simply dumped him for another handsome hank.
Por casi 10 años, el buen hombre lucharía con los síntomas de un amor negado, amor sufrido por aquella mujer encantadora que lo había dejado por un astuto puma de piel suave.
Helena del Rosario, while married to the good elder, had ogled another man right in the prayer-room, thus further tormenting Mario Vasconcelos to be wretchedly good till the end of his life.
Helena del Rosario, estando casada, pues sus ojos se inflaron por otro hombre pícaro, allí mismo en el recinto de la plegaria, de esta manera haciendo la vida de aquel pobre anciano miserable hasta el día de su muerte.
His pastor, Reverend Freddy Montez, time and time again, asked the good elder to forgive his ex-wife, but the mortal dagger of infidelity had cut deep into his heart. His wound was always bleeding profusely.
Su pastor, Reverendo Freddy Montez, una y otra vez, pedía al buen anciano que perdonara a su ex-esposa, pero aquella mortal espada de infidelidad había penetrado muy profundo en su corazón. La herida siempre estaba sangrando profusamente.
It is believed the elder, Vasconcelos, all his lifelong struggled hard to remove those voracious bats of jealousy ever-gnawing at his guts. Unfortunately, the elder relapsed to his former state and epileptic condition.
Se cree que el buen anciano, Vasconcelos, día y noche, luchó por el resto de su vida, tratando de remover estos crueles murciélagos de celos siempre devorando su alma. Desafortunadamente, el anciano del bien, finalmente recaería a su anterior situación de epiléptico.
How did he fall in-love with that saucy pert, a minx?
Y cómo se enamoró el señor Vasconcelos de esta chica tan despiadada y cruel?
It was a lovely spring of 1993, while strolling by Hudson River's banks, I saw this bride-to-be and the elder wholeheartedly enchained into each other’s arms, thus enjoying the sweet butterflies of passion, love and reciprocity.
O darling! I love thee!
Mi amor! Te amo.
Fue durante una placentera primavera del año 1993, mientras yo tomaba mis caminatas por las orillas del Río Hudson, vi al chico y a su novia amarrados en lazos de amor; ambos disfrutaban de las mariposas de la pasión, amor y reciprocidad.
Back then the good elder could not be happier. Break-days unfolded with the sweet twinkles of a heavenly maid.
Para aquel entonces, el señor Vasconcelos era muy feliz. Sus días se transcurrían con las picadas de ojos de su amada doncella.
During that time it was all heaven on earth my dear. Like a good Latina nerd, the bride-to-be, Helena Del Rosario, was a Dominican Cleopatra bestowed with very delicate olive skin, svelte, torso and flanks fashioned with amazing guitar-like curves, and gracious hips ending in well-rounded voluptuous forms at her rear. Her nose, Romanesque, was perched up there like a statue of Venus in her beautiful face.
Dear Theodore, as I parse your previous writings, very unhappy wedding indeed, my heart beats and contracts for some missing lacuna in this your mad love-story.
Estimado Teodoro, mientras reviso tus escritos sobre aquella boda en Washington Heights (1995), mi corazón palpita y se contrae con algunos pasajes ausentes en tú locas historias de amor.
In another e-mail you mentioned a good elder, Mario Vasconcelos, a man of some respectability in his community, and how his life relapsed into gall and the wood-worms of jilted-love by a beautiful woman from Santiago, Dominican Republic.
En otro correo electrónico, tu menciona a un tal Mario Vasconcelos, un buen anciano De la Iglesia Cristiana, hombre de cierto respeto en su comunidad, pero que su vida se hizo amarga como la hiel con los aguijones del amor de Eros, Helena Del Rosario, la Galatea de su locura y oraciones incesantes al cielo.
The good man had even put his life in danger for defending the silly rabbit-groom, Don Juan D' Los Palos, in that fateful day of his wedding.
El buen hombre aún puso su vida en defensa de aquel novio infiel, un Don Juan D' Los Palos, el pica-flor de la señorita linda de Salcedo, en aquel trágico día de su marcha nupcial.
And who was that heavenly maid of his heart-ache and twinges?
Y quién fue esa doncella que así causó tanto dolor en su corazón?
Dear Jeniffer, a few years ago, I payed my final respects and adieu to the good elder at his funeral, La Funeraria Ortiz.
Jeniffer, ya hace unos años, fui a la Funeraria Ortiz a rendir mi último adiós a aquel gran anciano De la Iglesia Cristiana: El Buen Samaritano.
For almost 10 years the good elder, Mario Vasconcelos, had struggled with sharp pricks of unrequited love by an adorable woman, La Señora Del Rosario, who simply dumped him for another handsome hank.
Por casi 10 años, el buen hombre lucharía con los síntomas de un amor negado, amor sufrido por aquella mujer encantadora que lo había dejado por un astuto puma de piel suave.
Helena del Rosario, while married to the good elder, had ogled another man right in the prayer-room, thus further tormenting Mario Vasconcelos to be wretchedly good till the end of his life.
Helena del Rosario, estando casada, pues sus ojos se inflaron por otro hombre pícaro, allí mismo en el recinto de la plegaria, de esta manera haciendo la vida de aquel pobre anciano miserable hasta el día de su muerte.
His pastor, Reverend Freddy Montez, time and time again, asked the good elder to forgive his ex-wife, but the mortal dagger of infidelity had cut deep into his heart. His wound was always bleeding profusely.
Su pastor, Reverendo Freddy Montez, una y otra vez, pedía al buen anciano que perdonara a su ex-esposa, pero aquella mortal espada de infidelidad había penetrado muy profundo en su corazón. La herida siempre estaba sangrando profusamente.
It is believed the elder, Vasconcelos, all his lifelong struggled hard to remove those voracious bats of jealousy ever-gnawing at his guts. Unfortunately, the elder relapsed to his former state and epileptic condition.
Se cree que el buen anciano, Vasconcelos, día y noche, luchó por el resto de su vida, tratando de remover estos crueles murciélagos de celos siempre devorando su alma. Desafortunadamente, el anciano del bien, finalmente recaería a su anterior situación de epiléptico.
How did he fall in-love with that saucy pert, a minx?
Y cómo se enamoró el señor Vasconcelos de esta chica tan despiadada y cruel?
It was a lovely spring of 1993, while strolling by Hudson River's banks, I saw this bride-to-be and the elder wholeheartedly enchained into each other’s arms, thus enjoying the sweet butterflies of passion, love and reciprocity.
O darling! I love thee!
Mi amor! Te amo.
Fue durante una placentera primavera del año 1993, mientras yo tomaba mis caminatas por las orillas del Río Hudson, vi al chico y a su novia amarrados en lazos de amor; ambos disfrutaban de las mariposas de la pasión, amor y reciprocidad.
Back then the good elder could not be happier. Break-days unfolded with the sweet twinkles of a heavenly maid.
Para aquel entonces, el señor Vasconcelos era muy feliz. Sus días se transcurrían con las picadas de ojos de su amada doncella.
During that time it was all heaven on earth my dear. Like a good Latina nerd, the bride-to-be, Helena Del Rosario, was a Dominican Cleopatra bestowed with very delicate olive skin, svelte, torso and flanks fashioned with amazing guitar-like curves, and gracious hips ending in well-rounded voluptuous forms at her rear. Her nose, Romanesque, was perched up there like a statue of Venus in her beautiful face.
Durante aquel tiempo, todo era como un Paraíso. La linda chica, Helena Del Rosario, era muy dada a los libros, también era muy guapa, una Cleopatra con piel color de olivo, esbelta, y esculpida con un tremendo cuerpo con formas voluptuosas de guitarra, cuyas curvas terminaban en un ideal trasero. Su nariz, como Romana, se erguía allí en su bella cara como una estatua de Venus.
Indeed, she had outward qualities to send any man a-rocking. Even a saint could be swallowed whole by this belle Dominicana.
La verdad es que Helena Del Rosario tenía cualidades físicas para hacer de cualquier hombre su fácil niño. Aún algunos santos podrían caer bajo los encantos de esta bella chica dominicana.
As I recall now, at a Christian meeting, I heard the good elder, Vasconcelos, muttering in sotto voice, "gratia plenas", gracias Señor, for this heavenly gift, and he even wept his tears for that adorable woman.
Ahora recuerdo, durante una reunión, escuchar al buen hombre, en voz baja, expresar sus "gratias plenas" a Jehovah por aquel gran regalo de la vida, y aún lloró sus lágrimas por aquella dama adorable.
Gratias plenas mi Señor por esta chica tan fenomenal!
At this, his wife kept silent and politely received the compliments out of courtesy.
Su esposa, al escucharlo, pues como por cortesía recibió aquellos elogios con un cierto silencio.
How about her countenance?
Que hay de su rostro?
Como era ella? Su cuerpo?
Ah! The bride's face was stamped by some inexplicable feminine enigma: a mystifying beauty conceals the Mona-Lisa reservation in her innermost being: a human being designed to make silly men easy prey.
La cara de la novia parecía estar cincelada como por un enigma femenino: una mistificación de la belleza en la Mona-Lisa se escondía en lo profundo de aquella mujer dolorosa, un Venus, formada eróticamente como para hacer de los hombres su fácil presas.
Her bewitching eye-to-eye looks captivated the heart-buttered sensations of the young man, such eyes, such lady, my goodness, could even melt the god Sun.
Aquellas miradas de ojo-a-ojo, pues hacían cautivo aquel joven incauto, y las sensaciones como de mantequillas suavemente derritiéndose en su corazón, pues podían rendir a gotas de amor (ardiente) al dios Sol.
In her expression, every now and then, there were the gentle smiles, the slightly-given turns and nods which some men, however grown-up fools, may try to decipher in endless delightful reveries and dreams.
En su expresión, de cuando en cuando, pues se obsequiaban gentiles sonrisas, y estos consentimientos, aquellos gestos de una dama que asiente con un rostro de belleza irresistible para hombres tontos, o poetas insensatos, que se deleitan en un "yo-no-se-que" con estos mortales sueños diurnos.
Indeed, Helena del Rosario, was the source of much joy-giving and inspiration for the elder. In their fore-head, as in the silvery face of the moon, I saw written the high-flown hieroglyphics of Marriage and Felicidad Infinita: the Love of Eternity transfixed their hearts!
Cierto, Helena del Rosario, era una inspiración para aquel buen hombre de poca sabiduría. En sus frentes, pude leer aquellos jeroglíficos de amor, sus caracteres estaban escritos como con los rayos plateado de
de la Luna:
Matrimonio y Felicidad!
El Amor de La Eternidad los transfiguraba en seres como de otros mundos.
Goethe: The Three Furies - The Reality of Spirit Apparitions:
Indeed, she had outward qualities to send any man a-rocking. Even a saint could be swallowed whole by this belle Dominicana.
La verdad es que Helena Del Rosario tenía cualidades físicas para hacer de cualquier hombre su fácil niño. Aún algunos santos podrían caer bajo los encantos de esta bella chica dominicana.
As I recall now, at a Christian meeting, I heard the good elder, Vasconcelos, muttering in sotto voice, "gratia plenas", gracias Señor, for this heavenly gift, and he even wept his tears for that adorable woman.
Ahora recuerdo, durante una reunión, escuchar al buen hombre, en voz baja, expresar sus "gratias plenas" a Jehovah por aquel gran regalo de la vida, y aún lloró sus lágrimas por aquella dama adorable.
Gratias plenas mi Señor por esta chica tan fenomenal!
At this, his wife kept silent and politely received the compliments out of courtesy.
Su esposa, al escucharlo, pues como por cortesía recibió aquellos elogios con un cierto silencio.
How about her countenance?
Que hay de su rostro?
Como era ella? Su cuerpo?
Ah! The bride's face was stamped by some inexplicable feminine enigma: a mystifying beauty conceals the Mona-Lisa reservation in her innermost being: a human being designed to make silly men easy prey.
La cara de la novia parecía estar cincelada como por un enigma femenino: una mistificación de la belleza en la Mona-Lisa se escondía en lo profundo de aquella mujer dolorosa, un Venus, formada eróticamente como para hacer de los hombres su fácil presas.
Her bewitching eye-to-eye looks captivated the heart-buttered sensations of the young man, such eyes, such lady, my goodness, could even melt the god Sun.
Aquellas miradas de ojo-a-ojo, pues hacían cautivo aquel joven incauto, y las sensaciones como de mantequillas suavemente derritiéndose en su corazón, pues podían rendir a gotas de amor (ardiente) al dios Sol.
In her expression, every now and then, there were the gentle smiles, the slightly-given turns and nods which some men, however grown-up fools, may try to decipher in endless delightful reveries and dreams.
En su expresión, de cuando en cuando, pues se obsequiaban gentiles sonrisas, y estos consentimientos, aquellos gestos de una dama que asiente con un rostro de belleza irresistible para hombres tontos, o poetas insensatos, que se deleitan en un "yo-no-se-que" con estos mortales sueños diurnos.
Indeed, Helena del Rosario, was the source of much joy-giving and inspiration for the elder. In their fore-head, as in the silvery face of the moon, I saw written the high-flown hieroglyphics of Marriage and Felicidad Infinita: the Love of Eternity transfixed their hearts!
Cierto, Helena del Rosario, era una inspiración para aquel buen hombre de poca sabiduría. En sus frentes, pude leer aquellos jeroglíficos de amor, sus caracteres estaban escritos como con los rayos plateado de
de la Luna:
Matrimonio y Felicidad!
El Amor de La Eternidad los transfiguraba en seres como de otros mundos.
Goethe: The Three Furies - The Reality of Spirit Apparitions:
The tragic love-story of Mario Vasconcelos, whose unfaithful wife, Helena Del Rosario, made his life so miserable, could even be compared to the hapless case of Amfortas (the Parsifal of Wagner), who seduced by the treachery of a witch, was mortally wounded by the sword of Klingsor.
Their souls would not just rest content or in peace in the forgetful ashen tomb of our oblivion. Their grievous wounds, like those heart-rending bats of jealousy and reprisal, would even bleed the blood of betrayal and revenge even into the Spirit Realm.
It is noteworthy that the good elder Mario Vasconcelos, like Pastor Franklyn Montez, now both ghosts in the Spirit Realm, are said to be tormented with some unresolved lingering issues in the hereafter.
Their souls would not just rest content or in peace in the forgetful ashen tomb of our oblivion. Their grievous wounds, like those heart-rending bats of jealousy and reprisal, would even bleed the blood of betrayal and revenge even into the Spirit Realm.
It is noteworthy that the good elder Mario Vasconcelos, like Pastor Franklyn Montez, now both ghosts in the Spirit Realm, are said to be tormented with some unresolved lingering issues in the hereafter.
Mind you, some passions as though drawn by the compelling forces of both magnetism and kinetic energy, could not remain static, but they seem to eke out, they seem to look out, here and there, the proper object-matter of their reciprocity and affinity.
These unresolved passions are now the haunting ghosts, which condemned to live with such junk of negative psychic energy, are believed to roam the boundless expanses of the will-net-work of Albert Einstein's multi-dimensional universe.
Who would rescue these hapless entities thus trapped in the nest of time?
For the most part, our experiences with the Spirit Realm are akin, nay, kindred to the range and scope of our emotions and feelings, which cannot always be communicated beyond their immediate occurrences, nor can they always find the approval of our most intimate friends.
Unfortunately, most ghost stories are often colored or distorted by the vehement passions of the witness, but as I said earlier, the subjective mind could perhaps develop certain faculties, pre-senses, et. al, however dormant in the skeptical mind.
The intimate experience, however of the most personal value and significance, may find its true life and meaning but in the cozy sanctuary of our recollections, our rapport, and with due reverence, we come humbly before the Altar of Spirit Apparitions.
(Note: recordings and films purporting the reality of Spirit Apparitions, or Poltergeist, can little attest to any factual veracity beyond of what is technologically possible within the field of movie-making, special effects, and the artful manipulation of pictures, photos, audio, and other well-known technically desired visual effects. Indeed, with the magic of computer-engineering all sorts of ghostly apparitions could be created).
Therefore, our intimate experiences with ghosts are hopelessly relegated to the purview and "register of our consciousness" in a greater thoroughfare (community) with other sentient beings.
Accordingly, the damned specter is somehow bound and attracted to those material things and spiritual souvenirs, which, while alive, might have had a special value in the recurrent moments of our life.
These unresolved passions are now the haunting ghosts, which condemned to live with such junk of negative psychic energy, are believed to roam the boundless expanses of the will-net-work of Albert Einstein's multi-dimensional universe.
Who would rescue these hapless entities thus trapped in the nest of time?
For the most part, our experiences with the Spirit Realm are akin, nay, kindred to the range and scope of our emotions and feelings, which cannot always be communicated beyond their immediate occurrences, nor can they always find the approval of our most intimate friends.
Unfortunately, most ghost stories are often colored or distorted by the vehement passions of the witness, but as I said earlier, the subjective mind could perhaps develop certain faculties, pre-senses, et. al, however dormant in the skeptical mind.
The intimate experience, however of the most personal value and significance, may find its true life and meaning but in the cozy sanctuary of our recollections, our rapport, and with due reverence, we come humbly before the Altar of Spirit Apparitions.
(Note: recordings and films purporting the reality of Spirit Apparitions, or Poltergeist, can little attest to any factual veracity beyond of what is technologically possible within the field of movie-making, special effects, and the artful manipulation of pictures, photos, audio, and other well-known technically desired visual effects. Indeed, with the magic of computer-engineering all sorts of ghostly apparitions could be created).
Therefore, our intimate experiences with ghosts are hopelessly relegated to the purview and "register of our consciousness" in a greater thoroughfare (community) with other sentient beings.
Accordingly, the damned specter is somehow bound and attracted to those material things and spiritual souvenirs, which, while alive, might have had a special value in the recurrent moments of our life.
Haunting Spirits, as those who may resemble wayfarers shipwrecked in a sea-storm, or medieval spirits dressed in such antiquated fashion, were simply bound to get a peculiar attachment to those personal attires and social vehicle of manifestation.
Once so spruced-up, one now finds them a little disheveled and flitting here and there, like the illusion of some stealthy shadows or figments receding to our finite ken.
Confronting the Unknown:
In the cob-web of many sundry circumstances affecting our dizzy senses, and amidst the unleashing forces of fogs, mist, gravity, weather conditions, magnetism, the lap of night's shadows and so on, we may expect, albeit occasionally, a reversal or slight alteration of certain laws thereof.
Strictly speaking, certain livid shades may only exist but in direct relation to the knowing-being or ego (more so, when possessed by the sense of dread or awe), and at that time-space connection --like a happy accident in the hands of Fate's whimsical surprises-- the X-rapport is established with the unknown universe or entity.
Of course, this supernatural experience may occur beyond the expediency of any known, reliable law, force, mechanical devices, camera, time-frame in human context, chronology and silly history; or, it may happen a la Madam Jumel's style, defying any fixed connections to our swaddling knowledge of sense-present-reality.
The Ghost of Madam Jumel: the Morris Jumel Mansion, located in Washington Heights, is believed to be haunted by some tormented ghosts, whom, according to a reputable psychic, may have suffered betrayal --for hell has no fury like a scorned woman -- Madam Jumel, there is no haggling our debts with this horrible woman: a former prostitute.
Once so spruced-up, one now finds them a little disheveled and flitting here and there, like the illusion of some stealthy shadows or figments receding to our finite ken.
Confronting the Unknown:
In the cob-web of many sundry circumstances affecting our dizzy senses, and amidst the unleashing forces of fogs, mist, gravity, weather conditions, magnetism, the lap of night's shadows and so on, we may expect, albeit occasionally, a reversal or slight alteration of certain laws thereof.
Strictly speaking, certain livid shades may only exist but in direct relation to the knowing-being or ego (more so, when possessed by the sense of dread or awe), and at that time-space connection --like a happy accident in the hands of Fate's whimsical surprises-- the X-rapport is established with the unknown universe or entity.
Of course, this supernatural experience may occur beyond the expediency of any known, reliable law, force, mechanical devices, camera, time-frame in human context, chronology and silly history; or, it may happen a la Madam Jumel's style, defying any fixed connections to our swaddling knowledge of sense-present-reality.
The Ghost of Madam Jumel: the Morris Jumel Mansion, located in Washington Heights, is believed to be haunted by some tormented ghosts, whom, according to a reputable psychic, may have suffered betrayal --for hell has no fury like a scorned woman -- Madam Jumel, there is no haggling our debts with this horrible woman: a former prostitute.
But when the paranormal event is confirmed by many persons, and the ghostly apparition is corroborated by independent sources, and finally attested by the most reliable account of trustworthy witnesses, we are, forthwith, overcome with unspeakable dread and confusion.
Rightlly so! That's why haunting-cases like the ghost of Madam Jumel at the hoary Morris Mansion, may capture the fascination of a devoted audience out there, because the beauty-lady, a former prostitute, seems to defy even the world of Newton's physics and even our judicious system!
Like a courageous draft horse overcome by some shade impeding the night-journey, so we may confront the haunting shadow. With goggled eyes, ever-rolling around, ever-darting into every corner, nevertheless, we soon are forced to back off. Sweating and painting may cower under the fear of the unknown: the X of Immanuel Kant. Nay, and to our dreadful surprise, some ghosts seem to defy the very canon of the Judea-Christian religion.
Finally, in explaining the spirit realm of unresolved passions, betrayal, revenge and many other baffling phenomena pertaining to the bottomlessness of the human heart, these tragic love-stories, like the one herein inquired, are very helpful to explaining how psychic energy may linger on after we cease to live with our current physical bodies.
These kinetic forces may, somehow, continue active, yet suspended in another co-existing dimension, sort of speak, they haunt us while we live next to them --side by side. That's why, in Autumn Season, few birds may dare visit the Morris-Jumel Mansion at a midnight walk; thereat we are received by the alluring sounds of jingling bells, and some feeble shades may hide behind the eerie groves of yore, and the chilly feeling of intuitive perceptions may shake us off equanimity!
And like Virgil to Dante, we may look back at the august Mansion of bygone happy days saying: "Look out! Look out! Look out! The Ghost Of Madam Jumel"
Reminding the sceptic minds out there, that this mysterious universe reverberates with the grave music of mysteries.
An Owl: "Who are the ghosts suspended in the midnight of history?
Who is there?
--On the Three Furies of Goethe and Dante Alighieri:
When speaking of the Hebrew demon Lilith, I must clarify that I am not a Misanthrope or a hater of the feminine creature (misogynist), the feminine mystery is reconciled in the pure person of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Cuando se habla de aquel demonio de la mitología Hebrea, Lilith (primera esposa de Adam), sería oportuno aclarar que no soy un misántropo, más aún, la misoginia no halla lugar en mi corazón, porque los misterios de la belleza femenina alcanzan su plenitud en la persona de María, la Madre de Jesus (bendito sea tu vientre de tu niño Jesus):
But one only has to peruse the Holy Scriptures, and may even agree with the madness of Nietzsche and the wise Proverbs of Salomon, and read therein how the strongest men are overcome by the hypnotizing powers of Delilah, or the baneful hexes of Lilith.
Pero solo tenemos que estudiar las Sagradas Escrituras, y quizá podéis simpatizar con las rabias de Nietzsche, o con aquel maestro tan sufridos por mujeres: el Sabio Salomón y sus aforismos para el joven prudente (Proverbios 5-6).
Aquí se describe, con la perspicacia y agudeza de un sicólogo par excellence, el modus operandi con el cual algunos hombres poderosos, castos y vigorosos, terminan cayendo presa bajo los brazos de amor de una mujer tan bella como fuera Dalilah, o aquella terrible mujer como la seductora Lilith.
In the Parsifal by Wagner, we therein read how Klingsor uses the alluring power of his nymphs to destroying the great hero; and thus, among the strongest races, a great heroine like Judith or Cleopatra, could win a battle through the abstractus-power of feminina belleza; their beauty, their charms can exert power over kings and monarchs, and via extension, nations and people are ultimately ruled by a beautiful Cleopatra --the Lady Rules our Society.
En el Parsifal de Wagner, aquí leemos de aquel temerario rey, Klingsor, quien como Asmodeus, usaría el poder de estas ninfas de seducción para fines mezquinos y despiadado.
Vale la pena recordar estos casos extraordinarios, tan complejo en las encrucijadas de la virtud o la maldad, y que otrora se emplearan entre las gentes más fuertes y astutas, es decir, aquellas mujeres semitas del estirpe de Judith, o aquella Egipcia tan astuta, Cleopatra, ganar guerras psicológicas con sus dardos abstracto en la mente del incauto; así, con sus extraordinarios atributos físicos pudieron ejercer gran poder sobre monarcas, reyes, mobiliarios, y por extensión --como suele suceder muy a menudo--naciones y comunidades pueden ser dominada por algunas de estas mujeres astutas. Tal belleza, tendría que admitir, reina sobre la sociedad.
Among some very beautiful women, however lacking restraint and chastity, there is to be found a subliminal spell, it may not be a “hex,” but Psyche, as though bewitched by the unconscious, is more apt to be made easy conquest and conquered territory, and the once mighty man, whether an Attila or a King David, are forthwith reduced to mere pygmies and caricatures.
En algunas mujeres muy hermosas pero no castas y sin pudor, suele hallarse aquel maleficio de un poder de "belleza fatale," quizás no sea un hechizo como el de aquella detestable bruja que se menciona en el Fausto de Goethe, Primera Parte (La Cocina de Una Bruja), pero su poder, en sus extraordinarios atributos físicos, nadie lo pondrían en duda. La dama gobierna la sociedad!
Sin embargo, en algunos casos, el subconsciente puede quedar hipnotizado con estos encantos y "pociones" tan funestos y trágicos, los cuales, para una mente débil, terminaría siendo fácil presa: "territorio conquistado."
De esta manera, aquel hombre de respetabilidad y poder, ya sea este hombre un Attila o un Rey David, podría ser reducido a un mero pigmeo de órdenes, o un siervo de antojos bajo el poder de esta Galatea de amores y dulzuras. :
The sublime story of Judith, strikingly similar to that of the beautiful blond Idilco or Hildegunde as known in the Germanic saga, and who was suspected of murdering Attila in the night of their amorous tryst, such Shakespearean plots and shocking twists are not to be found in the Protestant Cannon, and I wonder why.
La sublime historia de Judith, que a propósito, me sorprende por su mordaz parentesco a aquella bella rubia fatal de los Alemanes, Idilco o Hildegunde, como se conoce en la Saga germánica, y quien se sospechara de ser la autora y asesina de Attila, Rey de Los Unos, en aquella noche fatal amorosa, es en verdad un ejemplo singular de lo que aquí se analiza con la ayuda de Andromeda, mi amada profesora.
Tales tragedias amorosas, complot y dramas (e.g. Judith, Tobias en el Viejo Testamento), tan frecuente en los escritos de Shakespeare, fueron removidas del canon de Fe de La Religión Protestante. Me pregunto por qué?
The Apocrypha Book of Judith, due to its murdering plot, was considered to be unworthy of a sacred place in The Bible, and eventually, even among some Catholic Bibles, the story was deemed "disturbing" and too mundane to be accepted as inspired by Jehovah God. And so, today the name of Judith, a terrible Jewish Heroine, bears little connection to the wary character as found in the Bible.
El Libro Apócrifo de Judith, debido a aquel complot sanguinario contra el Rey Holofernes, ha sido considerada indigna de tener un lugar sagrado en La Biblia, y eventualmente, aún en algunas traducciones de las Biblias de los Católicos, la historia fue considerada alarmante, "mundana," para ser aceptada como inspirada por Dios.
De esta manera, aún hoy día, el nombre de la heroina Judia, Judith, a penas se le recuerda como aquel personaje guerrero, defensora de su gente semita. La historia de Judith, solo se menciona como un libro apócrifo, controversial, espeluznante, pero maravillosa y de gran pudor en las versiones de ciertas Biblias aceptada como inspirada para los católicos.
The Lady Is Beyond Impunity:
Even today, in cities so complex like New York or Paris --with such tightly-hewn judicial system, replete with laws and edicts almost for everything-- when understanding the jurisprudence of men, their laws, their astonishing undoing methods and stratagems, woman is, and has been through-out history “the lady beyond impunity:" and she has much power in abstractus.
Aún hoy en día, en ciudades tan complejas como lo es Nueva York o Paris --con su códigos repletos de leyes para casi todos los casos éticos más complejos-- cuando tratamos de entender la jurisprudencia de algunos hombres, sus métodos contra sus propias leyes, y aquella común estratagema de acuerdo a la afilada acusación contra el carácter de aquel hombre, pues quien como una mujer más allá de la impunidad?
Such woman would be the more effective provided she could be escorted by two lawyers, the Devil's Advocate and Asmodeus; and with few doubts, one of the most effective ways to destroying a man's character and career, and by extension his life, with laser-like precision, would be with the piercing arrow of a feminine accuser.
Tal mujer brava en su rabia sin tregua, y asistida con este gran activista del diablo, Mefistófeles el abogado, y su fiel siervo Asmodeus, pues lanzarían sus dardos con la precisión de un rayo láser, o las afiladas flechas de aquella lengua venenosa en la acusación de una dama, una Herodias, sobrecogida en su furia y venganza implacable.
The Colossal Man of Integrity is thus reduced to smothering rubles and smuts and smoke. Even if in the accusing intent, for whatever reason, happens to be retracted, rebutted or annulled, the poor victim would have a slight smear staining the latter nature of his actions; and so Bill Clinton, however noble and great his actions and deeds, would forever be haunted by the ghost of that tell-all woman of his weaknesses. The spectrum of his society has forever cast something morally suspicious on the aura and character of King David.
De esta manera, el hombre de integridad sería reducidos a cenizas y ruinas de polvos y escombros. Aunque el acusado, ya sea absuelto de toda culpa, y el intento de acusar sea ya anulado en la retracción de esta mujer tan enojada, aún así, la reputación y carácter de la víctima siempre estará tildada con los dardos de su enemigo.
De esta manera, Bill Clinton, cuan grandes sus obras y hechos, cuan noble sus favores y altruismo, siempre tendrán el espectro nefasto de aquel fantasma en la mujer de su debilidad.
The Bible continues to amaze us due to its universal truths and relevance in the unfathomable trenches of Human Nature. And the psychological subtlety of the ancient prophets was but the wisdom of ages, the wise sayings of sages; their appraisal of human society was indeed divorced of any silly conjecture, religious sentimentality or bias; the events and circumstances are marvelously presented with the objectivity, transparency and shocking reality of life.
La Biblia sigue instruyéndonos con aquellas verdades universales en los cimientos de la Naturaleza Humana. La sutileza psicológica de estos antiguos profetas no es sino la sabiduría de las edades.
Los Proverbios del Sabio Salomón, sus observaciones de la sociedad, su prudencia y consejos, están siempre divorciados de estos sentimentalismo tan personales, o aquellos prejuicios de conjeturas insensatas y necias en pensadores menos perspicaces. Por lo tanto, los eventos y crónicas como se presentan en la Biblia, son tan objetivo y cierto como el serio drama y realidad de la vida misma: el misterio del bien y el mal.
The Three Furies of Goethe:
Estos escritos fueron traducido por mi gran amiga, María Fidelidad, pero la primera parte se borró por error técnico. Aquí se trata de explicar la jurisprudencia de los Alemanes de ayer, muy a menudo afectada por los clásicos de Homero, Dante y luego Goethe. Parte de estos escritos fueron traducido como un ensayo filosófico y literario.
Goethe, bien sabemos que era un poeta de gran sensibilidad, al final de su Fausto, Segunda Parte, nos encontramos con aquellas mujeres virtuosas en el cielo. Sin embargo, su Fausto está repleto de advertencias sobre el peligro de las pasiones sin la Estrella Matutina.
In the German society and their jurisprudence, so cautious in their dealing with the explosive stuff of human nature, and this could have been due to the popularity of Parsifal by Wagner as a succinct recapitulation of Goethe's Faust's tobogganing insights on such array of complicated ethical issues: betrayals, feuds, vendetta, the gripes of suspiciousness, jealousy and infidelity. Nevertheless, it was, as it is today in certain places in Germany, and even in some asiatic cultures, very unmanly to resort to finding an accuser to tarnishing a man of good character.
And one may say, the apparent circumspection and distrust among some German people, are not to mar their excellent ideas of friendship as tested by the furnace of time and circumstances: once one wins their trust, one would come to value it as rare pearl of exquisite glint.
The concrete power and reliability of a man of steel is the shimmering sparks of reason, his wit, his sanity, his self-respect, but once a man loses his head for a Lilith or a Cleopatra, he would have fallen under the sneer and contempt of any decent society.
Therefore, it would have been better to such silly a man, that is to say, if he is neither a dog nor a wolf wagging his tail --yelping and barking all nightlong, to mitigate his carnal minds in the mad writings of Nietzsche or Henry D. Thoreau, The Walden Pond, Solitude.
Note: This e-mail was sent only to men of steel like Heinrich Schliemann, because, a man of honor would never forget the past wrongs committed to his persona. Certainly, he may forgive, but he would not forget, because he would end up barking like a dog trying to bite his tail.
And here lies the difference, a precipitous chasm, a lacuna between man and man, woman and woman.
There are the divine Sophias and Helenes and Marias, but there are also the hellish Liliths and Alectoes!
The Three Furies of Goethe:
It is obvious that Goethe, like Salomon in his wise aphorisms, is warning the strong German youth to be careful with these woes and banes of nations.
Las Tres Furias en Fausto, Parte II, que quizás simbolicen a una mujer de "tres cabezas descorazonada," también ha de encontrarse en el Infierno de Dante Alighieri, (Infierno IX), y es obvio que Goethe, como en los Proverbios de Salomón, advierte al joven de aquellos males y desgracias tan comunes.
Over and over again, Goethe warns us on the erratic duality of this "female enigma fatale," but a pure woman can much avail with her redeeming power, loving hands and fidelity: chastity, purity and submission.
Una y otra vez, Goethe nos advierte de esta dualidad tan errática en ese enigma femenino fatal; pero una mujer pura puede ser de mucho alivio con sus manos de mujer fiel, casta, sumisa y santa.
Once we reach the arching heaven, there we shall find the holy maid, the other side of goodness embodied in the Immaculate Mary or Gretchen, and the sweet lady could then apply the poultice to the wounded soul Amfortas (Character in Parsifal who was mortally maimed by a witch).
Ya en el Cielo, con Andromeda redimida, ahí hallaremos esta doncella de pudor y belleza, la naturaleza del bien encarnada en la virgen María, o en Margarita, la dama linda de Fausto Parte 1. Entonces la dulce dama podría aplicar su lienzo de sanacion en el Alma de Amfortas (personaje desafortunado en Parsifal que sufrió gran agravio por una bruja).
The breath of a pure woman is like Apple!
El aliento de una dama buena es como una manzana!
In my early twenties, I felt in love with a young beautiful lady, a Margarita-like lady, and along with her mother, Marta, I often saw the two ladies going to church on Sunday morning.
Durante mi juventud, me enamoré de una dama hermosa, una Margarita, con su madre Marta, solía verle ir a la Iglesia todos los Domingos en la mañana.
Unfortunately, the heavenly maid was not as chaste, and she filthily copulated with a son of perdition, a Sphinx of mysteries. To this day, she is a wounded soul --the gash of her guilt bleeds the bloody tears of shame and dishonor. Her spirit cannot find rest because she is a traitor.
Desafortunadamente, la dama no era tan casta, y ya tendría su cúpula con un hijo de perdición, una Esfinge de misterios. Hasta hoy día, ella es una alma herida, la llaga de su culpa todavía derrama la sangre de su vergüenza y deshora.
She pretends to be my friend, but her heart is at war with my platonic ideas of Dante and Beatrice. This is indeed a mystery. And had I not been instructed by my masters, Goethe, Salomon, Tisiphone (Revenge) my soul would have swallowed whole into the ghastly Pit of Hell.
Ella pretende ser mi amiga, pero su corazón está en guerra implacable con mis ideas platónicas en la Beatrix de Dante. Esto es un misterio. No hubiese sido yo instruido en los aforismos del Sabio Salomón, Tisiphone (venganza) hubiera tragado mi alma en las profundidades del infierno.
The Furies, Alecto, Megaera and Tisiphone have enchained her soul in places waste and dismal, and like Medusa, she is now a dreadful spirit rambling and haunting the underworld.
Las Furias, Alecto, Megaera y Tisiphone, le han encadenado en lugares desolados de todo amor y perdón, y como Medusa, ella es ahora un espíritu desdichado deambulando los mundos inferiores.
Of course, on the outside --on the outward, during the diurnal hours of her conscious mind, she is a good Kundry, but, on the other nightly realm of the unconscious mind, Lilith, the snake, has her many daughters of perdition.
Por supuesto, durante el día ella es una buena dama Kundry, pero en las obligadas horas de la noche de nuestro subconsciente, Lilith, la serpiente, tiene sus hijas de perdición.
The truth of these baffling psychological insights, like golden coins smelted in the fire-furnace of hard-won experiences, are to be learned in the Proverbs of Salomon (Chapter 6, and the snares of a bad woman is like gall and sourer than vinegar), which I am sure Goethe had studied very carefully, as did the other strong German philosophers, Nietzsche’s and Schopenhauer, are daily corroborated in the misfortunes of some men.
La verdad de estas ideas e iluminaciones, como aquellos Proverbios del Sabio Salomón (Proverbios Capitulo 5..."porque amarga como la hiel son los lazos de una mujer mala") los cuales Goethe ya había estudiado con cuidado, como también aquellos filósofos perspicaces, Nietzsche y Schopenhauer, son corroborada en las vivencias de algunos hombres desafortunados.
Accordingly, if we are to understand Goethe's Faust, one would have to read it as a wise collection of aphorism, maxims and proverbs.
Como ya se ha dicho, si queréis entender el Fausto de Goethe, tendríamos que leerlo como los sabios consejos, máximas, aforismos y proverbios del Sabio Salomón.
The Furies, Goethe's Faust, Part II: Act One
You are bound to trust in us, do what you will,
For we are young and pretty and make eyes.
If one of you is fonder than is wise
We’ll tickle him behind the ears until
He’ll listen when we tell him tete-a-tete,
That she likes more than one man at a time,
Soft in the head, crooked-backed she is and lame
And as his bride-to-be not worth a lot.
And we beset that bride-to-be as well:
Her man himself, a little while ago,
Spoke ill of her to some Miss So- and-So
They may make up, but something rankles still.
Frivolities! For once they are joined together
I step in, I can convert love’s good
On the swing of a mood to gall and wormwood.
Time and humanities, unsteady as the weather!
Once in his arms holding the wished-for fast
He longs for something yet more wished than The highest happiness become quotidian,
Flees from the sun, the fool, to warm the frost.
With all this I know what I must do
And introduce Asmodeus, the ever faithful,
Who screws bad karma when the time is favourable.
And so I ruin humans two humans two by two.
I whet knives, I mix poison
Worse than words, to hurt the traitor.
Love another, sooner or later
You will lie with Perdition.
All that’s sweetest you will trade for
Sourest in an equal measure.
There’s no haggling your debt lower,
What you did, that you will paid for.
Beg Forgiveness. Save your breath my dear.
I appeal to walls of rock:
Revenge! Revenge! They answer back.
The one you left her for is –Death.
Mala Suerte - On Bad Luck and Good Luck:
In Spanish Bad Luck is translated "mala suerte."
That bad mental energy may find its medium and manifestation in living entities was a wide-spread belief, not only among the Northern people, but also in Latin America and among the Asiatic people.
Este escrito sobre la mala suerte en nuestras vidas, no es sino una recapitulación de otras reflexiones sobre el poder de la voluntad (will-power), "malo o bueno," en la activación de nuestras facultades mentales (psíquicas).
Cómo podemos entender los insondables misterios de la virtud y la maldad, la desgracia o las bendiciones, sin la admisión de lo sobrenatural?
Las personas más extraordinarias, desde filósofos y genios del calibre de Mozart, Goethe, Franz Liszt, aún en sus últimos años, mostraron una profunda convicción sobre el destino de sus vidas como determinado por este antagonismo: un terrible duelo entre las fuerzas del bien y el mal.
Algunos pensadores admitirían el desenlace de la vida, "sus trabas y dramas," como el resultado de una lucha en el mundo de los espíritus. Por lo tanto, se tenía por muy en serio el asunto moral de la limpieza, "la purificación," y en algunos casos el exorcismo, como una necesidad tan urgente como sería el solemne acto de la eucarística, el bautismo, la comunión.
Among different cultures and people, many peasants would admit some occult maleficus powers as related to the inexplicably changes and creepy morphology of some animals (the mysterious appearance and disappearance of Chupacabra in Puerto Rico, to this day, has not yet been satisfactorily explained as simply the audacious drivels of profiteers looking to enrich themselves on the silly gullibility of the Latino people. The news became widespread all over the globe.
Every country and people may have a dreadful story of strange entities or devils, however scary, rambling the forested woods of "animal magnetism" and magic.
Puerto Rico has their ghastly Chupacabras, and the Dominican Republic, a country neighboring with Haiti, has their prodigious share of strange entities and stories of creepy people who may strike kindred with the Devil.
La República Dominicana, como Haití, tienen hoy sus legiones de brujos, hechiceros, satanistas, y prácticas tan abominable como es la Santeria, el Voodoo, entre otras viles ofensas al Altísimo. El resultado ha sido catastrófico, porque bien se sabe que el Rey de las moscas, gusanos y lombrices, es el señor Mefistófeles, y este principe tiene su morada en el infierno bajo la orden de Satan el Emperador. República Dominicana, según me cuentan, ya los vientos purificantes de la Fe Cristiana soplan con menos vigor en el alma y divinidad de sus antepasados.
In exchange for Maleficus Powers, so the stories go, the Devil would bestow the fiendish satanist with supernatural abilities to morph themselves into an animal at will. Stories abound of shady, night-rambling entities who seem to be impervious to either bullet or knife; and in some remarkable cases, the satanist could even impose his fatale will upon the hapless victim.
Chapter XI: Galipote, A Demonic Entity From Colonial Times
Galipote, Juan D' Los Palos, Oil On Canvas, Life-Size, by Ed. Beato
Rightlly so! That's why haunting-cases like the ghost of Madam Jumel at the hoary Morris Mansion, may capture the fascination of a devoted audience out there, because the beauty-lady, a former prostitute, seems to defy even the world of Newton's physics and even our judicious system!
Like a courageous draft horse overcome by some shade impeding the night-journey, so we may confront the haunting shadow. With goggled eyes, ever-rolling around, ever-darting into every corner, nevertheless, we soon are forced to back off. Sweating and painting may cower under the fear of the unknown: the X of Immanuel Kant. Nay, and to our dreadful surprise, some ghosts seem to defy the very canon of the Judea-Christian religion.
Finally, in explaining the spirit realm of unresolved passions, betrayal, revenge and many other baffling phenomena pertaining to the bottomlessness of the human heart, these tragic love-stories, like the one herein inquired, are very helpful to explaining how psychic energy may linger on after we cease to live with our current physical bodies.
These kinetic forces may, somehow, continue active, yet suspended in another co-existing dimension, sort of speak, they haunt us while we live next to them --side by side. That's why, in Autumn Season, few birds may dare visit the Morris-Jumel Mansion at a midnight walk; thereat we are received by the alluring sounds of jingling bells, and some feeble shades may hide behind the eerie groves of yore, and the chilly feeling of intuitive perceptions may shake us off equanimity!
And like Virgil to Dante, we may look back at the august Mansion of bygone happy days saying: "Look out! Look out! Look out! The Ghost Of Madam Jumel"
Reminding the sceptic minds out there, that this mysterious universe reverberates with the grave music of mysteries.
An Owl: "Who are the ghosts suspended in the midnight of history?
Who is there?
--On the Three Furies of Goethe and Dante Alighieri:
When speaking of the Hebrew demon Lilith, I must clarify that I am not a Misanthrope or a hater of the feminine creature (misogynist), the feminine mystery is reconciled in the pure person of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Cuando se habla de aquel demonio de la mitología Hebrea, Lilith (primera esposa de Adam), sería oportuno aclarar que no soy un misántropo, más aún, la misoginia no halla lugar en mi corazón, porque los misterios de la belleza femenina alcanzan su plenitud en la persona de María, la Madre de Jesus (bendito sea tu vientre de tu niño Jesus):
But one only has to peruse the Holy Scriptures, and may even agree with the madness of Nietzsche and the wise Proverbs of Salomon, and read therein how the strongest men are overcome by the hypnotizing powers of Delilah, or the baneful hexes of Lilith.
Pero solo tenemos que estudiar las Sagradas Escrituras, y quizá podéis simpatizar con las rabias de Nietzsche, o con aquel maestro tan sufridos por mujeres: el Sabio Salomón y sus aforismos para el joven prudente (Proverbios 5-6).
Aquí se describe, con la perspicacia y agudeza de un sicólogo par excellence, el modus operandi con el cual algunos hombres poderosos, castos y vigorosos, terminan cayendo presa bajo los brazos de amor de una mujer tan bella como fuera Dalilah, o aquella terrible mujer como la seductora Lilith.
In the Parsifal by Wagner, we therein read how Klingsor uses the alluring power of his nymphs to destroying the great hero; and thus, among the strongest races, a great heroine like Judith or Cleopatra, could win a battle through the abstractus-power of feminina belleza; their beauty, their charms can exert power over kings and monarchs, and via extension, nations and people are ultimately ruled by a beautiful Cleopatra --the Lady Rules our Society.
En el Parsifal de Wagner, aquí leemos de aquel temerario rey, Klingsor, quien como Asmodeus, usaría el poder de estas ninfas de seducción para fines mezquinos y despiadado.
Vale la pena recordar estos casos extraordinarios, tan complejo en las encrucijadas de la virtud o la maldad, y que otrora se emplearan entre las gentes más fuertes y astutas, es decir, aquellas mujeres semitas del estirpe de Judith, o aquella Egipcia tan astuta, Cleopatra, ganar guerras psicológicas con sus dardos abstracto en la mente del incauto; así, con sus extraordinarios atributos físicos pudieron ejercer gran poder sobre monarcas, reyes, mobiliarios, y por extensión --como suele suceder muy a menudo--naciones y comunidades pueden ser dominada por algunas de estas mujeres astutas. Tal belleza, tendría que admitir, reina sobre la sociedad.
Among some very beautiful women, however lacking restraint and chastity, there is to be found a subliminal spell, it may not be a “hex,” but Psyche, as though bewitched by the unconscious, is more apt to be made easy conquest and conquered territory, and the once mighty man, whether an Attila or a King David, are forthwith reduced to mere pygmies and caricatures.
En algunas mujeres muy hermosas pero no castas y sin pudor, suele hallarse aquel maleficio de un poder de "belleza fatale," quizás no sea un hechizo como el de aquella detestable bruja que se menciona en el Fausto de Goethe, Primera Parte (La Cocina de Una Bruja), pero su poder, en sus extraordinarios atributos físicos, nadie lo pondrían en duda. La dama gobierna la sociedad!
Sin embargo, en algunos casos, el subconsciente puede quedar hipnotizado con estos encantos y "pociones" tan funestos y trágicos, los cuales, para una mente débil, terminaría siendo fácil presa: "territorio conquistado."
De esta manera, aquel hombre de respetabilidad y poder, ya sea este hombre un Attila o un Rey David, podría ser reducido a un mero pigmeo de órdenes, o un siervo de antojos bajo el poder de esta Galatea de amores y dulzuras. :
The sublime story of Judith, strikingly similar to that of the beautiful blond Idilco or Hildegunde as known in the Germanic saga, and who was suspected of murdering Attila in the night of their amorous tryst, such Shakespearean plots and shocking twists are not to be found in the Protestant Cannon, and I wonder why.
La sublime historia de Judith, que a propósito, me sorprende por su mordaz parentesco a aquella bella rubia fatal de los Alemanes, Idilco o Hildegunde, como se conoce en la Saga germánica, y quien se sospechara de ser la autora y asesina de Attila, Rey de Los Unos, en aquella noche fatal amorosa, es en verdad un ejemplo singular de lo que aquí se analiza con la ayuda de Andromeda, mi amada profesora.
Tales tragedias amorosas, complot y dramas (e.g. Judith, Tobias en el Viejo Testamento), tan frecuente en los escritos de Shakespeare, fueron removidas del canon de Fe de La Religión Protestante. Me pregunto por qué?
The Apocrypha Book of Judith, due to its murdering plot, was considered to be unworthy of a sacred place in The Bible, and eventually, even among some Catholic Bibles, the story was deemed "disturbing" and too mundane to be accepted as inspired by Jehovah God. And so, today the name of Judith, a terrible Jewish Heroine, bears little connection to the wary character as found in the Bible.
El Libro Apócrifo de Judith, debido a aquel complot sanguinario contra el Rey Holofernes, ha sido considerada indigna de tener un lugar sagrado en La Biblia, y eventualmente, aún en algunas traducciones de las Biblias de los Católicos, la historia fue considerada alarmante, "mundana," para ser aceptada como inspirada por Dios.
De esta manera, aún hoy día, el nombre de la heroina Judia, Judith, a penas se le recuerda como aquel personaje guerrero, defensora de su gente semita. La historia de Judith, solo se menciona como un libro apócrifo, controversial, espeluznante, pero maravillosa y de gran pudor en las versiones de ciertas Biblias aceptada como inspirada para los católicos.
The Lady Is Beyond Impunity:
Even today, in cities so complex like New York or Paris --with such tightly-hewn judicial system, replete with laws and edicts almost for everything-- when understanding the jurisprudence of men, their laws, their astonishing undoing methods and stratagems, woman is, and has been through-out history “the lady beyond impunity:" and she has much power in abstractus.
Aún hoy en día, en ciudades tan complejas como lo es Nueva York o Paris --con su códigos repletos de leyes para casi todos los casos éticos más complejos-- cuando tratamos de entender la jurisprudencia de algunos hombres, sus métodos contra sus propias leyes, y aquella común estratagema de acuerdo a la afilada acusación contra el carácter de aquel hombre, pues quien como una mujer más allá de la impunidad?
Such woman would be the more effective provided she could be escorted by two lawyers, the Devil's Advocate and Asmodeus; and with few doubts, one of the most effective ways to destroying a man's character and career, and by extension his life, with laser-like precision, would be with the piercing arrow of a feminine accuser.
Tal mujer brava en su rabia sin tregua, y asistida con este gran activista del diablo, Mefistófeles el abogado, y su fiel siervo Asmodeus, pues lanzarían sus dardos con la precisión de un rayo láser, o las afiladas flechas de aquella lengua venenosa en la acusación de una dama, una Herodias, sobrecogida en su furia y venganza implacable.
The Colossal Man of Integrity is thus reduced to smothering rubles and smuts and smoke. Even if in the accusing intent, for whatever reason, happens to be retracted, rebutted or annulled, the poor victim would have a slight smear staining the latter nature of his actions; and so Bill Clinton, however noble and great his actions and deeds, would forever be haunted by the ghost of that tell-all woman of his weaknesses. The spectrum of his society has forever cast something morally suspicious on the aura and character of King David.
De esta manera, el hombre de integridad sería reducidos a cenizas y ruinas de polvos y escombros. Aunque el acusado, ya sea absuelto de toda culpa, y el intento de acusar sea ya anulado en la retracción de esta mujer tan enojada, aún así, la reputación y carácter de la víctima siempre estará tildada con los dardos de su enemigo.
De esta manera, Bill Clinton, cuan grandes sus obras y hechos, cuan noble sus favores y altruismo, siempre tendrán el espectro nefasto de aquel fantasma en la mujer de su debilidad.
The Bible continues to amaze us due to its universal truths and relevance in the unfathomable trenches of Human Nature. And the psychological subtlety of the ancient prophets was but the wisdom of ages, the wise sayings of sages; their appraisal of human society was indeed divorced of any silly conjecture, religious sentimentality or bias; the events and circumstances are marvelously presented with the objectivity, transparency and shocking reality of life.
La Biblia sigue instruyéndonos con aquellas verdades universales en los cimientos de la Naturaleza Humana. La sutileza psicológica de estos antiguos profetas no es sino la sabiduría de las edades.
Los Proverbios del Sabio Salomón, sus observaciones de la sociedad, su prudencia y consejos, están siempre divorciados de estos sentimentalismo tan personales, o aquellos prejuicios de conjeturas insensatas y necias en pensadores menos perspicaces. Por lo tanto, los eventos y crónicas como se presentan en la Biblia, son tan objetivo y cierto como el serio drama y realidad de la vida misma: el misterio del bien y el mal.
The Three Furies of Goethe:
Estos escritos fueron traducido por mi gran amiga, María Fidelidad, pero la primera parte se borró por error técnico. Aquí se trata de explicar la jurisprudencia de los Alemanes de ayer, muy a menudo afectada por los clásicos de Homero, Dante y luego Goethe. Parte de estos escritos fueron traducido como un ensayo filosófico y literario.
Goethe, bien sabemos que era un poeta de gran sensibilidad, al final de su Fausto, Segunda Parte, nos encontramos con aquellas mujeres virtuosas en el cielo. Sin embargo, su Fausto está repleto de advertencias sobre el peligro de las pasiones sin la Estrella Matutina.
In the German society and their jurisprudence, so cautious in their dealing with the explosive stuff of human nature, and this could have been due to the popularity of Parsifal by Wagner as a succinct recapitulation of Goethe's Faust's tobogganing insights on such array of complicated ethical issues: betrayals, feuds, vendetta, the gripes of suspiciousness, jealousy and infidelity. Nevertheless, it was, as it is today in certain places in Germany, and even in some asiatic cultures, very unmanly to resort to finding an accuser to tarnishing a man of good character.
And one may say, the apparent circumspection and distrust among some German people, are not to mar their excellent ideas of friendship as tested by the furnace of time and circumstances: once one wins their trust, one would come to value it as rare pearl of exquisite glint.
The concrete power and reliability of a man of steel is the shimmering sparks of reason, his wit, his sanity, his self-respect, but once a man loses his head for a Lilith or a Cleopatra, he would have fallen under the sneer and contempt of any decent society.
Therefore, it would have been better to such silly a man, that is to say, if he is neither a dog nor a wolf wagging his tail --yelping and barking all nightlong, to mitigate his carnal minds in the mad writings of Nietzsche or Henry D. Thoreau, The Walden Pond, Solitude.
Note: This e-mail was sent only to men of steel like Heinrich Schliemann, because, a man of honor would never forget the past wrongs committed to his persona. Certainly, he may forgive, but he would not forget, because he would end up barking like a dog trying to bite his tail.
And here lies the difference, a precipitous chasm, a lacuna between man and man, woman and woman.
There are the divine Sophias and Helenes and Marias, but there are also the hellish Liliths and Alectoes!
The Three Furies of Goethe:
It is obvious that Goethe, like Salomon in his wise aphorisms, is warning the strong German youth to be careful with these woes and banes of nations.
Las Tres Furias en Fausto, Parte II, que quizás simbolicen a una mujer de "tres cabezas descorazonada," también ha de encontrarse en el Infierno de Dante Alighieri, (Infierno IX), y es obvio que Goethe, como en los Proverbios de Salomón, advierte al joven de aquellos males y desgracias tan comunes.
Over and over again, Goethe warns us on the erratic duality of this "female enigma fatale," but a pure woman can much avail with her redeeming power, loving hands and fidelity: chastity, purity and submission.
Una y otra vez, Goethe nos advierte de esta dualidad tan errática en ese enigma femenino fatal; pero una mujer pura puede ser de mucho alivio con sus manos de mujer fiel, casta, sumisa y santa.
Once we reach the arching heaven, there we shall find the holy maid, the other side of goodness embodied in the Immaculate Mary or Gretchen, and the sweet lady could then apply the poultice to the wounded soul Amfortas (Character in Parsifal who was mortally maimed by a witch).
Ya en el Cielo, con Andromeda redimida, ahí hallaremos esta doncella de pudor y belleza, la naturaleza del bien encarnada en la virgen María, o en Margarita, la dama linda de Fausto Parte 1. Entonces la dulce dama podría aplicar su lienzo de sanacion en el Alma de Amfortas (personaje desafortunado en Parsifal que sufrió gran agravio por una bruja).
The breath of a pure woman is like Apple!
El aliento de una dama buena es como una manzana!
In my early twenties, I felt in love with a young beautiful lady, a Margarita-like lady, and along with her mother, Marta, I often saw the two ladies going to church on Sunday morning.
Durante mi juventud, me enamoré de una dama hermosa, una Margarita, con su madre Marta, solía verle ir a la Iglesia todos los Domingos en la mañana.
Unfortunately, the heavenly maid was not as chaste, and she filthily copulated with a son of perdition, a Sphinx of mysteries. To this day, she is a wounded soul --the gash of her guilt bleeds the bloody tears of shame and dishonor. Her spirit cannot find rest because she is a traitor.
Desafortunadamente, la dama no era tan casta, y ya tendría su cúpula con un hijo de perdición, una Esfinge de misterios. Hasta hoy día, ella es una alma herida, la llaga de su culpa todavía derrama la sangre de su vergüenza y deshora.
She pretends to be my friend, but her heart is at war with my platonic ideas of Dante and Beatrice. This is indeed a mystery. And had I not been instructed by my masters, Goethe, Salomon, Tisiphone (Revenge) my soul would have swallowed whole into the ghastly Pit of Hell.
Ella pretende ser mi amiga, pero su corazón está en guerra implacable con mis ideas platónicas en la Beatrix de Dante. Esto es un misterio. No hubiese sido yo instruido en los aforismos del Sabio Salomón, Tisiphone (venganza) hubiera tragado mi alma en las profundidades del infierno.
The Furies, Alecto, Megaera and Tisiphone have enchained her soul in places waste and dismal, and like Medusa, she is now a dreadful spirit rambling and haunting the underworld.
Las Furias, Alecto, Megaera y Tisiphone, le han encadenado en lugares desolados de todo amor y perdón, y como Medusa, ella es ahora un espíritu desdichado deambulando los mundos inferiores.
Of course, on the outside --on the outward, during the diurnal hours of her conscious mind, she is a good Kundry, but, on the other nightly realm of the unconscious mind, Lilith, the snake, has her many daughters of perdition.
Por supuesto, durante el día ella es una buena dama Kundry, pero en las obligadas horas de la noche de nuestro subconsciente, Lilith, la serpiente, tiene sus hijas de perdición.
The truth of these baffling psychological insights, like golden coins smelted in the fire-furnace of hard-won experiences, are to be learned in the Proverbs of Salomon (Chapter 6, and the snares of a bad woman is like gall and sourer than vinegar), which I am sure Goethe had studied very carefully, as did the other strong German philosophers, Nietzsche’s and Schopenhauer, are daily corroborated in the misfortunes of some men.
La verdad de estas ideas e iluminaciones, como aquellos Proverbios del Sabio Salomón (Proverbios Capitulo 5..."porque amarga como la hiel son los lazos de una mujer mala") los cuales Goethe ya había estudiado con cuidado, como también aquellos filósofos perspicaces, Nietzsche y Schopenhauer, son corroborada en las vivencias de algunos hombres desafortunados.
Accordingly, if we are to understand Goethe's Faust, one would have to read it as a wise collection of aphorism, maxims and proverbs.
Como ya se ha dicho, si queréis entender el Fausto de Goethe, tendríamos que leerlo como los sabios consejos, máximas, aforismos y proverbios del Sabio Salomón.
The Furies, Goethe's Faust, Part II: Act One
You are bound to trust in us, do what you will,
For we are young and pretty and make eyes.
If one of you is fonder than is wise
We’ll tickle him behind the ears until
He’ll listen when we tell him tete-a-tete,
That she likes more than one man at a time,
Soft in the head, crooked-backed she is and lame
And as his bride-to-be not worth a lot.
And we beset that bride-to-be as well:
Her man himself, a little while ago,
Spoke ill of her to some Miss So- and-So
They may make up, but something rankles still.
Frivolities! For once they are joined together
I step in, I can convert love’s good
On the swing of a mood to gall and wormwood.
Time and humanities, unsteady as the weather!
Once in his arms holding the wished-for fast
He longs for something yet more wished than The highest happiness become quotidian,
Flees from the sun, the fool, to warm the frost.
With all this I know what I must do
And introduce Asmodeus, the ever faithful,
Who screws bad karma when the time is favourable.
And so I ruin humans two humans two by two.
I whet knives, I mix poison
Worse than words, to hurt the traitor.
Love another, sooner or later
You will lie with Perdition.
All that’s sweetest you will trade for
Sourest in an equal measure.
There’s no haggling your debt lower,
What you did, that you will paid for.
Beg Forgiveness. Save your breath my dear.
I appeal to walls of rock:
Revenge! Revenge! They answer back.
The one you left her for is –Death.
Mala Suerte - On Bad Luck and Good Luck:
In Spanish Bad Luck is translated "mala suerte."
That bad mental energy may find its medium and manifestation in living entities was a wide-spread belief, not only among the Northern people, but also in Latin America and among the Asiatic people.
Este escrito sobre la mala suerte en nuestras vidas, no es sino una recapitulación de otras reflexiones sobre el poder de la voluntad (will-power), "malo o bueno," en la activación de nuestras facultades mentales (psíquicas).
Cómo podemos entender los insondables misterios de la virtud y la maldad, la desgracia o las bendiciones, sin la admisión de lo sobrenatural?
Las personas más extraordinarias, desde filósofos y genios del calibre de Mozart, Goethe, Franz Liszt, aún en sus últimos años, mostraron una profunda convicción sobre el destino de sus vidas como determinado por este antagonismo: un terrible duelo entre las fuerzas del bien y el mal.
Algunos pensadores admitirían el desenlace de la vida, "sus trabas y dramas," como el resultado de una lucha en el mundo de los espíritus. Por lo tanto, se tenía por muy en serio el asunto moral de la limpieza, "la purificación," y en algunos casos el exorcismo, como una necesidad tan urgente como sería el solemne acto de la eucarística, el bautismo, la comunión.
Among different cultures and people, many peasants would admit some occult maleficus powers as related to the inexplicably changes and creepy morphology of some animals (the mysterious appearance and disappearance of Chupacabra in Puerto Rico, to this day, has not yet been satisfactorily explained as simply the audacious drivels of profiteers looking to enrich themselves on the silly gullibility of the Latino people. The news became widespread all over the globe.
Every country and people may have a dreadful story of strange entities or devils, however scary, rambling the forested woods of "animal magnetism" and magic.
Puerto Rico has their ghastly Chupacabras, and the Dominican Republic, a country neighboring with Haiti, has their prodigious share of strange entities and stories of creepy people who may strike kindred with the Devil.
La República Dominicana, como Haití, tienen hoy sus legiones de brujos, hechiceros, satanistas, y prácticas tan abominable como es la Santeria, el Voodoo, entre otras viles ofensas al Altísimo. El resultado ha sido catastrófico, porque bien se sabe que el Rey de las moscas, gusanos y lombrices, es el señor Mefistófeles, y este principe tiene su morada en el infierno bajo la orden de Satan el Emperador. República Dominicana, según me cuentan, ya los vientos purificantes de la Fe Cristiana soplan con menos vigor en el alma y divinidad de sus antepasados.
In exchange for Maleficus Powers, so the stories go, the Devil would bestow the fiendish satanist with supernatural abilities to morph themselves into an animal at will. Stories abound of shady, night-rambling entities who seem to be impervious to either bullet or knife; and in some remarkable cases, the satanist could even impose his fatale will upon the hapless victim.
Chapter XI: Galipote, A Demonic Entity From Colonial Times
Galipote, Juan D' Los Palos, Oil On Canvas, Life-Size, by Ed. Beato
A Galipote, as it is called by the Dominican people, may still send shivers down our spine. The said demon-possessed individual, in conformity to his diabolical nature, during some nights, and making the most disheartening growls and rustles, would devour or rip-off the crops of the poor Dominican peasants. The authority, unfortunately, cannot remain long enough into the night to catch the monster of such savagery.
La pobreza de una nación empieza en su desintegración moral, estética y cultural. Como es de esperarse, hoy día nuestro país lucha con estos espíritus que atormentan a nuestros seres queridos.
The Galipote, as it is reported by some witnesses, would even transform into new guises, subterfuges, and physiological contrivances resembling canines, or any mysterious onlooking stranger standing nearby; thus, incognito, sort of speak, the said individual, in his new docile appearance, would visit his adversaries at any time of the day; and quietly, would even inquire on anything said about him.
Cada nación tiene sus cucos, sus matadores en serie, sus brujas en las orgias y copulaciones de Lilith y Asmodeus. En los Estados Unidos, entre otros países del Norte, se reportan casos de seres tenebrosos, y sin hacer mucho énfasis o importancia en sus nombres según el idioma de los aborígenes, desde Sasquatch, Vaka o Galipote, la fuerzas de la maldad operan más efectivas en la noche, en la jungla, en las obligadas neblinas del Norte: peor por lugares abandonados, donde el derecho a la dignidad humana no existe.
As the story goes, the form of a dog is generally more preferable and highly more suitable, because, a dog, or a cat, better than a lion or a fox, can play the role of foe or friend without any misgiving!
Chapter XII: Juan D' Los Palos' Erratic Behavior
La pobreza de una nación empieza en su desintegración moral, estética y cultural. Como es de esperarse, hoy día nuestro país lucha con estos espíritus que atormentan a nuestros seres queridos.
The Galipote, as it is reported by some witnesses, would even transform into new guises, subterfuges, and physiological contrivances resembling canines, or any mysterious onlooking stranger standing nearby; thus, incognito, sort of speak, the said individual, in his new docile appearance, would visit his adversaries at any time of the day; and quietly, would even inquire on anything said about him.
Cada nación tiene sus cucos, sus matadores en serie, sus brujas en las orgias y copulaciones de Lilith y Asmodeus. En los Estados Unidos, entre otros países del Norte, se reportan casos de seres tenebrosos, y sin hacer mucho énfasis o importancia en sus nombres según el idioma de los aborígenes, desde Sasquatch, Vaka o Galipote, la fuerzas de la maldad operan más efectivas en la noche, en la jungla, en las obligadas neblinas del Norte: peor por lugares abandonados, donde el derecho a la dignidad humana no existe.
As the story goes, the form of a dog is generally more preferable and highly more suitable, because, a dog, or a cat, better than a lion or a fox, can play the role of foe or friend without any misgiving!
Chapter XII: Juan D' Los Palos' Erratic Behavior
In 1969, it was reported, in Sabana Iglesia, Santiago, DR, that a mild, gentle man of good manners named Juan de Los Palos, would not accept any goodly victual given to him during daytime, but later, in the night, the soft-spoken man would show up in the guise of a dog wagging his tail; and thus, in such animal form, he would devour the few remaining crumbs strewn on the floor.
Don Juan! Pues sí existe este espíritu de la seducción, el adulterio y la fornicacion, y bien sabemos que hay algo de verdad en esta anécdota. La chica inteligente, mi querida niña, ya está advertida de este emisario infernal, hijo horripilante del demonio Asmodeus, que puede robar su corona con chicas del calibre de María y Marta.
Mi tia, apellido Díaz, de Sabana Iglesia, con una escoba de dura fábrica, le rompió varios costillas a Don Juan de Los Palos, "conquistador par excellence."
Don Juan, quien rehusaba comer su deliciosa vianda durante el día, ya en la noche vendría este astuto en forma de perro para devorar las migajas, se reportó estar grave de dolores con la paliza que le propinó mi Tia Nina. Pobre chico, no se percató de que La Niña rezaba su Santa María (el rosario) todas las noches antes de acostarse con su abuelita Clementina.
The infamous case and practice, came to the attention of an old lady named Nina Diaz (my aunt from my mother's side), who suspicious of Juan de Los Palos' erratic behavior, had the curious idea to strike the night-roaming cur on his flanks with a hard broom.
Don Juan, who, neither as a dog, nor as a good man, henceforth lived on in human form, stopped visiting my aunt's house, was reported to have suffered broken ribs, sudden convulsion of inexplicable wriggles and twinging pains for many months.
Don Juan de Los Palos, ni como perro ni como hombre, desde entonces, ya no visitaría a mi Tia Niña. Sin embargo, tal lección moral es solo una advertencia, de que el animal y la bestia pueden tener influencia en nuestra psiquis.
La enseñanza no es de tomarse literalmente; quizás Juan de Los Palos no era realmente un perro lujurioso, pero los seres más peligrosos parecen tener sus naturalezas inclinada hacia la noche. En su sentido medular, el perro es simplemente símbolo de lealtad o mezquindad, pero también de lujuria y pobreza en algunas referencias...
In such frequent instances, the Will-to-Exist of Schopenhauer, would alarm us that the mysterious operations of mother nature are at work --24 hours; and they may manifest themselves not only in humans, but also in other living organism, reptiles, mammals and even in insects, larvae and eggs, galore, would be left behind to spring about from any corner or hole; and feebly enough, so as to pass on almost unnoticed, such powers would manifest themselves even in plants; or, from time to time, we would witness, to our surprise, the sudden withering away of the most beautiful flowers, petals and virtues --as if some evil, pernicious influence or spirit, all the while, has been at work behind most people's miserable lives... Hence, Goethe warns us:
In All This Junk and Rotting Life
Nits and Nitwittery are Rife
(Goethe, Faust Part II, Act II)
Accordingly, to be assaulted by an unpredictable army of bedbugs, lice, mites, fleas, or, a sudden swarm of vermin and rats creeping from any hole into our living space at midnight, may warn us of potential adversaries lurking invisible: imminent dangers and many trials in our brief existence to keep us awake all night long.
Aquellos que han leído a Fausto por Goethe, pues ya estáis familiarizado con la astucia de Satanas, y como este espíritu tiene su afinidad con estas criaturas de nuestro terror. Pronto, limpiad vuestra morada, no sea que el demonio encuentre lugar en tú recámara, en tú recinto sagrado.
Siguiendo los sabios consejos del Maestro, descarta todo aquello que está infectado por las larvas de estos insectos, cuyos huevos y parásitos podrían proliferarse como un fenómeno de la maldad. Ahí tendréis su guarida, estas fuerzas nefastas que operan las 24 horas del día.
Likewise, cats and dogs, as being our nearest witnesses and most faithful friends, and without any doubt, closest to our daily intimate experiences, are indeed highly susceptible to the presence of a false friend or rascal, simply, by the most subtle signs, traces or streaks of shades left here and there, thus providing some inklings as to how well we have done with our beloved Homo Homini Lupus (Man Is Wolf To His Fellow Man): but also a gentle chilly breeze rippling across the curtain, or, a sudden gust of air breaking through the main entrance door --leaving this latter ajar, and yet, furnishing us but with little evidence of its source of origination, may warn us of a passing ghost or spirit in the twilight of our existence...
Así mismo, también sed sensible a tus mejores amigos, el Gato y el Perro, cuyo olfato es sutil para desenmascarar un enemigo oculto en un amigo de duplicidad. Pues estos canallas siempre dejan sus rastros, quizás una huella aquí y allí, como prueba de su naturaleza interna. De esta manera, proveen estos seres evidencias de su naturaleza interna. Entonces diremos con el Sabio Salomón:
Y que tan bien nos va con nuestros compañeros de la existencia?
Homo Homini Lupus (Man Is Wolf To His Fellow Man)
El Hombre es Lobo de Su Vecino (Hobbes, the Leviathan).
Chapter XIII: On The Power of Prayer
However aware of the inexplicable power of prayer to ward off evil forces, I have found few things so effective and expedient as cleanliness, a propitious shower, good music, the power of art, the healing wood of mother nature and philosophy. No sooner I grabbed a bulky volume of Arthur Schopenhauer On Spirit Apparitions, when, all of a sudden, many strange things took in another different light and shade.
Having said all this, I am not hereby denying the irrefutable fact, that for the most part, our minds are astonishingly subjective.
* * * * * * *
Don Juan! Pues sí existe este espíritu de la seducción, el adulterio y la fornicacion, y bien sabemos que hay algo de verdad en esta anécdota. La chica inteligente, mi querida niña, ya está advertida de este emisario infernal, hijo horripilante del demonio Asmodeus, que puede robar su corona con chicas del calibre de María y Marta.
Mi tia, apellido Díaz, de Sabana Iglesia, con una escoba de dura fábrica, le rompió varios costillas a Don Juan de Los Palos, "conquistador par excellence."
Don Juan, quien rehusaba comer su deliciosa vianda durante el día, ya en la noche vendría este astuto en forma de perro para devorar las migajas, se reportó estar grave de dolores con la paliza que le propinó mi Tia Nina. Pobre chico, no se percató de que La Niña rezaba su Santa María (el rosario) todas las noches antes de acostarse con su abuelita Clementina.
The infamous case and practice, came to the attention of an old lady named Nina Diaz (my aunt from my mother's side), who suspicious of Juan de Los Palos' erratic behavior, had the curious idea to strike the night-roaming cur on his flanks with a hard broom.
Don Juan, who, neither as a dog, nor as a good man, henceforth lived on in human form, stopped visiting my aunt's house, was reported to have suffered broken ribs, sudden convulsion of inexplicable wriggles and twinging pains for many months.
Don Juan de Los Palos, ni como perro ni como hombre, desde entonces, ya no visitaría a mi Tia Niña. Sin embargo, tal lección moral es solo una advertencia, de que el animal y la bestia pueden tener influencia en nuestra psiquis.
La enseñanza no es de tomarse literalmente; quizás Juan de Los Palos no era realmente un perro lujurioso, pero los seres más peligrosos parecen tener sus naturalezas inclinada hacia la noche. En su sentido medular, el perro es simplemente símbolo de lealtad o mezquindad, pero también de lujuria y pobreza en algunas referencias...
In such frequent instances, the Will-to-Exist of Schopenhauer, would alarm us that the mysterious operations of mother nature are at work --24 hours; and they may manifest themselves not only in humans, but also in other living organism, reptiles, mammals and even in insects, larvae and eggs, galore, would be left behind to spring about from any corner or hole; and feebly enough, so as to pass on almost unnoticed, such powers would manifest themselves even in plants; or, from time to time, we would witness, to our surprise, the sudden withering away of the most beautiful flowers, petals and virtues --as if some evil, pernicious influence or spirit, all the while, has been at work behind most people's miserable lives... Hence, Goethe warns us:
In All This Junk and Rotting Life
Nits and Nitwittery are Rife
(Goethe, Faust Part II, Act II)
Accordingly, to be assaulted by an unpredictable army of bedbugs, lice, mites, fleas, or, a sudden swarm of vermin and rats creeping from any hole into our living space at midnight, may warn us of potential adversaries lurking invisible: imminent dangers and many trials in our brief existence to keep us awake all night long.
Aquellos que han leído a Fausto por Goethe, pues ya estáis familiarizado con la astucia de Satanas, y como este espíritu tiene su afinidad con estas criaturas de nuestro terror. Pronto, limpiad vuestra morada, no sea que el demonio encuentre lugar en tú recámara, en tú recinto sagrado.
Siguiendo los sabios consejos del Maestro, descarta todo aquello que está infectado por las larvas de estos insectos, cuyos huevos y parásitos podrían proliferarse como un fenómeno de la maldad. Ahí tendréis su guarida, estas fuerzas nefastas que operan las 24 horas del día.
Likewise, cats and dogs, as being our nearest witnesses and most faithful friends, and without any doubt, closest to our daily intimate experiences, are indeed highly susceptible to the presence of a false friend or rascal, simply, by the most subtle signs, traces or streaks of shades left here and there, thus providing some inklings as to how well we have done with our beloved Homo Homini Lupus (Man Is Wolf To His Fellow Man): but also a gentle chilly breeze rippling across the curtain, or, a sudden gust of air breaking through the main entrance door --leaving this latter ajar, and yet, furnishing us but with little evidence of its source of origination, may warn us of a passing ghost or spirit in the twilight of our existence...
Así mismo, también sed sensible a tus mejores amigos, el Gato y el Perro, cuyo olfato es sutil para desenmascarar un enemigo oculto en un amigo de duplicidad. Pues estos canallas siempre dejan sus rastros, quizás una huella aquí y allí, como prueba de su naturaleza interna. De esta manera, proveen estos seres evidencias de su naturaleza interna. Entonces diremos con el Sabio Salomón:
Y que tan bien nos va con nuestros compañeros de la existencia?
Homo Homini Lupus (Man Is Wolf To His Fellow Man)
El Hombre es Lobo de Su Vecino (Hobbes, the Leviathan).
Chapter XIII: On The Power of Prayer
However aware of the inexplicable power of prayer to ward off evil forces, I have found few things so effective and expedient as cleanliness, a propitious shower, good music, the power of art, the healing wood of mother nature and philosophy. No sooner I grabbed a bulky volume of Arthur Schopenhauer On Spirit Apparitions, when, all of a sudden, many strange things took in another different light and shade.
Having said all this, I am not hereby denying the irrefutable fact, that for the most part, our minds are astonishingly subjective.
* * * * * * *
Some paranormal phenomena may still defy our understanding. I cannot say that I have been always victorious when confronting the other side of this reality.
From 1993 to 1999, and perhaps in 2004, I witnessed some strange events in my life. Alas, I cannot say how subjective or objective could be my mind to creating its own hells, delusions, fairy tales, angels and fantasy.
In 1979, I had an encounter with a ghost, an experience, which, frankly speaking, made me afraid of uncreated night for many years to come.
Still in my teens, I would sleep with the light-on all night long. When I had no electricity, I would simply light candles.
The Dominican Republic, without electricity, had something of the medieval times, some delightful dread that was irresistible to my childhood, and many Latinos, like the Scandinavians in medieval times ("Lapland Hags and Witches,") perhaps due to poverty, social segregation and ignorance, are quite often prey to many strange phenomena, demon-possessions and other diabolical superstitions: Santeria and Witchcraft have their faithful devotees among some Latinos. And even today, in USA, people believe in Mala Suerte (Bad Luck).
In 1995, not that far from where I lived, a Cuban woman, una Santera (a witch) --a Night-Hag, was reported to have dangerously tampered with the other spirits of our dread.
For many days and nights, a rancid and putrid odor coming from her apartment, led the perplexed tenants to call the authority. The hapless woman was found dead amidst her infamous practices and hideous objects, among which, there were to be found chicken's parts and entrails, dry bones, blood-splotches and other organic substances besmirching the floor and walls of her apartment.,
The stench of her residence was so repugnant and indescribably hellish, that for a long time, some of her neighboring tenants reported to have suffered from nightmare, nausea, and dizziness...
In the 90s, Latinos churches were overwhelmingly packed with people looking for help. Our neighborhoods and endless squalid slums were stricken with drugs, dysfunctional homes, unwanted pregnancy, witchcraft, obesity, superstition, segregation. The government did little to improve the condition of the minority community, and so, many hapless people gave themselves either to the mysterious forces of Satan or to the caring hands of Jesus Christ.
Under such dire circumstances, certainly, there was not better a place than in a nearby church; therein, in the snug sanctuary, tenderly illumined by the glimmer of hope, we would cry out to God for help:
"Please God, why don't you help these forsaken children? "
This was the time when paranormal experiences held sway the hearts, minds and homes of many people.
Only a bold mind, an Achilles-like, a courageous soul would confront and unmask these wicked entities in the netherworld of this pseudo-reality.
Such soul must be brave, because the devils, if they are indeed real, in many ways, guises, masks and modus operandi must --to our comprehension in dreadful things evil and disgusting-- may perhaps resemble some human beings in shape, behavior and coloration.
Ay! In this battlefield of life and death, and we are all here included, whole armies have been overcome with the dread of the unknown.
And it only takes a few effective mental tricks to enslave a whole people captive. No matter how strong you are, at times, the unknown, alas, would make you reflect, time and time again, how successful have you been in making headways through the many riddles of existence?
My Mother Nature and Paranormal Activity
The other night, while thinking about my mother, I heard an incredible clashing and crackling of dishes and utensils falling in the kitchen with great frightening clattering and pandemonium.
Oh my goodness! I felt my chilly blood run cold through my veins. The other day, early in the morning, to dissipate my fear and curiosity, I found out, that the sink-tap had been left slightly open, and had thus caused some dishes to slide over; and ever brimming and drifting with accumulated water, some dishes released their weight with a sudden fall and crashing!
Fortunately, and however creepy and scary, the floor was but dry with little signs of any unusual activity, moisture, ghosts, rat feces, suspicious odors or spoors left behind by any haunting phenomena --the ghastly Chupa-Cabra during the night of our dread and perspiration; and when I examined the sink, there were but few dishes and coups to account for so frightening an event. Perhaps my mind, while half-asleep, could have exaggerated the whole paranormal experience...?
* * * * * *
Chapter XIV: Against the Pervasive Spells of the Internet - Conjurations of Salomón | Fighting The Demons of Ancient Babylon
--Vence a los demonios en el nombre de Jesus.
Be aware that some head-aches, migraines, insomnias, dejection (depression), eerily sense of fainting, giddiness, nausea, and other "incomprehensible pricks in your chest" (twinging heart-aches), recurrent coldness and vacuity in the abdomen could be traceable to an inner struggle with the spirits of our dread.
At some point, you may be acting as though controlled by an invisible power (hand), sometimes driving you to act, however subliminal, in ways contrary to your own will and principles. Later on, you may realize that such past incident was beyond the threshold of your consciousness or awareness.
Quickly, call your Christian friends to pray about it.
Las Conjuraciones del Sabio Salomón:
This Amazing Powerful Prayer is not to be found in the canon of the Protestant Church (Old Testament), but it is, from a literary point of view, one of the finest prayers in the Old Testament.
Cada animal representan una fuerza psíquica, y su antítesis (e.g., serpiente vs paloma, luz vs tinieblas) parece operar milagros en la liberación de nuestros sentidos. Es en verdad increíble como cantidades de personas santas, desde menores a mayores, luchan con los nudos y terrible tentáculos de Medusa. Lo curioso es que sus serpientes se entrelazan como una red de nudos, de ahí su similitud con el fenómeno del Internet.
When I was 16, along with other teenagers, I had learned to recite these conjurations in Latin. The demon Adramalech, was very famous in the eighteenth century, is not to be found in the short excerpts below. Today, some obscure demons, Beelzebub, Belial, Mammon, Asmodeus, Moloch, Baal, Lilith, among other creepy entities from the crypts of ancient times in Babilonia, have fallen out of fashion, but their pervasive influence is still wrecking havoc.
Se dice que el Principe Asmodeus, es el demonio de la lujuria y la lascivia. Con la explosión del Internet, "la pornografia," and countless creepy dating-sites, este Terrible Espíritu ha hallado un puerta abierta para las psiquis del atormentado, y ahí atrapa la Chica Medusa sus desgraciadas presas con los terribles nudos de mil serpientes.
1-* Ángel de ojos muertos, ¡obedece o disípate con esta agua santa!
Angel of Deadly Eyes, Obey Me or Dissipate Thyself with This Holy Water.
2-* Toro alado, ¡trabaja o vuelve a la tierra si no quieres que te aguijonee con esta espada!
Winged Bull, Set Thyself To Work, Or Return To The Ground Lest I Smite Thee With This Sword.
3-* Águila encadenada, ¡obedece ante este signo o retírate con este soplo!
Enchained Eagle, Obey Me With This Sign Or Flee Before This Gust of Air.
4-* Serpiente movible, ¡arrástrate a mis pies o serás atormentada por el Fuego Sagrado y evapórate con los perfumes que yo quemo!
Slithering Snake! Drag Thyself Before My Feet Lest I Torment Thee With This Sacred Fire; Nay, Vanish Thyself At the Scents of This Burning Incense (Frankincense).
5-* ¡Que el agua vuelva al agua! ¡Que el fuego arda! ¡Que el aire circule!
¡Que la tierra caiga sobre la tierra!
Let Water to Water Return; Let Fire Consume Itself; Let Air Its Circled Ways Pursue; Let the Earth On Earth Its Falling;
6-* Por la virtud del Pentagrama que es la Estrella matutina, y en el Nombre del Tetragrammaton que está escrito en el centro de la Cruz de Luz.
By the Virtue of This Pentagram, Which Is the Morning-Star, and By the Name of This Tetragrammaton Scripted In the Cross of Light.
Amén. Amén. Amén.
Chapter XV: Andramalech, Reina en Los Lugares Nocturnos
From 1993 to 1999, and perhaps in 2004, I witnessed some strange events in my life. Alas, I cannot say how subjective or objective could be my mind to creating its own hells, delusions, fairy tales, angels and fantasy.
In 1979, I had an encounter with a ghost, an experience, which, frankly speaking, made me afraid of uncreated night for many years to come.
Still in my teens, I would sleep with the light-on all night long. When I had no electricity, I would simply light candles.
The Dominican Republic, without electricity, had something of the medieval times, some delightful dread that was irresistible to my childhood, and many Latinos, like the Scandinavians in medieval times ("Lapland Hags and Witches,") perhaps due to poverty, social segregation and ignorance, are quite often prey to many strange phenomena, demon-possessions and other diabolical superstitions: Santeria and Witchcraft have their faithful devotees among some Latinos. And even today, in USA, people believe in Mala Suerte (Bad Luck).
In 1995, not that far from where I lived, a Cuban woman, una Santera (a witch) --a Night-Hag, was reported to have dangerously tampered with the other spirits of our dread.
For many days and nights, a rancid and putrid odor coming from her apartment, led the perplexed tenants to call the authority. The hapless woman was found dead amidst her infamous practices and hideous objects, among which, there were to be found chicken's parts and entrails, dry bones, blood-splotches and other organic substances besmirching the floor and walls of her apartment.,
The stench of her residence was so repugnant and indescribably hellish, that for a long time, some of her neighboring tenants reported to have suffered from nightmare, nausea, and dizziness...
In the 90s, Latinos churches were overwhelmingly packed with people looking for help. Our neighborhoods and endless squalid slums were stricken with drugs, dysfunctional homes, unwanted pregnancy, witchcraft, obesity, superstition, segregation. The government did little to improve the condition of the minority community, and so, many hapless people gave themselves either to the mysterious forces of Satan or to the caring hands of Jesus Christ.
Under such dire circumstances, certainly, there was not better a place than in a nearby church; therein, in the snug sanctuary, tenderly illumined by the glimmer of hope, we would cry out to God for help:
"Please God, why don't you help these forsaken children? "
This was the time when paranormal experiences held sway the hearts, minds and homes of many people.
Only a bold mind, an Achilles-like, a courageous soul would confront and unmask these wicked entities in the netherworld of this pseudo-reality.
Such soul must be brave, because the devils, if they are indeed real, in many ways, guises, masks and modus operandi must --to our comprehension in dreadful things evil and disgusting-- may perhaps resemble some human beings in shape, behavior and coloration.
Ay! In this battlefield of life and death, and we are all here included, whole armies have been overcome with the dread of the unknown.
And it only takes a few effective mental tricks to enslave a whole people captive. No matter how strong you are, at times, the unknown, alas, would make you reflect, time and time again, how successful have you been in making headways through the many riddles of existence?
My Mother Nature and Paranormal Activity
The other night, while thinking about my mother, I heard an incredible clashing and crackling of dishes and utensils falling in the kitchen with great frightening clattering and pandemonium.
Oh my goodness! I felt my chilly blood run cold through my veins. The other day, early in the morning, to dissipate my fear and curiosity, I found out, that the sink-tap had been left slightly open, and had thus caused some dishes to slide over; and ever brimming and drifting with accumulated water, some dishes released their weight with a sudden fall and crashing!
Fortunately, and however creepy and scary, the floor was but dry with little signs of any unusual activity, moisture, ghosts, rat feces, suspicious odors or spoors left behind by any haunting phenomena --the ghastly Chupa-Cabra during the night of our dread and perspiration; and when I examined the sink, there were but few dishes and coups to account for so frightening an event. Perhaps my mind, while half-asleep, could have exaggerated the whole paranormal experience...?
* * * * * *
Chapter XIV: Against the Pervasive Spells of the Internet - Conjurations of Salomón | Fighting The Demons of Ancient Babylon
--Vence a los demonios en el nombre de Jesus.
Be aware that some head-aches, migraines, insomnias, dejection (depression), eerily sense of fainting, giddiness, nausea, and other "incomprehensible pricks in your chest" (twinging heart-aches), recurrent coldness and vacuity in the abdomen could be traceable to an inner struggle with the spirits of our dread.
At some point, you may be acting as though controlled by an invisible power (hand), sometimes driving you to act, however subliminal, in ways contrary to your own will and principles. Later on, you may realize that such past incident was beyond the threshold of your consciousness or awareness.
Quickly, call your Christian friends to pray about it.
Las Conjuraciones del Sabio Salomón:
This Amazing Powerful Prayer is not to be found in the canon of the Protestant Church (Old Testament), but it is, from a literary point of view, one of the finest prayers in the Old Testament.
Cada animal representan una fuerza psíquica, y su antítesis (e.g., serpiente vs paloma, luz vs tinieblas) parece operar milagros en la liberación de nuestros sentidos. Es en verdad increíble como cantidades de personas santas, desde menores a mayores, luchan con los nudos y terrible tentáculos de Medusa. Lo curioso es que sus serpientes se entrelazan como una red de nudos, de ahí su similitud con el fenómeno del Internet.
When I was 16, along with other teenagers, I had learned to recite these conjurations in Latin. The demon Adramalech, was very famous in the eighteenth century, is not to be found in the short excerpts below. Today, some obscure demons, Beelzebub, Belial, Mammon, Asmodeus, Moloch, Baal, Lilith, among other creepy entities from the crypts of ancient times in Babilonia, have fallen out of fashion, but their pervasive influence is still wrecking havoc.
Se dice que el Principe Asmodeus, es el demonio de la lujuria y la lascivia. Con la explosión del Internet, "la pornografia," and countless creepy dating-sites, este Terrible Espíritu ha hallado un puerta abierta para las psiquis del atormentado, y ahí atrapa la Chica Medusa sus desgraciadas presas con los terribles nudos de mil serpientes.
1-* Ángel de ojos muertos, ¡obedece o disípate con esta agua santa!
Angel of Deadly Eyes, Obey Me or Dissipate Thyself with This Holy Water.
2-* Toro alado, ¡trabaja o vuelve a la tierra si no quieres que te aguijonee con esta espada!
Winged Bull, Set Thyself To Work, Or Return To The Ground Lest I Smite Thee With This Sword.
3-* Águila encadenada, ¡obedece ante este signo o retírate con este soplo!
Enchained Eagle, Obey Me With This Sign Or Flee Before This Gust of Air.
4-* Serpiente movible, ¡arrástrate a mis pies o serás atormentada por el Fuego Sagrado y evapórate con los perfumes que yo quemo!
Slithering Snake! Drag Thyself Before My Feet Lest I Torment Thee With This Sacred Fire; Nay, Vanish Thyself At the Scents of This Burning Incense (Frankincense).
5-* ¡Que el agua vuelva al agua! ¡Que el fuego arda! ¡Que el aire circule!
¡Que la tierra caiga sobre la tierra!
Let Water to Water Return; Let Fire Consume Itself; Let Air Its Circled Ways Pursue; Let the Earth On Earth Its Falling;
6-* Por la virtud del Pentagrama que es la Estrella matutina, y en el Nombre del Tetragrammaton que está escrito en el centro de la Cruz de Luz.
By the Virtue of This Pentagram, Which Is the Morning-Star, and By the Name of This Tetragrammaton Scripted In the Cross of Light.
Amén. Amén. Amén.
Chapter XV: Andramalech, Reina en Los Lugares Nocturnos
Of course, I have had my scuffles with the Prince of Darkness. Por supuesto que el demonio y yo hemos tenido combates terrible, frightening and supernatural. Muchas veces, he escapado por la gracia de Dios. Nunca he visto a un extraterrestre, pero si te aseguro que he sentido los dardos del demonio.
This e-mail is intended for intelligent tried-friends of probity, decency, diligence, foresight, tenacity, integrity...and totally armed with the Proverbios del Sabio Salomón, such golden friends could be said to be ready for the difficult task of life.
1 de Pedro: 05:08:
Sed sobrios, y velad; porque vuestro adversario el diablo, como león rugiente, anda alrededor buscando a quien devorar.
My most difficult fight against the forces of Satan has transpired, for the most part, in the spiritual realm:
Asmodeus en Su Trono Infernal:
Ephesians 6: 12
This week, where I live, I had the honor to pray with some friends, loyal, priceless, angels of high integrity. Two weeks ago, we all had experienced insomnia, health issues, and from time to time, we seemed to be embroiled in petty squabbles and trifles.
--What the hell is going on?
For the most part, your encounter with the Dark Forces of Hell would occur in your mind (psyche) which is the portal-gate to the Spirit Realm. Aquí está la fuerza moral de estos autores terrible, Homero, Goethe, Dante, Pablo, el Apóstol de Jesucristo, pues ya darían personificación a estas sombras tenebrosas que más bien trabajan en el subconsciente:
The Internet, Mixed Media On Paper (future oil painting) by Ed. Beato
This e-mail is intended for intelligent tried-friends of probity, decency, diligence, foresight, tenacity, integrity...and totally armed with the Proverbios del Sabio Salomón, such golden friends could be said to be ready for the difficult task of life.
1 de Pedro: 05:08:
Sed sobrios, y velad; porque vuestro adversario el diablo, como león rugiente, anda alrededor buscando a quien devorar.
My most difficult fight against the forces of Satan has transpired, for the most part, in the spiritual realm:
Asmodeus en Su Trono Infernal:
Ephesians 6: 12
This week, where I live, I had the honor to pray with some friends, loyal, priceless, angels of high integrity. Two weeks ago, we all had experienced insomnia, health issues, and from time to time, we seemed to be embroiled in petty squabbles and trifles.
--What the hell is going on?
For the most part, your encounter with the Dark Forces of Hell would occur in your mind (psyche) which is the portal-gate to the Spirit Realm. Aquí está la fuerza moral de estos autores terrible, Homero, Goethe, Dante, Pablo, el Apóstol de Jesucristo, pues ya darían personificación a estas sombras tenebrosas que más bien trabajan en el subconsciente:
The Internet, Mixed Media On Paper (future oil painting) by Ed. Beato
It is believed that most Christians today are losing the fight against Satan and Medusa. Churches are losing members, but the broad cemetery of Satan is winning souls like never before.
The wiles of Satan are the more effective below the threshold of your consciousness; hence, it is believed that the devils would ensnare you in "the subliminal realm of your unawareness," your feeble-mindedness; and title by little you would surrender your precious spiritual moral strength, your stamina to greeting the sweet Morning-Star.
In the Spirit Realm, some people are said to be seen suffering, weeping to their wit's end, their head pierced by one thousand snakes, entangling coils fixed like thorns on their forehead. During the diurnal hours, the poor creature, unaware of any spiritual oppression, may complain of migraine and head-aches.
Medusa: Su Fuerza Es Subliminal - Subconsciente
Their methods and stratagems are too well-described by Dante, Goethe and Homer, but more accurately elucidated in the frightening writings of St. Paul, in the New Testament. St. Paul assures us that some creepy creatures, "criaturas del infierno," could even guise themselves as Ministers of Light (2 Corinthians 11: 14).
Si tenéis el Espíritu Santo contigo, pues podrás ver algo spooky (cadavérico) in the countenance of some human beings. Special attention ought to be observed in the peculiar coloration of the hands or eyes' shafts (pallor), for the blood, as tinted by something demonic, would tinge the latter with the hues of death and destruction. Be careful.
Si eres una mujer, pues el principe de los mundos infernales, Asmodeus, te enviará un galán, un bello hombre, cuya sonrisa, irresistible, te podría hacer presa fácil, como una palomita...te rendirías a el para tu perdición.
Si eres hombre, pues que te parece si se te envía una encantadora chica como Medusa, linda pero terrible, para que te envuelve con sus lazos de amor. Con solo una mirada, te harías pedazos...piedras, cenizas y azufre será tu destino con estos horribles demonios.
Of course, the spiritual forces of Asmodeus, his hideous devils, like the most meticulous cyber-sleuth (agente de intelligentsia secreta) in "the decipherment of your internal monograph" (monografía de tu personalidad), could file an in-depth, detailed report of your flaws and weaknesses, and their shooting arrows could hit your heart with devastating, laser-like precision.
That's why you have to be careful with your search-engine: Google.
From now on, avoid trawling in the fetid waters of those devils, because the Internet is fraught with demonic beings. Be mindful, these entities could pull you by the hair, and quickly fasting "fuertes nudos infernales" around your neck, down to the pit of hell they would drag you perforce...to the starless night of Hades. And there shall be the weeping and gnashing of teeth:
Y ahí será el llanto y crujir de dientes.
Chapter XVI: The Ilad and the Odyssey, the New Testament and the Internet
The wiles of Satan are the more effective below the threshold of your consciousness; hence, it is believed that the devils would ensnare you in "the subliminal realm of your unawareness," your feeble-mindedness; and title by little you would surrender your precious spiritual moral strength, your stamina to greeting the sweet Morning-Star.
In the Spirit Realm, some people are said to be seen suffering, weeping to their wit's end, their head pierced by one thousand snakes, entangling coils fixed like thorns on their forehead. During the diurnal hours, the poor creature, unaware of any spiritual oppression, may complain of migraine and head-aches.
Medusa: Su Fuerza Es Subliminal - Subconsciente
Their methods and stratagems are too well-described by Dante, Goethe and Homer, but more accurately elucidated in the frightening writings of St. Paul, in the New Testament. St. Paul assures us that some creepy creatures, "criaturas del infierno," could even guise themselves as Ministers of Light (2 Corinthians 11: 14).
Si tenéis el Espíritu Santo contigo, pues podrás ver algo spooky (cadavérico) in the countenance of some human beings. Special attention ought to be observed in the peculiar coloration of the hands or eyes' shafts (pallor), for the blood, as tinted by something demonic, would tinge the latter with the hues of death and destruction. Be careful.
Si eres una mujer, pues el principe de los mundos infernales, Asmodeus, te enviará un galán, un bello hombre, cuya sonrisa, irresistible, te podría hacer presa fácil, como una palomita...te rendirías a el para tu perdición.
Si eres hombre, pues que te parece si se te envía una encantadora chica como Medusa, linda pero terrible, para que te envuelve con sus lazos de amor. Con solo una mirada, te harías pedazos...piedras, cenizas y azufre será tu destino con estos horribles demonios.
Of course, the spiritual forces of Asmodeus, his hideous devils, like the most meticulous cyber-sleuth (agente de intelligentsia secreta) in "the decipherment of your internal monograph" (monografía de tu personalidad), could file an in-depth, detailed report of your flaws and weaknesses, and their shooting arrows could hit your heart with devastating, laser-like precision.
That's why you have to be careful with your search-engine: Google.
From now on, avoid trawling in the fetid waters of those devils, because the Internet is fraught with demonic beings. Be mindful, these entities could pull you by the hair, and quickly fasting "fuertes nudos infernales" around your neck, down to the pit of hell they would drag you perforce...to the starless night of Hades. And there shall be the weeping and gnashing of teeth:
Y ahí será el llanto y crujir de dientes.
Chapter XVI: The Ilad and the Odyssey, the New Testament and the Internet
You are indeed rich if you can understand the ineffable language of a vast river: La Iliada y la Odisea de Homero. In this short essay, however tentatively, I have compared the moral lessons of the New Testament with those of the Iliad & the Odyssey of Homer. If you are fond of things supernatural, then let us dive deep into the depths of psyche with Homer, the apostle St. Paul, and how the rising phenomenon of the Internet, with its "pervasive subliminal powers," would require the necessary moral training, a Tenacious Soldier, in a most difficult fight against frightening monsters the likes of Medusa, Asmodeus, Satan, and other shady entities scooting out of the screen of this pseudo reality: what is real or unreal in the deceptive world of the Internet?
Y donde puedo hallar la Odisea en el Nuevo Testamento?
"....Porque muchos sin saberlo, recibieron a Ángeles." (Hebrew Chapter 13)
Yea, and the gods, in the likeness of strangers from far countries, put on all manner of shapes, and wander through the cities, beholding the violence and the righteousness of men. (Odyssey of Homer Book XVII, 274)
Este libro es como un río de sabiduría: espléndido, antiguo, extraordinario, mágico y sobrenatural. Cada día, sus aguas dulce y apacible --pero grises y sinuosa en la interpretación del solemne curso del tiempo-- parecen renovar mi espíritu con algo fantástico, legendario y sobre humano.
Please, join me for a marvelous interpretation of the New Testament, from a literary perspective, as an offshoot (a rivulet) of the Hellenic Culture. But to do so, let us first escape through the portal-gate of the Hudson River: La Puerta del Pasado en Nueva York es el Rio Hudson. Este río, si creéis en el poder de un bautismo con lo maravilloso y mágico, pues tenéis aquí este caudaloso brazo de agua, añejo pero majestuoso, cuyos "poderes divinos" te podrían convertir en un ser humano Grande y Heroico.
The Hudson River, probably known to the ancient people of Ilios in the Iliad, could have been mentioned in their sacred literature, albeit with another obscure name, which today is very difficult to relocate due the lapse of time (3,000 years or even 5, 000 years into the foggy remote past): las neblinas del tiempo me envuelve con el manto de lo maravilloso!
This River, mysterious as the ashen pages of history, is beautiful, but some days, while clapped in looping filaments of mist and haze, it seems to veil the Isle of Manhattan in a Twilight Zone.
Most big cities, since ancient times, have been built near or around the eddying water of a splendid river: the Lethe, Styx, Xanthus, lovely Enipeus of Tyro --the fairest of floods that ever ran upon the earth (the Odyssey of Homer, Book XI) among many other renown ancient streams, were as real and divine as the Hudson River's silver water.
Vague memories of wondrous rivers, but also references to hills, glens and sun-bathed dales are carried on in the nostalgic lore and hazy myths among the bedraggled survivors of yesteryears.
While fronting this awesome River, we may become philosophers the very moment we start questioning the meaning of life, the history of humanity and the vastness of this cosmos; and philosophy has its true fervent passion when verging on the speculative, the hitherto unsolved puzzles and mysteries of the distant past.
Let us re-appraise the ancient people and their astounding degree of sensibility when dealing with the fine thoughts and sentiments of life as expressed in their sublime literature.
We are told by the most intelligent minds of the last two hundred years, that it is quite a mystery, and a case against linear evolution, how certain people thousands of years ago were so keen as to resolve the most incredibly subtle rules of writing and style, their peculiar fondness for flowing nuances in their choice of diction, conveying with very pleasant euphonious words both "the subjective and the objective" with equal force and beauty.
Surprisingly, in the Iliad and the Odyssey, we may find highly developed language-structures, sublime analogies in the celestial shores of poesy; and the art of communication so perfected, that Homer could well serve as the ideal model, "the epitome of perfection," for some current writers to imitate without feeling too antiquated, or out-dated in the use of logic and simile. Not to mention these ancient people's ideas on the ineffable, divine, beautiful and sublime. Indeed, few writers and savants could rival the ancient scribes in fire of expression, tropes and naturalism: (Check the objective analogies of Homer and his power to keep soaring in poetic beauty with very few forced, crammed phrases and digressions.)
Of course, perhaps these ancient bards simply imitated their predecessors. And when you continue going further back into remote time, the origin of literature, beauty and the fantastic may blur into the very heaven of the divine and mysterious (at least in certain regions of Asia and Asia minor, especially in Greece and Egypt, amazing vestiges of exquisite refinement and high culture, competing with the Metropolitan Museum of Art).
It seems as though highly sophisticated societies thrived at intervals in the pristine dawn of Homo sapiens, albeit traces of grim barbarism and primitiveness are to be found everywhere on this old globe as confirmed by archeology, for nihilism, chaos and disorder are the ever- present, co-existing, threatening forces to any rise to civilization.
It is very plausible to suspect recurrent crisis of technology and civilization in the foggy myths of ancient India and the other strikingly scientific lore among certain seemingly salvage African tribes, thus corroborating our previous e-mails on the possibility of curving time and ever-converging episodes in tragic history; and once again, we may say with the author of Ecclesiastes: "there is nothing new under the sun."
From my own observations, our disdain and neglect of the ancient master-works may be based on our absurd, arrogant belief that in such distant past, mankind could not have developed the magical tools we now have for achieving the wonder of flying vehicles (Vimanas), or their astoundingly profound understanding of this cosmos. Of course, we all know that the further we go into remote time, the more we marvel at the greatness and mysterious origin of some pagan people.
Before the Iliad and the Odyssey were written, other ancient stories relate many wars rife among the children of aurora, especially those chronicles as translated from the Sanskrit or The Vedas; therein we may read of wonderful machines, destructive weapons and flying objects, bearing striking similarity to our current jets and rockets, and how they were beset with the same complex problems of survival and other predicaments --as the ones we are now facing in post-America, (peruse the Mahabharata, Upanishads and other archaic writings by such mysterious authors.)
Can we go back to primitive society and barbarism on the brink of a major nuclear disaster and steady decline in culture?
Chapter XVII: The New Testament and Hellenic Influence:
Y donde puedo hallar la Odisea en el Nuevo Testamento?
"....Porque muchos sin saberlo, recibieron a Ángeles." (Hebrew Chapter 13)
Yea, and the gods, in the likeness of strangers from far countries, put on all manner of shapes, and wander through the cities, beholding the violence and the righteousness of men. (Odyssey of Homer Book XVII, 274)
Este libro es como un río de sabiduría: espléndido, antiguo, extraordinario, mágico y sobrenatural. Cada día, sus aguas dulce y apacible --pero grises y sinuosa en la interpretación del solemne curso del tiempo-- parecen renovar mi espíritu con algo fantástico, legendario y sobre humano.
Please, join me for a marvelous interpretation of the New Testament, from a literary perspective, as an offshoot (a rivulet) of the Hellenic Culture. But to do so, let us first escape through the portal-gate of the Hudson River: La Puerta del Pasado en Nueva York es el Rio Hudson. Este río, si creéis en el poder de un bautismo con lo maravilloso y mágico, pues tenéis aquí este caudaloso brazo de agua, añejo pero majestuoso, cuyos "poderes divinos" te podrían convertir en un ser humano Grande y Heroico.
The Hudson River, probably known to the ancient people of Ilios in the Iliad, could have been mentioned in their sacred literature, albeit with another obscure name, which today is very difficult to relocate due the lapse of time (3,000 years or even 5, 000 years into the foggy remote past): las neblinas del tiempo me envuelve con el manto de lo maravilloso!
This River, mysterious as the ashen pages of history, is beautiful, but some days, while clapped in looping filaments of mist and haze, it seems to veil the Isle of Manhattan in a Twilight Zone.
Most big cities, since ancient times, have been built near or around the eddying water of a splendid river: the Lethe, Styx, Xanthus, lovely Enipeus of Tyro --the fairest of floods that ever ran upon the earth (the Odyssey of Homer, Book XI) among many other renown ancient streams, were as real and divine as the Hudson River's silver water.
Vague memories of wondrous rivers, but also references to hills, glens and sun-bathed dales are carried on in the nostalgic lore and hazy myths among the bedraggled survivors of yesteryears.
While fronting this awesome River, we may become philosophers the very moment we start questioning the meaning of life, the history of humanity and the vastness of this cosmos; and philosophy has its true fervent passion when verging on the speculative, the hitherto unsolved puzzles and mysteries of the distant past.
Let us re-appraise the ancient people and their astounding degree of sensibility when dealing with the fine thoughts and sentiments of life as expressed in their sublime literature.
We are told by the most intelligent minds of the last two hundred years, that it is quite a mystery, and a case against linear evolution, how certain people thousands of years ago were so keen as to resolve the most incredibly subtle rules of writing and style, their peculiar fondness for flowing nuances in their choice of diction, conveying with very pleasant euphonious words both "the subjective and the objective" with equal force and beauty.
Surprisingly, in the Iliad and the Odyssey, we may find highly developed language-structures, sublime analogies in the celestial shores of poesy; and the art of communication so perfected, that Homer could well serve as the ideal model, "the epitome of perfection," for some current writers to imitate without feeling too antiquated, or out-dated in the use of logic and simile. Not to mention these ancient people's ideas on the ineffable, divine, beautiful and sublime. Indeed, few writers and savants could rival the ancient scribes in fire of expression, tropes and naturalism: (Check the objective analogies of Homer and his power to keep soaring in poetic beauty with very few forced, crammed phrases and digressions.)
Of course, perhaps these ancient bards simply imitated their predecessors. And when you continue going further back into remote time, the origin of literature, beauty and the fantastic may blur into the very heaven of the divine and mysterious (at least in certain regions of Asia and Asia minor, especially in Greece and Egypt, amazing vestiges of exquisite refinement and high culture, competing with the Metropolitan Museum of Art).
It seems as though highly sophisticated societies thrived at intervals in the pristine dawn of Homo sapiens, albeit traces of grim barbarism and primitiveness are to be found everywhere on this old globe as confirmed by archeology, for nihilism, chaos and disorder are the ever- present, co-existing, threatening forces to any rise to civilization.
It is very plausible to suspect recurrent crisis of technology and civilization in the foggy myths of ancient India and the other strikingly scientific lore among certain seemingly salvage African tribes, thus corroborating our previous e-mails on the possibility of curving time and ever-converging episodes in tragic history; and once again, we may say with the author of Ecclesiastes: "there is nothing new under the sun."
From my own observations, our disdain and neglect of the ancient master-works may be based on our absurd, arrogant belief that in such distant past, mankind could not have developed the magical tools we now have for achieving the wonder of flying vehicles (Vimanas), or their astoundingly profound understanding of this cosmos. Of course, we all know that the further we go into remote time, the more we marvel at the greatness and mysterious origin of some pagan people.
Before the Iliad and the Odyssey were written, other ancient stories relate many wars rife among the children of aurora, especially those chronicles as translated from the Sanskrit or The Vedas; therein we may read of wonderful machines, destructive weapons and flying objects, bearing striking similarity to our current jets and rockets, and how they were beset with the same complex problems of survival and other predicaments --as the ones we are now facing in post-America, (peruse the Mahabharata, Upanishads and other archaic writings by such mysterious authors.)
Can we go back to primitive society and barbarism on the brink of a major nuclear disaster and steady decline in culture?
Chapter XVII: The New Testament and Hellenic Influence:
If you have carefully perused the New Testament, specifically the writings of St. Paul the Apostle, one could find the poetic streams of Homer's Iliad and the Odyssey pouring forth their celestial heavenly waters through sundry analogies, incomparable beautiful passages and references to angels and divinity.
The version of the Iliad and the Odyssey as translated by Andrew Lang, S.H. Butcher, Walter Leaf and Ernest Myers, could be said to be among the finest prose writings in the English language I have ever read from any classic literature.
It is obvious that St. Paul, like the Apostle St. Luke and the other Apostle St. John (who authored the Book of Revelations) had all nourished their poetic impetus in the voluminous rivers of Homer's epic sagas: La Iliada y la Odisea.
The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer continues to captivate our heart, and contrary to the views that such books are no longer relevant, the rising phenomenon of the Internet, a world fraught with demonic forces, has made us all keenly aware that the frightening monsters of Homer, with their subliminal powers to controlling our minds, our lives, could exert much power to overcoming and finally destroying the untrained soldier in the serious battlefield of life.
Chapter XVIII: El Alma de Selena Es Llevada al Cielo Con Los Angeles.
The version of the Iliad and the Odyssey as translated by Andrew Lang, S.H. Butcher, Walter Leaf and Ernest Myers, could be said to be among the finest prose writings in the English language I have ever read from any classic literature.
It is obvious that St. Paul, like the Apostle St. Luke and the other Apostle St. John (who authored the Book of Revelations) had all nourished their poetic impetus in the voluminous rivers of Homer's epic sagas: La Iliada y la Odisea.
The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer continues to captivate our heart, and contrary to the views that such books are no longer relevant, the rising phenomenon of the Internet, a world fraught with demonic forces, has made us all keenly aware that the frightening monsters of Homer, with their subliminal powers to controlling our minds, our lives, could exert much power to overcoming and finally destroying the untrained soldier in the serious battlefield of life.
Chapter XVIII: El Alma de Selena Es Llevada al Cielo Con Los Angeles.
Esta novela, Andromeda, pues es muy seria y didáctica. Herein I dare juxtapose two aspects of that beautiful human. Of course, I plumbed deep into the nature of good and evil, and by God's grace, Selena is finally redeemed by the prayers of her kin and kith (friends).
Andromeda was a great woman, but she stepped too close to the troubled waters of the Leviathan, and she is converted into a forlorn mermaid or siren.
Andromeda, 36 x 48 by Ed. Beato (Oil Painting at a Latter Point)
Andromeda was a great woman, but she stepped too close to the troubled waters of the Leviathan, and she is converted into a forlorn mermaid or siren.
Andromeda, 36 x 48 by Ed. Beato (Oil Painting at a Latter Point)
Andromeda, once in heaven, at my request, explains to me the meaning of her heartbreaking plaintive echoes by the seashores: Kyrie, Eleison. In so doing, she reminds me of my former self, that I was a Latin at heart, and that I should pray more often for those who are under the power of the Leviathan.
I thank God she found Grace with her Savior. Selena, que tu alma pueda hallar perdón con tu Creador.
Kyrie Eleison, Señor, Ten Piedad de mi, podría examinar y ahondar, que tanto hay de profundo en el corazón humano, si es que algunas vez la alegría y la tristeza te hicieron testigo de que soy más que huesos, más que polvo, de que quizás tu también quisiste buscarte en esa inefable música para almas que viven sus momentos, sus recuerdos, sus nostalgias en aquel lejano puerto de nuestra final partida.
Kyrie, Eleison, Lord, Have Mercy on me, could sound my heart's unfathomable depths, that is to say, if once we were ever-transfixed by the fleeting shivers of joy, or, perhaps that doleful side of existence would make you keenly sensitive of mortality, for dust are thou, destined to be dispersed and finally dismissed in the wailing winds of that music.
A ti que te sientes marinero, un viajero, un peregrino por esta tierra, a ti se te dedica estos gemidos musicales por el océano. Estas, como gotas de agua fugaces, se tejen en el mar agitado de tu interior, donde quizás puedas apreciar aquella voz maravillosa que te llama con ecos indecibles...a buscar nuevas orillas por el mar.
To you, who may feel yourself to be a wayfarer, a seafarer, a pilgrim making pathways through this earth, to you I dedicate these musical notes by the seashores.
Perhaps you dare gather your precious memories in these echoes of yesteryears, sweet yearnings, still quickening your soul's unquenchable longings for that distant seaport left behind.
These haunting thoughts, like fleeting spumy bubbles, now rising, then dispersing amidst all-engulfing haze of foams and mist, which are the most agreeable but when pulsed by gentlest winds, so these uncanny watery buzzy sounds may lure your ears forward to seek new enchanting seashores.
Ya recuerdo de ese intrépido muchacho, gran romántico, un poeta, cuya mente tenía el ímpetu del espíritu. La fuerza de Pegasus era su juventud, pues alas ligeras tenía este joven para impulsarse hacia un más allá...
I remember that exuberant youth, a romantic, a poet, whose mind thundered with lightning bolts of creative spirits. Early in the morning, he seemed to have been propelled by the puissance of Pegasus; swift wings and inspiration would carry him away to the blessed abode of the gods.
O Cielos! Que Maravilla! Ni las lluvias, ni aún el viento, podían detener los gigantes pasos de ser un loco divino; creía este chico tener su mágico poder, sus secretos en una voluntad acérrima, "su gran fe" de que era gran espíritu de arriba, no un mero mortal, pero gran guerrero de la vida, cuyas pisadas no tendrían la debilidad del talón de Aquiles. Cierto, su espíritu parecía ser indomable, perseverante y tenaz.
Hurrah! Neither winds, nor rain could deter his speedy steps, for he was activated by this deep-seated conviction, that will-power, that "unshakable faith," that he was a lofty spirit from above, not a mere mortal, but a great warrior, whose fearless footsteps would not suffer the weakness of Achilles' heels. True, he seemed to have an indomitable spirit, courageous, tenacious.
Día y noche leía este iniciado al místico Jacobo Boeheme, Confesiones, y cómo buscaba su dulce luz en la virtud del retiro, su templo interior era paz absoluta, en la recompensa de aquel ser humano que así creyó, con todo su corazón, que las almas buenas son premiadas con el trofeo de la santidad, la iluminación, la perfección.
Day and night he would read the Confessions of Jacob Boheme, and thus he sought enlightenment and virtue through solitary paths. His sacred temple, that great hope shrined in the promise of this blessed assurance; such faithful a human being, who earnestly believed with all his heart, that a good soul shall be rewarded with the trophies of holiness, illumination and perfection.
Si. Aunque te niegues a admitirlo, sabes que tienes este verdadero tesoro dentro ti: un forastero por este mundo.
Yea, even if you gainsay it, there is a great treasure within you: and you know yourself to be but foreigner through this world.
Eres tu, tú mismo ser, sed tu original en tus pensamientos. Leed tus cartas, diarios, salmos y reflexiones, y como eras feliz, como un niño, con esos seres fabulosos, con esos templos gloriosos que se yergue en escarpas de altas cumbres; como grandes almas, o pájaros terrible, que hacen sus nidos en cimas inacesibles.
Erguidos allá, son capaces de bajar por acantilados peñascos que decenciende precipitosamente entre laberintos, sanjas y abismales grietas.
Luego, estas valientes almas resuelven salir victoriosos por bosques de delicados pastos, dichosas beatitudes (Salmo 23).
Esta vida, aunque dura, parece ser productiva para el espíritu. Así lo creen todas las grandes almas.
That is you, Sir, the essence of your true self. Peruse your time-stricken letters, diaries, reflections, like a child, happy to be in the company of fabulous beings, glorious temples above rising: like a band of terrific birds, these great souls are ever-alighting atop perilous escarpments, high-places which appear to descend precipitously through cliffs' ribbed flanks and woody hills.
Thence, they would cheerfully sally forth victorious through woody lands amidst the gladness of delicate pastures, blessed beatitudes (Psalm 23).
This is, indeed, a life that is hard and difficult, but, nonetheless, spiritually productive, energetic, up-lifting.
El esplendor de tu corazón iluminaba tus días, la noche, no era sino una vigilia sagrada, continua, perenne con lo hermoso, solemne y divino. Tus sueños, te hacían viajero de otros mundos, protagonista de tú historia en las fogosas páginas del espíritu, la magia, lo sobrenatural, la sanacion, los arrebatos a otros mundos.
Your heart's aglow with warmest feelings of splendor, would fain light the day; and the night, like a vigil, sacred and congenial with things beautiful and holy, was consecrated for things of solemnest rites, magic and divinity.
Your dreams would make you a wayfarer of higher worlds, protagonist of your history written with fire and spirit, the magical, the supernatural, healing, raptures, other worlds.
Escuchad esta música, una y otra vez, hasta que ella te revele que tu siempre has sido un romántico, un mistico, quizás aquel ser que sospechó su verdadera ruta a través de bosques, pastos y cumbres inacesible del espíritu.
Harken to this music, till it is revealed to you, that you are indeed a romantic, a mystic, a sojourner from beyond. Perhaps you are that soul who knew his true route but through impregnable thickets: the mountaintops for greatness.
Cuando vayas a ese mundo, cruel ciudad fria, pues no te olvides que una vez hiciste caminos y veredas por estos lugares apartados, y en esos senderos solitarios, terrible, desolados, se te probó de valor, lealtad y magninidad (Mateo 4).
Chapter XIX: How Is Heaven?
I thank God she found Grace with her Savior. Selena, que tu alma pueda hallar perdón con tu Creador.
Kyrie Eleison, Señor, Ten Piedad de mi, podría examinar y ahondar, que tanto hay de profundo en el corazón humano, si es que algunas vez la alegría y la tristeza te hicieron testigo de que soy más que huesos, más que polvo, de que quizás tu también quisiste buscarte en esa inefable música para almas que viven sus momentos, sus recuerdos, sus nostalgias en aquel lejano puerto de nuestra final partida.
Kyrie, Eleison, Lord, Have Mercy on me, could sound my heart's unfathomable depths, that is to say, if once we were ever-transfixed by the fleeting shivers of joy, or, perhaps that doleful side of existence would make you keenly sensitive of mortality, for dust are thou, destined to be dispersed and finally dismissed in the wailing winds of that music.
A ti que te sientes marinero, un viajero, un peregrino por esta tierra, a ti se te dedica estos gemidos musicales por el océano. Estas, como gotas de agua fugaces, se tejen en el mar agitado de tu interior, donde quizás puedas apreciar aquella voz maravillosa que te llama con ecos indecibles...a buscar nuevas orillas por el mar.
To you, who may feel yourself to be a wayfarer, a seafarer, a pilgrim making pathways through this earth, to you I dedicate these musical notes by the seashores.
Perhaps you dare gather your precious memories in these echoes of yesteryears, sweet yearnings, still quickening your soul's unquenchable longings for that distant seaport left behind.
These haunting thoughts, like fleeting spumy bubbles, now rising, then dispersing amidst all-engulfing haze of foams and mist, which are the most agreeable but when pulsed by gentlest winds, so these uncanny watery buzzy sounds may lure your ears forward to seek new enchanting seashores.
Ya recuerdo de ese intrépido muchacho, gran romántico, un poeta, cuya mente tenía el ímpetu del espíritu. La fuerza de Pegasus era su juventud, pues alas ligeras tenía este joven para impulsarse hacia un más allá...
I remember that exuberant youth, a romantic, a poet, whose mind thundered with lightning bolts of creative spirits. Early in the morning, he seemed to have been propelled by the puissance of Pegasus; swift wings and inspiration would carry him away to the blessed abode of the gods.
O Cielos! Que Maravilla! Ni las lluvias, ni aún el viento, podían detener los gigantes pasos de ser un loco divino; creía este chico tener su mágico poder, sus secretos en una voluntad acérrima, "su gran fe" de que era gran espíritu de arriba, no un mero mortal, pero gran guerrero de la vida, cuyas pisadas no tendrían la debilidad del talón de Aquiles. Cierto, su espíritu parecía ser indomable, perseverante y tenaz.
Hurrah! Neither winds, nor rain could deter his speedy steps, for he was activated by this deep-seated conviction, that will-power, that "unshakable faith," that he was a lofty spirit from above, not a mere mortal, but a great warrior, whose fearless footsteps would not suffer the weakness of Achilles' heels. True, he seemed to have an indomitable spirit, courageous, tenacious.
Día y noche leía este iniciado al místico Jacobo Boeheme, Confesiones, y cómo buscaba su dulce luz en la virtud del retiro, su templo interior era paz absoluta, en la recompensa de aquel ser humano que así creyó, con todo su corazón, que las almas buenas son premiadas con el trofeo de la santidad, la iluminación, la perfección.
Day and night he would read the Confessions of Jacob Boheme, and thus he sought enlightenment and virtue through solitary paths. His sacred temple, that great hope shrined in the promise of this blessed assurance; such faithful a human being, who earnestly believed with all his heart, that a good soul shall be rewarded with the trophies of holiness, illumination and perfection.
Si. Aunque te niegues a admitirlo, sabes que tienes este verdadero tesoro dentro ti: un forastero por este mundo.
Yea, even if you gainsay it, there is a great treasure within you: and you know yourself to be but foreigner through this world.
Eres tu, tú mismo ser, sed tu original en tus pensamientos. Leed tus cartas, diarios, salmos y reflexiones, y como eras feliz, como un niño, con esos seres fabulosos, con esos templos gloriosos que se yergue en escarpas de altas cumbres; como grandes almas, o pájaros terrible, que hacen sus nidos en cimas inacesibles.
Erguidos allá, son capaces de bajar por acantilados peñascos que decenciende precipitosamente entre laberintos, sanjas y abismales grietas.
Luego, estas valientes almas resuelven salir victoriosos por bosques de delicados pastos, dichosas beatitudes (Salmo 23).
Esta vida, aunque dura, parece ser productiva para el espíritu. Así lo creen todas las grandes almas.
That is you, Sir, the essence of your true self. Peruse your time-stricken letters, diaries, reflections, like a child, happy to be in the company of fabulous beings, glorious temples above rising: like a band of terrific birds, these great souls are ever-alighting atop perilous escarpments, high-places which appear to descend precipitously through cliffs' ribbed flanks and woody hills.
Thence, they would cheerfully sally forth victorious through woody lands amidst the gladness of delicate pastures, blessed beatitudes (Psalm 23).
This is, indeed, a life that is hard and difficult, but, nonetheless, spiritually productive, energetic, up-lifting.
El esplendor de tu corazón iluminaba tus días, la noche, no era sino una vigilia sagrada, continua, perenne con lo hermoso, solemne y divino. Tus sueños, te hacían viajero de otros mundos, protagonista de tú historia en las fogosas páginas del espíritu, la magia, lo sobrenatural, la sanacion, los arrebatos a otros mundos.
Your heart's aglow with warmest feelings of splendor, would fain light the day; and the night, like a vigil, sacred and congenial with things beautiful and holy, was consecrated for things of solemnest rites, magic and divinity.
Your dreams would make you a wayfarer of higher worlds, protagonist of your history written with fire and spirit, the magical, the supernatural, healing, raptures, other worlds.
Escuchad esta música, una y otra vez, hasta que ella te revele que tu siempre has sido un romántico, un mistico, quizás aquel ser que sospechó su verdadera ruta a través de bosques, pastos y cumbres inacesible del espíritu.
Harken to this music, till it is revealed to you, that you are indeed a romantic, a mystic, a sojourner from beyond. Perhaps you are that soul who knew his true route but through impregnable thickets: the mountaintops for greatness.
Cuando vayas a ese mundo, cruel ciudad fria, pues no te olvides que una vez hiciste caminos y veredas por estos lugares apartados, y en esos senderos solitarios, terrible, desolados, se te probó de valor, lealtad y magninidad (Mateo 4).
Chapter XIX: How Is Heaven?
Dear Jeniffer I still marvel at the heavenly sayings of Andromeda, and moved by her sense of purity and breath redolent of apple, or sweetest hyacinth in the mouth of a peasant lass, I requested a detailed description of her Paradise.
The lady, full of grace and beauty, opened her lips to utter things that I here shall write down to you as I remember:
Estimada Jeniffer, todavía me maravillo con lo que escuché de aquella beata Sirena, Selena, y conmovido por aquel rico aliento como de manzana, o Jacinto dulce en boca de una campesina pura, le rogué que me diera una descripción del Paraíso.
La dama, llena de gracia y belleza, abrió sus labios para relatar cosas que aquí te escribo:
Dear Selena, please, tell me, how is heaven?
Dear Theodore, let the wings of your fancy-mind fly further up here, and thus let your inspiration behold this new awesome world enveloped in the fulsome embrace of eternity's bosom.
Teodoro, dejad que las alas de tu imaginación te vuelen hasta aquí arriba; dejad que tú inspiración pueda medir este mundo abrazado por este pecho en la eternidad.
The planet Earth will be purified of all evils, and its latter state will be like a Paradise.
El planeta tierra va a ser purificado de toda maldad, y su futuro estado será como un Paraíso.
Heaven is like a crystal-world more beautiful, pure and startling than the planet Earth: but it is pretty much like the earth.
El Paraíso es como un mundo cristalino, muy parecido a la tierra pero de superior calidad y pureza que este mundo que vos llamáis Tierra.
It is a new world which your soul could neither depict nor apprehend, nor reach, but if accessible, it is through a divine dint-leap of faith and imagination --for, quick mind-glimpses or flashes of all this beauty may open up the portal-gate of John Milton's Paradise Lost.
Es un nuevo mundo que quizás no se pueda describir en lenguaje humano, pero si accesible, es a través de un ímpetu divino de fe e imaginación; porque como Juan Milton, en su Paraíso Perdido, solo podéis tener ojeadas y vagas ideas de lo que es el Cielo con Dios.
The welkin is still blue, the clouds are immaculate white, of purest kind, but the luscious air and celestial streams are not corrupted by anythings earthly or contaminated.
Aquí, el cielo es azul, las nubes son inmaculada, pero de pureza única y rareza inconcebible; el puro aire y estos manantiales divinos no se corrompen por las cosas terrenales, tampoco se contamina por las pasiones de ustedes los seres humanos.
Dear angel, is there any Eros love so as to be worthy of our heartily trust? The Internet and Medusa have almost sullied the loveliest streams of Venus.
Querido Angel, existe tal amor puro Eros en el cielo, de tal manera que podamos confiar de corazón? El internet y Medusa, ya casi ensucian aquellos manantiales de Venus.
Here, mind you, we are impelled by the verve of strangest poetic raptures, reveries, the love of some-one so sweet as Eve or Adam's gentleness; in mutual confidence of wordless language, both understanding each other with Nature's boon --and for her and in her-- adoring the sense of most agreeable feelings.
Aquí, recuérdate, estamos como impelido por raros arrebatos a la poesía, al amor de alguien tan dulce como Eva y Adam en su gentileza; en mutua confidencia de un lenguaje sin palabras, ambos se entiende con los obsequios de la Naturaleza. Para ella, y ella con el, se adoran ambos con sentimientos muy agradable.
Concerning this new gem-world of rarest lights and beauty, pearly eyes are necessary to compensate the form that pleases the divine artist par excellence!
Respecto a este mundo de raras piedras y luces, ojos como de fuego y perlas son tan necesario para compensar la forma, es decir, aquella belleza que complace al excelso artista por excelencia.
Like twin-witness, both united in one radiant nature, so is the face of Adam in the countenance of Eve, each seeing each other in mutual comprehension of love and respect: their jovial faces limned with purest feelings; the soul-gold invested with the sparkling glints of reasons unerring; and in Eve's breath, like apple-breath redolent, Mother Nature, time and time again, would fill her soul with new unsayable mysteries to please her man with holiest charms and loveliest cuddles.
Como testigos y aún como almas gemelas, los dos unidos en una naturaleza radiante, así es la cara de Adam en el rostro de Eva, ambos viéndose en mutuo entendimiento de amor y respeto; sus rostros jóvenes son como delineado por sentimientos prístinos; el alma de Adam es investidas como por chispas de una razón que no yerra. Eva, por otro lado, con aliento de misterios, siempre se renueva con nuevos encantos y acaricias para complacer a su macho.
Theodore: How about the grips of jealousy?
Que tal los celos, existen en el cielo?
My goodness! Theodore, Eva is like music of feminine silence, the more exquisite in sealed lips of holiness: for, erewhile we suffered the throes of wanton passions and the pungent grips of jealousy, but now here, in Paradise, we are transformed in the sweet rivulets of heaven!
Dios mío! Teodoro, Eva es como música en su silencio femenino, más exquisito con aquellos labios sellados de santidad: porque antes, todos hemos sufrimos los tormentos de las pasiones, las crueles garras de los celos, pero ahora, en este Paraíso, nos transformamos en chorros de dulzura celestiales!
Why would my flesh and spirit remain enchained with the shackles of bondage and Death?
Por qué dar mi carne y mi espíritu a las cadenas de la esclavitud y la muerte?
O Death! Where is thy sting?
O Muerte! Dónde está tu aguijón?
For now, my beloved, you and I are immortal with the kisses of Eternity.
Pero ahora, mi amado, tu y yo somos inmortales con los besos de la Eternity.
Theodore: (amazed at the heavenly sweet tellings of Selena)
Could the soul be the mirror of an eternal truth?
Puede ser el alma como espejo de una verdad eterna?
Andromeda (countenance suffused of palest mysteries)
Let us now saunter quietly the placid well-being of a cosmic contemplation, and with the gift of life, a warm heart ready intends to scan the depth of our soul's profundity.
Vamos a pasearnos, tranquilamente, como por un plácido momento de contemplación cósmica; con este regalo de la vida, un corazón cálido intenta medir la profundidad del alma humana.
It is this sweet tingling in delicate sensibilities, the likes of blooming feelings when we were little ones, yet gently rippling the serene lake of our mind-crystals --lake of memories and swans while gathering autumnal leaves.
Son estos dulces temblores de sensibilidades, que como florecientes sentimientos de niñitos, pues parecen partirse en corrientes serenas en los lagos de nuestra mente --lagos de memorias y cisnes con aquellas hojas otoñales.
Peacefully, we reflect the purest thought-hues, the simple moments of cerulean questions of childhood's innocence.
En plácida estancias, reflejamos los pensamientos de matices puros, los momentos sencillos: ceruleanas preguntas en la inocencia de la infancia.
Draw near dear children, splash the water in disarrayed droplets of joys, foams and spumy dreams!
Venid mis niños, dispersa estas aguas celestiales de mil gotas de gozos, espuma y sueños!
Eventually such bubbles will gather themselves in grandest views, thus yielding new azures decked out of loveliest clouds, formless, immaculate; the more spectacular cosmic sceneries, as heaven-cosmogony in turbulent water, which little by little, like a sheet of vitreous lake tranquil, is hushed still in abode's reflections --so meaningful is the reason for being a child!
Eventualmente estas burbujas parecen unirse otra vez, así ofreciendo nuevos azules condecorados de nubes deforme, inmaculada; la más espectaculares escenas cósmicas, como un Cielo cosmogónico de aguas turbulentas, los cuales, poco a poco, y como un lago cristalino que refleja lo de arriba un tanto tranquilo, y sus aguas parecen calmarse en nuestras mentes, así parece ser la razón de ser un niño!
For, when the streams of this life become serene, an all-encompassing view is the luminous perspective of new horizons --fresh feelings eddying, galore, in dewy yearnings: in the depth of the pond-mind, it is the expanse of my soul's awe, sounding my longing for hope and love...
Porque cuando las fuentes de nuestras vidas se serenan, pues ante ti tendréis vastas vistas, luminosos horizontes y perspectivas; frescos sentimientos, abundante, se ondularán en rocíos de dulce añoranzas: en las profundidades de tú mente, hallad una expansión de asombro en tú misma alma, así sondeará mi deseos por fiel amor y aquella esperanza...te lo prometo. Seré tuya en el cielo.
What could please the finest feelings of love in such a soul?
Qué podría complacer los mas refinados sentimientos de amor para tal alma?
What could have moved you to such sluice of tears and ecstasy?
Que te movió a tales derrames de lágrimas y extasía?
Perhaps a soul finally freed from the fetters of time, pains and guilt?
Quizás una alma ya liberada de los grilletes del tiempo, los sufrimientos y la culpa?
A golden dawn may await for some fortunate souls!
Un gran amanecer glorioso será para aquella alma afortunada.
--Could you say that all this voyage is just the mere fancy of my mind?
Last Chapter XX: Last Glimpse of Heaven With Andromeda:
The lady, full of grace and beauty, opened her lips to utter things that I here shall write down to you as I remember:
Estimada Jeniffer, todavía me maravillo con lo que escuché de aquella beata Sirena, Selena, y conmovido por aquel rico aliento como de manzana, o Jacinto dulce en boca de una campesina pura, le rogué que me diera una descripción del Paraíso.
La dama, llena de gracia y belleza, abrió sus labios para relatar cosas que aquí te escribo:
Dear Selena, please, tell me, how is heaven?
Dear Theodore, let the wings of your fancy-mind fly further up here, and thus let your inspiration behold this new awesome world enveloped in the fulsome embrace of eternity's bosom.
Teodoro, dejad que las alas de tu imaginación te vuelen hasta aquí arriba; dejad que tú inspiración pueda medir este mundo abrazado por este pecho en la eternidad.
The planet Earth will be purified of all evils, and its latter state will be like a Paradise.
El planeta tierra va a ser purificado de toda maldad, y su futuro estado será como un Paraíso.
Heaven is like a crystal-world more beautiful, pure and startling than the planet Earth: but it is pretty much like the earth.
El Paraíso es como un mundo cristalino, muy parecido a la tierra pero de superior calidad y pureza que este mundo que vos llamáis Tierra.
It is a new world which your soul could neither depict nor apprehend, nor reach, but if accessible, it is through a divine dint-leap of faith and imagination --for, quick mind-glimpses or flashes of all this beauty may open up the portal-gate of John Milton's Paradise Lost.
Es un nuevo mundo que quizás no se pueda describir en lenguaje humano, pero si accesible, es a través de un ímpetu divino de fe e imaginación; porque como Juan Milton, en su Paraíso Perdido, solo podéis tener ojeadas y vagas ideas de lo que es el Cielo con Dios.
The welkin is still blue, the clouds are immaculate white, of purest kind, but the luscious air and celestial streams are not corrupted by anythings earthly or contaminated.
Aquí, el cielo es azul, las nubes son inmaculada, pero de pureza única y rareza inconcebible; el puro aire y estos manantiales divinos no se corrompen por las cosas terrenales, tampoco se contamina por las pasiones de ustedes los seres humanos.
Dear angel, is there any Eros love so as to be worthy of our heartily trust? The Internet and Medusa have almost sullied the loveliest streams of Venus.
Querido Angel, existe tal amor puro Eros en el cielo, de tal manera que podamos confiar de corazón? El internet y Medusa, ya casi ensucian aquellos manantiales de Venus.
Here, mind you, we are impelled by the verve of strangest poetic raptures, reveries, the love of some-one so sweet as Eve or Adam's gentleness; in mutual confidence of wordless language, both understanding each other with Nature's boon --and for her and in her-- adoring the sense of most agreeable feelings.
Aquí, recuérdate, estamos como impelido por raros arrebatos a la poesía, al amor de alguien tan dulce como Eva y Adam en su gentileza; en mutua confidencia de un lenguaje sin palabras, ambos se entiende con los obsequios de la Naturaleza. Para ella, y ella con el, se adoran ambos con sentimientos muy agradable.
Concerning this new gem-world of rarest lights and beauty, pearly eyes are necessary to compensate the form that pleases the divine artist par excellence!
Respecto a este mundo de raras piedras y luces, ojos como de fuego y perlas son tan necesario para compensar la forma, es decir, aquella belleza que complace al excelso artista por excelencia.
Like twin-witness, both united in one radiant nature, so is the face of Adam in the countenance of Eve, each seeing each other in mutual comprehension of love and respect: their jovial faces limned with purest feelings; the soul-gold invested with the sparkling glints of reasons unerring; and in Eve's breath, like apple-breath redolent, Mother Nature, time and time again, would fill her soul with new unsayable mysteries to please her man with holiest charms and loveliest cuddles.
Como testigos y aún como almas gemelas, los dos unidos en una naturaleza radiante, así es la cara de Adam en el rostro de Eva, ambos viéndose en mutuo entendimiento de amor y respeto; sus rostros jóvenes son como delineado por sentimientos prístinos; el alma de Adam es investidas como por chispas de una razón que no yerra. Eva, por otro lado, con aliento de misterios, siempre se renueva con nuevos encantos y acaricias para complacer a su macho.
Theodore: How about the grips of jealousy?
Que tal los celos, existen en el cielo?
My goodness! Theodore, Eva is like music of feminine silence, the more exquisite in sealed lips of holiness: for, erewhile we suffered the throes of wanton passions and the pungent grips of jealousy, but now here, in Paradise, we are transformed in the sweet rivulets of heaven!
Dios mío! Teodoro, Eva es como música en su silencio femenino, más exquisito con aquellos labios sellados de santidad: porque antes, todos hemos sufrimos los tormentos de las pasiones, las crueles garras de los celos, pero ahora, en este Paraíso, nos transformamos en chorros de dulzura celestiales!
Why would my flesh and spirit remain enchained with the shackles of bondage and Death?
Por qué dar mi carne y mi espíritu a las cadenas de la esclavitud y la muerte?
O Death! Where is thy sting?
O Muerte! Dónde está tu aguijón?
For now, my beloved, you and I are immortal with the kisses of Eternity.
Pero ahora, mi amado, tu y yo somos inmortales con los besos de la Eternity.
Theodore: (amazed at the heavenly sweet tellings of Selena)
Could the soul be the mirror of an eternal truth?
Puede ser el alma como espejo de una verdad eterna?
Andromeda (countenance suffused of palest mysteries)
Let us now saunter quietly the placid well-being of a cosmic contemplation, and with the gift of life, a warm heart ready intends to scan the depth of our soul's profundity.
Vamos a pasearnos, tranquilamente, como por un plácido momento de contemplación cósmica; con este regalo de la vida, un corazón cálido intenta medir la profundidad del alma humana.
It is this sweet tingling in delicate sensibilities, the likes of blooming feelings when we were little ones, yet gently rippling the serene lake of our mind-crystals --lake of memories and swans while gathering autumnal leaves.
Son estos dulces temblores de sensibilidades, que como florecientes sentimientos de niñitos, pues parecen partirse en corrientes serenas en los lagos de nuestra mente --lagos de memorias y cisnes con aquellas hojas otoñales.
Peacefully, we reflect the purest thought-hues, the simple moments of cerulean questions of childhood's innocence.
En plácida estancias, reflejamos los pensamientos de matices puros, los momentos sencillos: ceruleanas preguntas en la inocencia de la infancia.
Draw near dear children, splash the water in disarrayed droplets of joys, foams and spumy dreams!
Venid mis niños, dispersa estas aguas celestiales de mil gotas de gozos, espuma y sueños!
Eventually such bubbles will gather themselves in grandest views, thus yielding new azures decked out of loveliest clouds, formless, immaculate; the more spectacular cosmic sceneries, as heaven-cosmogony in turbulent water, which little by little, like a sheet of vitreous lake tranquil, is hushed still in abode's reflections --so meaningful is the reason for being a child!
Eventualmente estas burbujas parecen unirse otra vez, así ofreciendo nuevos azules condecorados de nubes deforme, inmaculada; la más espectaculares escenas cósmicas, como un Cielo cosmogónico de aguas turbulentas, los cuales, poco a poco, y como un lago cristalino que refleja lo de arriba un tanto tranquilo, y sus aguas parecen calmarse en nuestras mentes, así parece ser la razón de ser un niño!
For, when the streams of this life become serene, an all-encompassing view is the luminous perspective of new horizons --fresh feelings eddying, galore, in dewy yearnings: in the depth of the pond-mind, it is the expanse of my soul's awe, sounding my longing for hope and love...
Porque cuando las fuentes de nuestras vidas se serenan, pues ante ti tendréis vastas vistas, luminosos horizontes y perspectivas; frescos sentimientos, abundante, se ondularán en rocíos de dulce añoranzas: en las profundidades de tú mente, hallad una expansión de asombro en tú misma alma, así sondeará mi deseos por fiel amor y aquella esperanza...te lo prometo. Seré tuya en el cielo.
What could please the finest feelings of love in such a soul?
Qué podría complacer los mas refinados sentimientos de amor para tal alma?
What could have moved you to such sluice of tears and ecstasy?
Que te movió a tales derrames de lágrimas y extasía?
Perhaps a soul finally freed from the fetters of time, pains and guilt?
Quizás una alma ya liberada de los grilletes del tiempo, los sufrimientos y la culpa?
A golden dawn may await for some fortunate souls!
Un gran amanecer glorioso será para aquella alma afortunada.
--Could you say that all this voyage is just the mere fancy of my mind?
Last Chapter XX: Last Glimpse of Heaven With Andromeda:
(Finale) - Paraíso Andromeda:
Dear Jeniffer, Andromeda and I are now suspended in the boundless firmament of Heaven.
Estimada Jeniffer, Andromeda y yo estamos ahora suspendido en las distancias del firmamento insondable en el Cielo.
The immeasurable distance challenge my soul to question whether this is all to see.
La distancia inmensurable desafía mi alma con preguntas sobre este nuevo mundo y sus vistas.
I can scarcely believe that life on Earth is just a passing moment in Eternity, a brief interlude to grandest things imaginable.
A penas puedo creer que mi estancia en la tierra es un breve momento con la Eternidad, un interludio ante cosas aún mayores y a penas concebibles.
Even as a man who is seized with wonders at the sight of lovelies clouds holding a symposium, and these latter jamming and jostling seek their dwelling in the most perfect blue sky of enlightenment, so I smooched my adorable lady's cheeks with some winged questions concerning the soul's whereabouts, the nature of her glorious body, and the precious memories of my beloved ones left behind on Earth, especially my dear mother.
Tal como un hombre que es sobrecogido con asombros a la vista de bellísimas nubes blancas en divino simposio, y estas se luchan por tener su morada en aquel cielo azul de claridad e iluminación, así besé el rostro de mi adorada dama con preguntas sobre el alma y sus lugares, sobre la naturaleza de su cuerpo glorioso, y qué hay de las preciosas memorias de mis seres queridos dejado atrás en el planeta Tierra, especialmente mi querida madre?
Theodore (holding Selena's hands against his bosom, tomando las manos de Selena en su pecho)
Andromeda, sometimes my consolation assumes the semblance of an adorable dove like you, immaculate white, a quiet bird roosting in the nest of my solitude; and I see her alighting at my window's rim.
Andromeda, a veces mi consolación asume la semblanza de una paloma adorable como tu, inmaculada, como una ave mansa posándose en su nido de soledad, así me parece verte asomar a mi ventana.
Andromeda (like a turtle dove crooning with sweetest tellings, como una paloma canturrearando dulces narraciones)
Come closer my dear bird, near to my window's shutter, for I would like to show thee this Heaven embosomed within my soul.
Acércate mi querido ser, cerca de las cortinas de mi ventana, porque te mostraré este Cielo encerrado en mi pecho.
Theodore: (kneeling at this goddess of perfection, postrándose ante esta diosa divina)
Dear lady, you, as though sent by God to me, appears like a glimmering hope, an angel unfolding her downy wings in the grand curtails of history.
Querida, tu, como enviada por Dios, pues me parece encarnar una luz de esperanza, como si fuese un angel descubriendo sus alas tiernas en las cortinas de la historia.
This grand heavenly curtail, like ponderous cloudy thoughts, like your former self as a Siren, will not be broken without reasons, for now you appear to me as beautiful and divine as Maria! I pray, answer me:
Estas cortinas celestiales, como nubes pesadas en tú ser anterior, como una Sirena por el mar de nuestras penas, no se romperán sin razones, porque ahora tu eres tan linda como María. Te pido que me responda:
Will we recognize our beloved ones in the woody hills of heaven?
Podremos reconocer a nuestros seres queridos?
Andromeda: (setting her eyes on me with inexplicable love, fijando su mirada en mi con amor inexplicable)
Could you still say that all this voyage is just the fancy of my mind?
Aún decís que este viaje es meramente vuelo de mi imaginación?
All this is true.
Todo esto es real.
Theodore to Andromeda: (holding her hands, tomando sus manos)
It seems propitious to feel this soaring hope, that blessed dove from the perspective of God and creation; that a grand cosmic resolution awaits a new blooming-yes with my flower-soul renewable.
Me parece oportuno sentir esta ascendente esperanza, aquella paloma feliz desde la perspectiva de Dios y su Creación, que gran resolución aguarda para una flor renovada con estas vistas cósmicas.
Andromeda:(showing me a new world engulfed amidst loveliest filaments of mists and veils, mostrándome un mundo entre neblinas y velos divinos)
Could you imagine new people and angelic beings emerging slowly amidst the gambol of light, water, mist, ether, ambrosia, fragrance?
Te puedes imaginar estos seres y ángeles emergiendo entre estas luces, agua, neblinas, éter, ambrosía y fragancias?
And here and there, ineffable echoes ring carols melodious to our ears: the sweet story of life conveyed in the hieroglyphs of rocks, glens and whirlpools gurgling bubbles of strangest purity and music!
Aquí y por allí, pues se escuchan estos ecos melodiosos para nosotros: la dulce historia de la vida anunciándose en estos jeroglíficos
de rocas, riachuelos y manantiales borboteando sus burbujas de extraña música y pureza.
Ah! One thousand passages erroneous could only add to your delightful re-encounter, a peaceful return with your former child and divinity!
Mil caminos equivocados solo se yerran para terminar con un nuevo recuento contigo mismo, un plácido reencuentro con aquel dichoso niño y su divinidad!
Theodore (pressing Andromeda's bosom with further queries)
(haciendo más preguntas).
Will there be rolling streams?
Podré encontrar allí tales rios de mi alma?
Andromeda: Yes. Splendid floods and loveliest streams you will find to your heart's contentment.
Si, aquí hallaréis espléndido ríos y fuentes de agua viva para tú gozo.
Theodore: Will there be sun-bathed dells, creeks, meadows, bowers and rivers running glad and adorable to make pathways to my sight's curiosity?
Podré hallar allí aquellos valles profundos bañado de luz, riachuelos, praderas, arbustos, y ríos que corren agradable para hacer caminos a mi curiosidad?
Andromeda: Yes! Heaven is pretty much like planet Earth. Here, in the woody hills of my heart, you will find loveliest thickets without thorns and thistles.
Si. El Paraíso es como la Tierra. Aquí encontráis tus delicados pastos en mi corazón, también encontrarás en mi ser los más agradables bosques sin espinas ni cardos.
Theodore: (looking at her rosy lips)
(viendo sus labios como color de rosa)
How about flowers, tulips and roses? birds? nymphs?
Que tal flores, tulipanes, rosas? pájaros?
Andromeda: (like the happy Beams of a Rising Sun breaking through bulky clouds, so this heavenly lady released an ineffable smile)
(Como La Luz Feliz del Sol partiendo entres colosales nubes, así sonrío su ineffable alegría esta dama tan linda)
The Soul and Precious Memories:
(El Alma y Sus Gratos Recuerdos)
Dear Jeniffer, Andromeda and I are now suspended in the boundless firmament of Heaven.
Estimada Jeniffer, Andromeda y yo estamos ahora suspendido en las distancias del firmamento insondable en el Cielo.
The immeasurable distance challenge my soul to question whether this is all to see.
La distancia inmensurable desafía mi alma con preguntas sobre este nuevo mundo y sus vistas.
I can scarcely believe that life on Earth is just a passing moment in Eternity, a brief interlude to grandest things imaginable.
A penas puedo creer que mi estancia en la tierra es un breve momento con la Eternidad, un interludio ante cosas aún mayores y a penas concebibles.
Even as a man who is seized with wonders at the sight of lovelies clouds holding a symposium, and these latter jamming and jostling seek their dwelling in the most perfect blue sky of enlightenment, so I smooched my adorable lady's cheeks with some winged questions concerning the soul's whereabouts, the nature of her glorious body, and the precious memories of my beloved ones left behind on Earth, especially my dear mother.
Tal como un hombre que es sobrecogido con asombros a la vista de bellísimas nubes blancas en divino simposio, y estas se luchan por tener su morada en aquel cielo azul de claridad e iluminación, así besé el rostro de mi adorada dama con preguntas sobre el alma y sus lugares, sobre la naturaleza de su cuerpo glorioso, y qué hay de las preciosas memorias de mis seres queridos dejado atrás en el planeta Tierra, especialmente mi querida madre?
Theodore (holding Selena's hands against his bosom, tomando las manos de Selena en su pecho)
Andromeda, sometimes my consolation assumes the semblance of an adorable dove like you, immaculate white, a quiet bird roosting in the nest of my solitude; and I see her alighting at my window's rim.
Andromeda, a veces mi consolación asume la semblanza de una paloma adorable como tu, inmaculada, como una ave mansa posándose en su nido de soledad, así me parece verte asomar a mi ventana.
Andromeda (like a turtle dove crooning with sweetest tellings, como una paloma canturrearando dulces narraciones)
Come closer my dear bird, near to my window's shutter, for I would like to show thee this Heaven embosomed within my soul.
Acércate mi querido ser, cerca de las cortinas de mi ventana, porque te mostraré este Cielo encerrado en mi pecho.
Theodore: (kneeling at this goddess of perfection, postrándose ante esta diosa divina)
Dear lady, you, as though sent by God to me, appears like a glimmering hope, an angel unfolding her downy wings in the grand curtails of history.
Querida, tu, como enviada por Dios, pues me parece encarnar una luz de esperanza, como si fuese un angel descubriendo sus alas tiernas en las cortinas de la historia.
This grand heavenly curtail, like ponderous cloudy thoughts, like your former self as a Siren, will not be broken without reasons, for now you appear to me as beautiful and divine as Maria! I pray, answer me:
Estas cortinas celestiales, como nubes pesadas en tú ser anterior, como una Sirena por el mar de nuestras penas, no se romperán sin razones, porque ahora tu eres tan linda como María. Te pido que me responda:
Will we recognize our beloved ones in the woody hills of heaven?
Podremos reconocer a nuestros seres queridos?
Andromeda: (setting her eyes on me with inexplicable love, fijando su mirada en mi con amor inexplicable)
Could you still say that all this voyage is just the fancy of my mind?
Aún decís que este viaje es meramente vuelo de mi imaginación?
All this is true.
Todo esto es real.
Theodore to Andromeda: (holding her hands, tomando sus manos)
It seems propitious to feel this soaring hope, that blessed dove from the perspective of God and creation; that a grand cosmic resolution awaits a new blooming-yes with my flower-soul renewable.
Me parece oportuno sentir esta ascendente esperanza, aquella paloma feliz desde la perspectiva de Dios y su Creación, que gran resolución aguarda para una flor renovada con estas vistas cósmicas.
Andromeda:(showing me a new world engulfed amidst loveliest filaments of mists and veils, mostrándome un mundo entre neblinas y velos divinos)
Could you imagine new people and angelic beings emerging slowly amidst the gambol of light, water, mist, ether, ambrosia, fragrance?
Te puedes imaginar estos seres y ángeles emergiendo entre estas luces, agua, neblinas, éter, ambrosía y fragancias?
And here and there, ineffable echoes ring carols melodious to our ears: the sweet story of life conveyed in the hieroglyphs of rocks, glens and whirlpools gurgling bubbles of strangest purity and music!
Aquí y por allí, pues se escuchan estos ecos melodiosos para nosotros: la dulce historia de la vida anunciándose en estos jeroglíficos
de rocas, riachuelos y manantiales borboteando sus burbujas de extraña música y pureza.
Ah! One thousand passages erroneous could only add to your delightful re-encounter, a peaceful return with your former child and divinity!
Mil caminos equivocados solo se yerran para terminar con un nuevo recuento contigo mismo, un plácido reencuentro con aquel dichoso niño y su divinidad!
Theodore (pressing Andromeda's bosom with further queries)
(haciendo más preguntas).
Will there be rolling streams?
Podré encontrar allí tales rios de mi alma?
Andromeda: Yes. Splendid floods and loveliest streams you will find to your heart's contentment.
Si, aquí hallaréis espléndido ríos y fuentes de agua viva para tú gozo.
Theodore: Will there be sun-bathed dells, creeks, meadows, bowers and rivers running glad and adorable to make pathways to my sight's curiosity?
Podré hallar allí aquellos valles profundos bañado de luz, riachuelos, praderas, arbustos, y ríos que corren agradable para hacer caminos a mi curiosidad?
Andromeda: Yes! Heaven is pretty much like planet Earth. Here, in the woody hills of my heart, you will find loveliest thickets without thorns and thistles.
Si. El Paraíso es como la Tierra. Aquí encontráis tus delicados pastos en mi corazón, también encontrarás en mi ser los más agradables bosques sin espinas ni cardos.
Theodore: (looking at her rosy lips)
(viendo sus labios como color de rosa)
How about flowers, tulips and roses? birds? nymphs?
Que tal flores, tulipanes, rosas? pájaros?
Andromeda: (like the happy Beams of a Rising Sun breaking through bulky clouds, so this heavenly lady released an ineffable smile)
(Como La Luz Feliz del Sol partiendo entres colosales nubes, así sonrío su ineffable alegría esta dama tan linda)
The Soul and Precious Memories:
(El Alma y Sus Gratos Recuerdos)
Theodore: (dissipating some cloudy doubts, disipando mis dudas)
Finally, at this point let me take the ticket-permission to carefully meddle upon some pastel shading possibilities:
Finalmente, quisiera tomar mi permiso para profundizar en estas posibilidades con matices oscuros más bien como de pastel:
Whatever spark or wisp of the soul' internal filaments may remain in the hereafter, it (consciousness) would have been very lucky to have escaped the mossy grave of death (minding the reader to read the last pages of the Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe, very beautiful and moving!).
Cualquier chispa o filamento de mi ser que pueda sobrevivir más allá de la muerte, pues sería yo muy afortunado por así haber escapado el triste hoyo de mi muerte (recordando al lector las últimas páginas de las Penas de Werther por Goethe, muy bellos pasajes).
Could the soul be aptly capable to indwell a new body into a new existence?
Podría esta alma aptamente encarnarse en nuevo cuerpo y una nueva existencia?
Andromeda (with the mien of a divine teacher, con la postura de una maestra divina)
As it is written in the New Testament: the Soul is provided with corporeal substance according to his-her merits (1 Corinthians Chapter 15: 35, the Resurrection of the Body).
Como está escrito en el Nuevo Testamento: el Alma es envestida con una substancia corporal de acuerdo a sus méritos ( 1 de Corintios Capítulo 15: 35, la Resurrección del Cuerpo)
The person-identity, or intrinsic nature, is greater to the nature of the former body and self, but the latter state is more glorious than the former: body and soul indivisible.
With a new breath of life, the soul, however invested with superior qualities, is inseparable to the form itself.
La identidad de la persona, su naturaleza intrínseca y su constitución interna es más grandiosa, en cierto modo sigue siendo muy parecida a su forma corpúscula anterior, pero la posterior persona en el Cielo es superior en calidad y gloria: cuerpo y alma son indivisibles.
Con un hálito de vida, el alma, un tanto investida de cualidades superbas, es aquí inseparable de su forma fisiológica.
Once I vacate this body, my dear Lady, I would like to be united with you in Heaven.
Cuando deje este cuerpo, mi amada, quisiera poder ser uno contigo en el Cielo.
The most perfect human beings have their joy in the upper realms above. Take heart, be diligent with your integrity, daily devotion, charities, goodness and prayers, and then your heart will receive his due in this Paradise.
Los espíritus más perfectos pues tienen sus miradas hacia el cielo. Esmérate, sed diligente con tu santidad, integridad, tu devoción, tu oración, bondad y caridad, entonces podrás tener esta dicha de vivir conmigo en este Paraíso en el Cielo.
Most endearingly yours,
Finally, at this point let me take the ticket-permission to carefully meddle upon some pastel shading possibilities:
Finalmente, quisiera tomar mi permiso para profundizar en estas posibilidades con matices oscuros más bien como de pastel:
Whatever spark or wisp of the soul' internal filaments may remain in the hereafter, it (consciousness) would have been very lucky to have escaped the mossy grave of death (minding the reader to read the last pages of the Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe, very beautiful and moving!).
Cualquier chispa o filamento de mi ser que pueda sobrevivir más allá de la muerte, pues sería yo muy afortunado por así haber escapado el triste hoyo de mi muerte (recordando al lector las últimas páginas de las Penas de Werther por Goethe, muy bellos pasajes).
Could the soul be aptly capable to indwell a new body into a new existence?
Podría esta alma aptamente encarnarse en nuevo cuerpo y una nueva existencia?
Andromeda (with the mien of a divine teacher, con la postura de una maestra divina)
As it is written in the New Testament: the Soul is provided with corporeal substance according to his-her merits (1 Corinthians Chapter 15: 35, the Resurrection of the Body).
Como está escrito en el Nuevo Testamento: el Alma es envestida con una substancia corporal de acuerdo a sus méritos ( 1 de Corintios Capítulo 15: 35, la Resurrección del Cuerpo)
The person-identity, or intrinsic nature, is greater to the nature of the former body and self, but the latter state is more glorious than the former: body and soul indivisible.
With a new breath of life, the soul, however invested with superior qualities, is inseparable to the form itself.
La identidad de la persona, su naturaleza intrínseca y su constitución interna es más grandiosa, en cierto modo sigue siendo muy parecida a su forma corpúscula anterior, pero la posterior persona en el Cielo es superior en calidad y gloria: cuerpo y alma son indivisibles.
Con un hálito de vida, el alma, un tanto investida de cualidades superbas, es aquí inseparable de su forma fisiológica.
Once I vacate this body, my dear Lady, I would like to be united with you in Heaven.
Cuando deje este cuerpo, mi amada, quisiera poder ser uno contigo en el Cielo.
The most perfect human beings have their joy in the upper realms above. Take heart, be diligent with your integrity, daily devotion, charities, goodness and prayers, and then your heart will receive his due in this Paradise.
Los espíritus más perfectos pues tienen sus miradas hacia el cielo. Esmérate, sed diligente con tu santidad, integridad, tu devoción, tu oración, bondad y caridad, entonces podrás tener esta dicha de vivir conmigo en este Paraíso en el Cielo.
Most endearingly yours,
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