From the outset, my comments are impartial, for any fanaticism, however fired with the feverish passions of nationalism, may argue the objective opinion of a thinker in matters of political affairs. That one and the other, vis-a-vis, came crashing down is perhaps the most logical course of action.
The masters are those in power, and they decide what’s right or wrong, at least, that’s how we ought to assess the dirty games of politics. Trump-ism may either become a dead horse on his track, or, perhaps, given the on-going disastrous war in Ukraine, it may be given another opportunity?
Some of my best friends are pro-Trump, but I also have friends, of very great moral caliber, who may view him as an opportunist, a demagogue and a clown. Nevertheless, given the decline of our nation, I cannot deny a romantic infatuation with the olden days in New York, that such sentiments are embodied in a clown should not surprise us. Trumpism may stand for ideas and values, however untenable, quickly plummeting in the last throes of a nation collapsing.
Realistically speaking, only a miracle could upend these forces from turning against each other’s throats, for when all is said, Donald Trump, has made enemies of very powerful people in high places.
He is lucky to have been born at a time of ubiquitous surveillance cameras, but this is not always the case: civilized society is still a jungle made up of social animals.
Political assassination and character assassination are one and the same thing, and whoever is smeared through the malicious power of the social media, could deem it as a serious threat and damage to one’s dignity, respect and livelihood.
Another great advantage for Mr. Trump’s seeming defiant spirit, is the broad base of his grassroots and wealthy followers, and this may explain why his mortal enemies have had an incredible hard time trying to getting rid of him.
I would like you to look at the current saga of mighty Donald Trump from a Shakespearean perspective: see the underlying forces at work, the characters and their plots, how powerful men could be brought down through accusations, or in the case of Attila, King of the Huns, through the somniferous effects of love-making and alcohol.
It is not accidental that one of the most powerful accusers against Donald Trump happens to be a woman: she is either a victim (Jean Carroll), or, a powerful attorney in high places (Letitia James) and in the case of the hush-money charges, the latter is said to be a famed pornstar, Stormy Daniels, whose key role in bringing down Mr. Trump could not have been accomplished without the backing and vengeful schemes of powerful enemies in high places.
It is obvious that Mr. Trump fell afoul in a treacherous web of accusations, and even if he is successful at disentangling himself from these bone-breaking grasps, the traumatic effects are no less nightmarish than the flagellation of Christ in the fetid cesspool of the social media.
The Lamb of the WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)
Of course, some of my readers would excoriate me for making such sacrilegious comparisons, for Donald Trump’s witless dalliances with beautiful women would eventually become his Achilles’ heel.
As we witness these plots unfolding and thickening right before our eyes, and in the solemn verdicts of the daylight, one may wonder whether Donald Trump, however basted alive with thirty four charges, could still defeat his sacrificers?
Donald Trump’s salvation is now deeply entrenched in the minds and hearts of us who thought he would make America Great again.
For those who are into jurisprudence and all the predicaments and limitations attached to the rule of law in a nation riven by on-going racial clashes and a teetering economy, it is perhaps fair to say that the sacrifice has been one of the most staggering, earth-shaking events in my lifetime.
I wish you could enlighten me on the possible repercussions of such verdicts in the political landscape of USA.
I feel sorry for USA, and, as an American citizen, all can say is that I find it very hard for Donald Trump to make it for a second term.
Times have changed, and your enemies could simply destroy you without touching your skin: they would aim at your character, integrity and probity. He is done.
By the way, if you go to my website, I have written a lengthy essay on jurisprudence and the ever-effective accusation of a tell-all woman to destroying men the likes of Samson, Attila, John the Baptist, (Bill Clinton should be included here, and most recently Donald Trump) for even kings and powerful men in high place could tremble under the power of Kundry (The Parsifal by Wagner).
By the way, Attila, King of the Huns, seemed to be unconquerable, but the Germans sent him a beautiful blond as a gift, Ildico, and the other day he was found dead in his bed. She was not to blame, but she led him out of his wit.
Not a misogynist, because I have also written on the redemptive power of a good woman, but I think Stormy Daniels became a nightmare for the Trump family.
As much as we try to defend and absolve Mr. Donald Trump from all these serious charges, one thing is clear to me: Donald Trump has made enemies of very powerful people in high places, and the end could be an ignominious defeat.
This is my main reason why I go to church, and why we should pray, daily, to escaping the unquenchable fires of enemies. Mind you, high places, like a hornet‘s nest, are full of dangers, lawsuits, accusations and intrigues!! Watch out!
May I read a psalm tonight?
Psalm 142, You Are My Refuge
But I still have hope. Some friends in their righteous wrath would like to convince me that powerful leaders cannot be destroyed, but do you think Donald Trump is greater than Napoleon Bonaparte?
He may have a chance, but, frankly speaking, when I learned what’s going on with disgraced Rudy Giuliani, all these ordeals can point to the same conclusion: things are going very bad for the United States of America.
Ours is a world of struggles and survival, and as I said to you, humans are extremely territorial, and it is fitting to call us social animals.
Israel attacks displacement encampment in west Rafah
At times, and this is a sad fact about peoples and nations, you either become a Komodo dragon or a Lion, and one of the two has to go.
Some people may argue that Israel is committing genocide, but isn’t the Old Testament but a reprise of the same old chronicles of wars, Holocaust, destruction and complete annihilation of peoples?
If Israel loses this war, they are done, and their fate would be one of woes and horrors. And so I am terribly sorry to see how the children of Abraham are at each other’s throats for the sake of survival, and their hatred is alike visceral and unquenchable like the fires of hell.
Hatred is such a destructive force, two brothers could vent their spleens for some material things, and whether it takes the forms of vengeance or vendetta, a feud among brothers is a force to be reckoned with.
I remember a fight between two Dominican families (1979) a serious issue escalated into a bloody scuffle, and they butchered themselves no less than the sharp claws of beasts upon each other. I remember seeing their bodies maimed and mangled, and it was an incredible reminder of the extremely explosive stuff of human nature.
John Mearsheimer is aware that in the clash of titans (clash of gods) there is not such a thing as right or wrong, good and evil, but the survival of people. Here, unfortunately, I have to agree with F. Nietzsche.
If you read the Old Testament you may side with the Jews, if you read the Iliad of Homer, you may side with the Greeks!
If you read the Koran, you may side with the Muslims.
If you read Edmund Burke, you may side with the British.
If you read the Prince by Machiavelli, you may side with the Italians.
In short, wars are a reflection of the collective forces of peoples and their gods.
I am here speaking my mind without taking sides with any group of people, Whites, Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Semitics, but I must here confess a secret delight in the Hellenistic Culture, and as I observe the decline of this nation, USA, a throwback return to the pages of history has stirred within me a long-held conviction, one which is not only nourished in my personal belief in the God of the Jews, the Bible, but another great book, the Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer, whose moral lessons I would not exchange for the best-sellers of our time.
Heinrich Schliemann, the blessed archeologist, had an inner conviction (the Book of Millennia, the Iliad) was written in his heart —-could be described as indistinguishable from magic and fantastic, and thus he set out to find the legendary City of Troy.
O Heaven! Goddess Serendipity was on his side, and so Schliemann found the remains of an ancient people…warriors and kings!
As much as I sympathize with the Christian religion, I have to admit my undying love for the Hellenic people, their culture and gods, are indistinguishable from magic!!!
Indeed, there are times when one may wonder whether the destinies of nations are but the unfolding collective psyches of theirs gods and convictions?
I wonder whether we are witnessing the demise of nations and peoples?
Avoiding oneself being headlong entangled in long-winded discourses and platitudes, let us simply go straight into the gist of my essay: hatred or love for Donald Trump may well explain how politically divided is the USA Today.
But even if Trump is allowed a second chance, one may wonder whether the West could still upend the vying forces in the games of thrones, destinies and peoples?
Should we consider these invisible forces, be they arbitrary, fickle or whimsical, but a serious war in the spirit realms? (Ephesians Chapter 6:12). The Clash of the Titans!
Ponder in your heart whether rampant immorality and lawlessness could destroy a nation?
Is there any serious moral lessons to be gleaned from the outplay of these mysterious forces?
It is noteworthy that the current war in Ukraine could catapult Mr. Trump to a second term, but I am not sure about the latter.
Trump-ism may well stand for ideas believed to be outdated, anachronistic, dead or simply untenable under the current state of things in USA, and in the worst case scenario, it is tinged with the accusation of racism and xenophobia.
Frankly speaking, I have never felt so sick of the current state of things in USA.
Countless theories have been proposed as to why Biden and Trump are so diametrically opposed along the ever contentious issues of immigration?
With an ever changing demography, it is quite a challenge for any group of people to claim any exclusive privileges as segmented by their forefathers, and so it is believed that the predicaments of white folks are worsened by a decline in reproduction versus the ever increasing tides of non-white people filling the cities of USA.
Immigration seems to be the plus and minus to any nation, because with an excess of migrants the power of demography could shape the very political structure of the system in question, and whereas race is simply a social construct, the survival of a people has always been associated with their history, race and culture.
And so when we speak of the Mayan people as a people with their peculiar characteristics, we are thereby speaking of a distinct group of people, whose fate, unfortunately, was to disappear as a powerful civilization from the surface of the earth.
Nevertheless, you are in serious trouble if you dare speak of the survival of the white people, as a distinct group of people, because you would be called a racist.
Therefore, the fate of the white people, sadly, is that they are to extricate themselves from the pages of history.
They ought to desist from ever claiming any distinct characteristics from the rest of the human family, for they have long been guilty of the “sins of colonialism.”
With a broad base ever growing non-white, USA’s might and unity are expected to decline in the years to come, for it is quite difficult to keeping a people together without a solid, firm foundation deeply rooted in a collective consciousness, volk, as segmented by the greatest glue of human society: soil and land.
Yea, it is quite silly to ignore the obvious facts pressing hard right in front of our noses, for only mentally castrated socialists would ignore the provenance of people, soil and lands, and most importantly, race, in their pursuits of happiness.
I have come across people who wholeheartedly believe that the might of USA lies in its diversity and immigration policies, and given the right time, according to renown physicist Michio Kaku, we may reach civilization Type 1: a confederacy of peoples from all the races of the earth.
I wish to subscribe to this view, but I must confess a persistent pessimism on the current state of affairs in USA.
Technology has not necessarily improved society as a conglomeration of family-units made up of healthy citizens.
But let me pause here, for we are not touching, as yet, on the uncharted territory of science, viz., the evils of the Antichrist, and who knows what damages have already been inflicted upon our stupid brains by the Advent of iPhones and Covid-19?
A lack of love, callousness, appalling hardheartedness (so well described in 2 Timothy Chapter 3) have now become so characteristic of the Millennials and the X Generation, that it is quite a disheartening undertaking to go (with some platonic mentality) out into the dangers of society, either a church, bar or pub, seeking some fellow companion, a kindred soul, in a world gone soulless and dead.
Let us forgo talking about music, because our brains are f***cked up: technology and aliens are killing us.
On the Course of Peoples and Nations:
The great Assyrians, the noblest of the Semitic people, are on the verge of extinction.
The Assyrians, well-known for their bravery and military discipline, had once founded great empires, Babylon, Nineveh, but today they are a downtrodden people, destitute and stragglers amidst the dismal lands of the Arabs.
After years of persecution and genocides, they have been reduced to an insignificant minority in their own lands.
Just do an online research about this wonderful people and you would be flabbergasted, nay, disappointed by the ironic twists in the unpalatable chronicles of history.
The so called “Christians” in Iraq and Iran are mostly of Assyrian descent, and these hapless people, unlike few ancient ethnic groups (Phoenicians, Ancient Egyptians and Jews), have become Arabized or to be assimilated with other people. The same could be said of Anglos In USA, this is not an exaggeration, for the rapid decline of the WASPs (from the 1990s onward) cannot be explained without the dissolution of the family.
So many great heroic people (Noble Warriors as those found in the Iliad of Homer) have already disappeared from the surface of the Earth, but the Jews, the Palestinians and the Assyrians are still making news!!!
The Tragedy of the Assyrians (and to a certain extent the Mongols and Tibetans) is a candid reminder on the ironic twists of History.
History is just a fickle woman, a slutty whore of insatiable lust, and Time is like a cruel gangster ever ogling after new places of woe, carnage, rapes and demonization.
Heroic people could be subjugated, stunted --downtrodden fellows like the Gypsies or some Hatian brothers-- and finally become a bedraggled minority community of beggars, survivors, refugees and stragglers scavenging and rummaging for some leftovers in the rutted path of history.
Today, I am witnessing some remarkable people being devoured alive —-like carrions or carcasses— by the voracious vultures of history.
For the last hundred years, the Germanic people, however self-assertive in their own superiority to any other group of people, have behaved with little regards to the great things they once appropriated from the ancient Roman people.
They held the Latin people as inferior, but they themselves had to learn Latin and Greek before stepping out of the dark ages. Such white supremacists have never read Pliny the Elder, Tacitus, Seneca, Plutarch, and though we may share much in common with the Ancient Greeks and Romans, nothing is more intolerable than to talk with a racist ignoramus.
And sometimes I am inclined to side with the ancient Romans, whose empire lasted at least one thousand years, than to side with these pathetic self-haters, guilt-ridden Homo sapiens bereft of any historic cognizance when speaking of solidarity in the precarious paths of survival.
Eventually, the German people became highly organized, and their civilization achieved the highest pinnacle during Frederick the Great, but only God knows what happened to these courageous Teutons?
Even more pathetic, at times, self-hating German people have flippantly scorned at anything Germanic, and so today there is little to be expected, at least for another millenium, for a people lost in the tides of history.
Unlike the Ancient Egyptians who even went on to chisel themselves in the megaliths of greatness and immortality, these latter folks, are nowadays suffering from morbid symptoms of decadence and nihilism.
The Clan Mentality of the Jewish People
In conformity with the strong character of the Semitic people, has rewarded them with a remarkable sense of community, fired spiritual togetherness, fortitude and unanimous struggle against a world of hostility.
Ths strength of the Jewish people is their remarkable ability to camouflaging themselves among any other group of people while still retaining their unbreakable bound as a people.
Nevertheless, what makes the Jews so remarkable a people is still a conundrum of speculations.
Sure! The systematic belief system of the Jews, The Old Testament, the Talmud, may have provided these stubborn roamers with a sense of historic significance, a "Jewish Unanimity" of tremendous existential
vitality and meaning.
The Old Testament, nevertheless, is fraught with wars and strange sacrifices. And it (Book of Judges) could be read anymore than the Prince of Machiavelli, in earnest, it is a religious-political treatise on how to survive among enemies.
The only difference is, however respectful of my Christian friends, that one would have to confess some embarrassment when applauding such vengeful a God Jehovah (Just peruse the Book of Judges) as uncompromisingly genocidal when defending His Chosen People: the Jews!
As they are so old, perhaps an offshoot of the Sumerians, the Jewish people perceive themselves as "one people" united by a long history of struggle, hardships, and an ever unfolding fulfillment-significance as the privileged children of Abraham. This may explain why evangelicals are always siding with Israel.
The Assyrians, on the other hand, are today strangers in their own lands; but the Jews --chameleons par excellence— could camouflage themselves among any other people while retaining their own historic significance and sense of historic togetherness.
Curiously, after thousand of years of exodus and persecution, the semitic people are still hoping for a Messiah, or a spiritual fulfillment to their precarious existence.
Like the gorged-throated rocks of times in the Sahara dessert, ever suffering the wrath of wailing-piercing winds, this people seem to be beset by a long history of bloodshed and lamentable religious schism in the name of monotheism and territorial mentality.
Why such a God, who is believed to have created so vast a universe, perhaps teeming with countless earth-like planets, would confine his selected children to a few miles of parched lands in the Middle East?
To me this is a hard nut to crack.
Back in the 90s, in Brooklyn, I had the opportunity to spending times with Israelís and American-Jews (mostly Polish immigrants) who had settled in New York at the end of the 19th century.
However an enthusiastic observer of towns and peoples, I did not interact with the Hassidic Jews, generally believed to be the most standoffish among the children of Abraham, Williamsburg, Brooklyn. These punctilious prigs impressed me as a very religious community.
My Semitic friends were, for the most part, Russian Jews, Israeli and Polish-background jews, and they all impressed me as hard-working people.
The Jews, to my sight, resembled the Semitic features of the Palestinians, and some even resembled the archaic Ethiopian people: refined facial features with dark skin, aquiline noses and thick-lips --noble faces that seemed to remind me of the Assyrians or Babylonian engravings as found in Iran and Iraq.
In New York city, I had the opportunity to meeting many hard-working Palestinians, and to me they all look like the Jewish people. The semitic people are but one people divided by religious ideas and a somewhat tribal mentality dating back to the time of King Darius in Persia.
In USA, there are many wonderful Palestinians and Jewish brothers who would like to see justice for their Semitic people.
(I watched the video-link on the Israel Lobby, and I am surprised it has not been removed from the public domain?)?
Though I am a full supporter of the Israel State from a strategic perspective in the Middle East, I am aware that it is very difficult to promote bipartisan politics without some cracks and disagreements along the lines so eloquently expressed by the guests.
It is Not An Albatross Around the American Neck.
Where I may disagree with Mr. Mearsheimer is Israel’s invaluable contributions to USA’s economy far outweigh any setbacks between the two partners. Of course, I am aware that over the years, such lobby has grown so powerful that it is almost impossible to conceive the hegemony of USA without the indispensable invisible hands of the Jewish people, from Albert Einstein to Zuckerberg, and perhaps we can run a long list of scientists, musicians, writers and philanthropists?
We can say so much about the decline of traditional WASPs leading up to a weakening of traditionally bound European citizens in high places of power (mostly Anglo and people of German descent) vs new tides of non-white immigrants proving to be extremely clever and productive and essential to our economy, such as the Chinese, Indians and Jews, whose lobbies could sometimes incur conflicts with the interests of our policymakers.
With a rising competitor such as China, USA has more and more welcome those extremely productive and ingenious immigrants (I shall mention here the Ashkenazi Jews believed to be among the most intelligent people on Earth) whom by excelling in their respective fields, could place our nation in the frontline on the world stage.
Conversations With History: John Mearsheimer and Steve Walt:
As I carefully peruse my writings, I had misspelled Janos in lieu of “Janus” the two-faced god of prosperity of the Ancient Romans. In this manner I compare the two main political parties of USA, Republican and Democrats to Janus, but I argue that a unified force, powerful lobbies —however varying in countless guises— control the USA’s policies, and when all is said, they are the true bosses.
Though Russia is perceived as a roughish, communistic, apostate nation, Germany has headlong continued its reformative efforts of sacrilegious practices, most recently, Synodal Way, which, as you may know, some of its revaluations, progressive manifesto, are in blithering contradiction to the core teachings of the New Testament. That is to say, in order to conform to the zeitgeist of our time, the latter (Christendom) has to be updated.
Such reformative efforts may further split the Catholic Church in Germany, and I wonder, however aware of all the scandals still seething in the heart of the Christian community, whether the bleeding wound could not bring about a worse schism than the one we are witnessing?
We all know these are dangerous times, and I am not trying to exonerate Russia’s current president of his well-reported abuse of power and ruthlessness. He is a politician, and like Bonaparte, he would use whatever means at his disposal, the adhesive glue of religious beliefs, to winning the mind and heart of a great soldier in the serious battlefield of life.
You well know that religion and nationalism are the fuel for an indomitable army. For us Americans, nonetheless, the army lies in disarray, in ignominious defeat, and I hope you could find a man to lead us out of the impending cesspool and demise of the United States of America.
As a cunning man, Putin has made good use of the cracks of religion in the West to winning the approval of conservative Orthodox Christians in Rusia and abroad, he has revived the spirit of the Old Russians of Ivan the Great.
Putin, better than Nietzsche, understands the abiding glue of religious beliefs to keeping a people defiant, united and strong. And so the Germans of today are not only liberal-minded volk to any winds of science, philosophies, and agnosticism, but in their own wisdom, they have brought themselves further into the cliffs of destruction.
Instead of reviving the courageous spirit of the Teutonic people in the music of Wagner, the Germans of today have succumbed to the weakening doctrines of the Synodal Ways, their daughters, alas, to be given to the rapacious children of Baal and Moloch.
Buckle Your Seatbelt
I have been listening to Prof. Mearsheimer and Prof. Wolff, albeit the latter tends to sympathize with socialism, an euphemism for communism, I am surprised at how-daring they voice their views so openly about the touchy issue of Israel, Zionism and the incendiary arguments edging on the accusation of antisemitism.
These men will lose their jobs…or pensions.
If you wish not to click on this link, due to safety concerns with any spams or the vulnerability of the current social platform, you can search the conversation as it appears in the rubric below:
John Mearsheimer Warns: Israel BLOCKED UN Famine Aid Vehicle, IDF's Atta.
It is noteworthy that both Prof. Mearsheimer and Prof. Richard Wolff are both of German descent.
On another important note to Thomas Geraghty (CEO of Sangreal Apartments), though I am a staunch supporter of the Germany of Goethe, Humboldt and Schelling, and could defend to great length the once great nation of men the likes of Bach, Beethoven and its best authors, Schopenhauer, F. Nietzsche, all these dear folks would be quite disappointed by the progressive Germany of the liberals, and how the latter are destroying Christianity —the vacuum will be filled with Muslims and atheists.
Germany has fallen astray by the Antichrist zeitgeist destroying families, churches, communities, societies… dead.
If there is any truth about all this, viz., apostasy, the destruction of Christianity, then the coming of Christ is around the corner.
2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 (the coming of the man of perdition).
By the way, although the mystery of iniquity could be said to work surreptitiously, in secrecy, the destructive forces of evil could surprise us in their incomprehensible modus operandi and boldness…and so, only God’s grace could save us from the second death in hell.
No one knows how evil works, it is beyond comprehension (2 Thessalonians 2:07)
Why are evangelicals siding with zionists is beyond my comprehension, but I can see the fulfillment of the New Testament’s prophecies tied-up with the Old Testament.
Nothing new on the world-stage because events are remarkably repetitive, but what is quite shocking, beyond any shadow of a doubt, is the fact that the dregs of history are incredibly recurrent as the unrolling waves of the sea.
Lo and behold! After a couple of decades one may see this heap of junks from a storm-stricken ship, its cumbersome loads drifting offshore.
People aboard should have seen the dangers of such undertakings (pact with the Devil), and how many souls, and more people to be slaughtered in the years to come, and so the god of this world will continue sacrificing more innocent lives.
Do you remember how that man stabbed me in my back?
Are not those innocent people dying like dogs every day?
It is worth remembered the millions of people daily sacrificed to the gods of war, and who would finance such ongoing wars?
Who would benefits from such wars?
You may answer me the Military Industrial Complex, but at the expense of so many lives lost in destruction?
And so the follies of empires seem to be ineluctable, and the colossal stupidity of those in power could be seen by all.
It is a fact: USA is coming apart unless a unifying force could hold it together.
So we hope: truth would come out of the ruins, dustbins and lawlessness of godless people claiming to be ministers of justice and light.
On May 8, 2024, at 3:52 PM, Thomas Geraghty wrote:
“This happened so many times it began to be reported. it presented the question, Who are these protestors? Why were they here? The answer is that these young people are on a list to be called for any Socialist protest that may occur. This is how they work. - TOM ”
No one would argue that communistic interlopers are infiltrating the campuses of USA’s most prestigious universities, but do you honestly believe that there is a kingdom divided in itself?
What are the objectives of these powerful people ruining the once prosperous Christian nation?
I wish I could understand the events leading up to the collapse of societies, and how the few on top (…) would go on to continue writing the pages of history. The victors, as the saying goes, will always write the history as best suit their own interests.
But don’t lose heart, no one can put a finger on the sun and thus deprive others of its glorious light. This is the beauty of Christ’s Ascension to Heaven! The forces of evil, however appearing in countless mysterious guises and deceptive schemes, were not able to keep Him in the grave!
Mind you, the Ancient Romans’s indomitable spirit was sagged down by one thousand different sects and isms!
Are you into this all-too-all mundane mentality?
One may pretend to be ignorant or oblivious of the facts pressing right in front of our noses, but do you sincerely believe that there is a political dichotomy (Democrats vs Republicans) at work in the heart of USA’s government?
To me, I see a single, coordinated, indeed unified force, however apparent in all its complex multifariousness, multiplicity and countless deceptive guises, little by little, gaining more power, and in spite of any public condemnation, showing us all, rich and poor, who ultimately rule the west.
Only fools would believe that the two-faced Janus of USA’s major political powers, Democrats and Republicans, are the ultimate powers that control the Oval Office, the Congress and the Senate.
Some may say that no one is above the law, but history has shown us, time and time again, that laws are often enacted or annulled according to the framework (judicial system) and jurisdiction of those who have the power, to quoting Nietzsche, the masters have the upper hands in matters of good and evil. If they don’t like you, they would simply demonize you.
Washing one’s hands may not exonerate us of the pangs and qualms of a guilty conscience, but I wish could go to sleep thinking that finally the evils of the world have been cleaned out, and finally, the brightest thinkers could come up with a systematic comprehensive framework upon which we may comprehend the mystery of iniquity.
I wish you good luck with that.
Nothing new under the sun: same old news about the world:
If you think the daily saga and ordeals of Donald Trump are bad enough, what about the threats of nuclear war?
This may be another warmongering nonsense from Putin’s well-known bullying tactics, but are these good dear folks still talking about nuclear threats? My goodness…what the heck is going?
Douglas Macgregor: Russia Is ANGRY After US Conducts Exercises Near Bord...
Is this the best world we can get after all these years of high-flown promises and prowess in the name of civilization and humanity?
Only a miracle could keep the world spinning without a major destruction; a major catastrophe could wipeout a staggering number of people from the surface of the earth, seems to me, as we follow the current affairs in the world stage, the repetitive course of things, and so nothing is new under the sun.
If you ever thought we are living bad times, just wait for the coming years….You better attend your Bible Studies. Peruse the Holy Scriptures from the safe window of your salvation.
2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
Prof. John Mearsheimer is one of the brightest geopolitical analysts today, and even the brightest may change their views according to the ineluctable course of things.
Mr. Mearsheimer once said that, given the size of Ukraine, it was very unlikely that the Russians would win this war, “it is a briar patch.”
Now, if you well remember, I always thought that the Russians, backed by the East, could wage a long-protracted war against Ukraine and NATO, and in the long run, either side would capitulate due to the depletion of resources, manpower, and a host of other issues leading to the collapse of a nation.
I know Tom Geraghty to be on the side of the Ukrainians, and I would like to be on your side, because we, as Americans, have spent billions of dollars going to enrich the fat cow of the military industrial complex, but even more disheartening is the fact that thousands of Ukrainians are dying in a war that, according to some of the world-leading geopolitical analysts, is being won by the Russians.
John Mearsheimer: Can Ukraine Win If US Provides $61B In Aid? SENSITIVE ...
If you well remember, I told you that Ukraine, backed by NATO, was not matched for the Russians. I am not a military expert, but I inferred that the Russians would be backed by our mortal enemies from the East, especially the Chinese, and so it pains me to say that I was blithering right.
The War in Ukraine Must End Now:
First of all, I am neither endorsing nor opposing the soft political pasture of president Joe Biden. If stupidity could be met with effrontery and retaliation, then let us avoid the worse case scenario for the Biden administration.
What can we learn from the first six weeks into the Russian invasion of ..
Thank you for replying to my question, What’s Going On In Ukraine, whereat you express admiration for the bravery of the Ukrainians to warding-off the Russian invasion, and that the pendulum of victory is now oscillating on the side of Zelensky and the West. It is all apparent and provisional. Even any negotiation has proved to be unsuccessful, and to what end are we willing to arm the Ukrainians when their cities lay in ruins?
Frankly speaking, the situation in Ukraine is extremely dangerous, and any tactics or offense, like an explosive volcano, could still crack open unsuspected evils, and perhaps a good course of action would be to minimize, as much as we can, the amount of fumes, debris and lava burning all along its destructive path.
May you accept my analogy, because such is the frightening reality of a world trying to avoid a nuclear disaster in the offing, which, however unwilling to recognize the nuclear capabilities of Putin —-a madman in possession of thousands of nuclear warheads— we must come to grips with the facts, and let us learn from the sad pages of history, that the Child of Perdition (Antichrists) could usher in an unparalleled destruction upon the surface of the earth.
By this time, it is patently obvious that the Russians will not retreat to the Donbass area, but like a pack of hyenas, they would continue their military campaign till they have their fill of woes and destruction.
A stronghold on the East of Ukraine, could still prove to be advantageous for the Russians, and I hope our sanctions could stop their rearmament, supplies and logistics. This is my hope.
Herein, I must agree with Biden, that a long protracted war with Rusia, however costly and profitable to the military industrial complex, is preferable than a nuclear confrontation with Rusia.
What we are witnessing is a complete disaster. I could only describe this crisis as essentially nihilistic, meaningless, insane, and everybody is losing. The East and the West are clashing, and we should be with the West.
I would like to ask what’s on in Ukraine?
Every day, every moment I hear contradictory statements: that the Russians are losing, that Putin is deescalating his offensives and now focusing on the East, Donbas, and so on and so forth. Keep your wit!
On the other side of the aisle, I have been told that the social media is peddling “informations,“ even fabricated montages and footages, as better suit the strategic interests of the lords of this world, and so it would be silly to accept, de facto, what’s daily being conveyed to us by the power of the social media to be factual: it is rather an explosion of contradictions and lies.
Hence why Satan is called the Prince of the World, a liar and slanderer.
All the same, no one would dispute the fact, that a country so huge as Ukraine, could not be tamed in just a few weeks. In the words of John Mearsheimer, it is a “briar patch” for any invaders. I am sorry for the contradictions.
It is commonly believed, that Mr. Putin, had planned to subdue Ukraine in one single strike of genius (blitzkrieg) but I would argue that his is a suicidal rigmarole requiring tremendous preparedness and logistics, for “timing” is what distinguishes a fine mind from a less capable commander in chief.
To say that the Russians troops were stalled out, days and nights, due to logistics is indeed a big disappointment, if not a tragedy, and one could only add an element of the supernatural anymore than the hand of God protecting the Ukrainians.
But this is only a “one-sided version” of the story: God is always on the side of the story-teller. Yeah right!
Thomas Geraghty replies:
No one can know what's going on, because Biden cannot be clear about what he expects the USA to do.
Gen Keene is correct. Biden was told that 'Russia would be victorious, no matter how long it would take. and therefore, the war should end as soon as possible to preserve life, and Zelinsky should make any kind of deal to make peace.'
That was the assumption Biden operated under. The problem is that Ukraine "messed up" that conclusion by fighting back so effectively. They are doing extraordinarily well given the fact they are fighting what was considered one of the most effective armies in the world. Their defense of Ukraine has exposed the Russian army as; poorly led, poorly equipped. and poorly motivated. Their superior (more modern) weaponry is being countered by Soviet era planes (and other cold war era materiel) in the hand of the Ukraine military. Nevertheless, they making up for that with skill and determination.
This war is an example for the ages, a study for the military colleges, and will be noted for the lessons it teaches. Biden is infirm. He can hardly speak without blundering and going off topic. How can anyone expect him to be on top of this? He doesn't know what to do, and he's confusing everyone around him. They can't decide what he (Biden) should say. We have seen the Sec of State and the Pentagon spokesman (who speaks for the Sec of Defense) publicly contradict each other on policy. This is because of the absence of leadership form the top, and they are being left to make-up policy as they go. It's a terrible situation for the country. - TOM
These essays, however desultory were written in 2022, and some my predictions may have not turned out to be true, but my main thesis, a militarily superior Rusia vs a weaker Ukraine, is, up today, indisputable.
John Mearsheimer cracks open the coffin of Ukraine:
Contrary to Mr. John Mearshiemer’s advice, that in the wake of this crisis, it is incumbent upon Ukraine to flip back into the arms of the Russians —-I would rather keep my mouth shut: the Chinese could perceive our deterrence as weak and feckless, and they could follow suit on Taiwan.
Mr. Biden, after all is said, is not so stupid, but I think he has found himself in the crosshairs of an extremely difficult chessboard with the Russians and the Chinesse.
The fall of Ukraine could be the downfall of the Biden Administration.
As much as I have to side with my countrymen, whether democrats or republicans, I am bound to admit that we have spooked the Russians with our dreamy-footed policies and democracies overseas.
NATO I definitely stand with you, but at times, I have to bite my tongue for having to agree with Mr. Mearshiemer.
John Measheimer on Ukraine-Russia Crisis:
For the last two weeks, I have listened to scores of lectures by highly-acclaimed experts on the current crisis with the Russians, but Mr. Mearsheimer’s devastating realism strikes me as much as the disheartening crisis unfolding before our eyes.
En ocasiones tuve que buscar canales y fuentes desde la perspectiva de Argentina o de Espana, porque aquí, en EEUU, ya sabemos como se nos informa. Sin embargo, aún en Espana, me sospecho que las opiniones del Señor Mearshiemer sobre la crisis en Ucrania, a penas le ganan prosélitos.
Hablar tales verdades pueden resultar riesgoso, pero algunos expertos se atreven a emitir opiniones… cuyas consecuencias le puede costar sus carreras.
—-Better keep one’s mouth shut lest you upset the gods of this age.
The Recurrent Pages of History and the Wisdom of Ages:
For years, I thought Greek mythology was just the stuff of primitiveness, ignorance and superstition, but the advent of the social media, big techs, has changed my mind: we are witnessing the clash of the titans in real life.
There is a great deal of misinformation and confusion, and who in the world knows what is really going on?
Go to YouTube and search the name Michael Matt, another interesting perspective to what the hell is going on?
Crisis In Ukraine, What’s Really Going On In Ukraine?
If there is one truth emerging out of this confusion, it is the power of the social media (el quinto poder) to distort our perception of reality.
—-But what is reality?
In order to eliciting any sound opinion, one would need the right premises prior to any inferences or speculations, but this is a thankless task: information is as foggy as the mysteries of iniquity.
From what I gather from Michael Matt’s analysis of the U-R crisis, I can infer the following conclusions:
a) The titans (oligarchs) are not happy with overpopulation.
b) Human life has become extremely cheap.
c) We are mere pawns in the chessboard of the gods of this world.
I hope you can find time to watch this visceral analysis of the crisis between Ukraine and Russia! It is an impartial analysis, so it is worth your time.
Could Zelensky Withstand the Encircling Onslaught of the Russians?
I know it is a hard decision, and painful one to make when “the stakes are so high” for a man who has made himself so famous, and now he is to remain truthful to his people, and perhaps even endure martyrdom.
If Zelensky flees for his life, then, that would be a symbolic victory for Putin, and it would be very bad news for us Westerners who love democracy. Now if you don’t believe in democracy and our highly-valued constitution, then, —-why stay in USA?
If you are from the West, it would be silly to side with the enemy, however disapproving the current state of affairs in America, it is our nation, and we should stand unshakable, steadfast and loyal to our democratic values and way of life.
I am aware that some folks (even some American people) much to my surprise, have vicariously projected themselves on either side of the aisle, Zelensky’s or Putin’s, and they may expect to soothe their festering frustrations in the dirty gameplays of politics.
—-I wish you good luck with that!
Of course, I am keenly aware that we should not meddle in the internal affairs of any nation but only when they threaten our national security and strategic interests.
The well-reported atrocities of the Bolsheviks back in the 1920s, could remind us of the woes and horrors of a people gone ungodly, lawless, callous and “bereft of any pangs conscience,” soul and respect for the sacredness of life.
Natural Resources Worth Trillions of Dollars in Ukraine:
I had surmised that conquering and destroying a country, which, from the perspective of my silly one-sidedness, could amount to a steaming pile of junks, rubbles and ruins, is, perhaps, a futile undertaking by a delusional, utopian, romantic pariah like Putin, but on closer inquiry, I have learned that Ukraine may have, as yet waiting to be drilled and refined, some of the largest reservoirs of petroleum in the world.
Therefore, not only are the Russians after the wheat (the bread-basket of most of Europe), but also after the blood of a world ever depending on fossil fuels.
Shame on Homo Sapiens, could not reach a Type 1 Civilization for interstellar traveling. The truth is that we are still a bunch of bipedal, destructive retrogrades equipped with the lethal technology to our own destruction and demise from the surface of the Earth.
Indeed, the world is always the same crazy worse-scenario staged by these little “odious vermin who ever walked on the surface of the earth” (quoting from Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels): wars, greed, piracy, looting, raids, forage, rapes, pillaging, plundering, destruction and deaths, are the old stuffs of millennia, and the law of recurrence repeats its unpalatable pages of history, time and time again, with appalling ineluctability and heart-throttling exactitude: “eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, a nail for nail.”
We are to assume that Putin’s army may soon collapse due to logistics and resources, but much to my dread, I think the Monster Kraken has already penetrated the entrails and bowels of Ukraine’s essential storehouses filled with wheats.
I use the analogy of the monster Kraken vs Hydra (multiple heads), because it could better illustrate the strength and weakness of Putin vs Zelensky.
On logistics and resources: it is very likely that Putin’s seeming discombobulated attacks on multiple fronts, all at the same time, are, by no means, a brainless undertaking without regards to logistics, fortitude and resources.
His monster (Kraken’s all-devouring tentacles and serpentine tendrils) are believed to be gorging the economy (supply and storehouses) of Ukraine anymore than worms “boring and eating” from inside the entrails of a bleeding calf.
As ugly as this may seem, I don’t think a defeated dictator, such as Putin and his henchmen, will retreat without inflicting some “shock and awe” maneuvers to shattering the iron-will of a people.
Saving precious times and scribbles in matters of unpredictable warfares, I would not add anything new to this short e-mail, because if you are an intelligent person, then you should know that Putin’s rather soft approach to the city of Kyiv is part of his tactics and political campaign, that is to say, a gradual escalation of asymmetrical conflicts, with lows and highs, which, at some point, could potentially lead to a justifiable use of far-more-devastating forces and technologies… at the hand of a madman, finding himself at the crossroads of a potential defeat abroad, and potential abdication at home.
And the masses, as we all know, are terribly fond of the firecrackers of powers, destructions and hubris. In fact, it is part of human nature to revel in the destructive machines of technology, hence why video games, rife with destructive machines, are always in high demands.
Secretly, some folks are watching this visceral feud between Putin vs Zelensky with some intimate wicked delights, some Machiavellian cheerfulness in the core of human nature, which, at times, would prefer “the joy of war” than the suffocating stagnation of boredom in a society growing suicidal, nay, tired of the same existential threats and discontentments with things in general.
Proof of this observation could be found in the disheartening carelessness, indeed, dangerous opinions daily ventilated in the reckless social media. These folks are even bent on adding more embers and burning sticks to a very flammable, dangerous situation. This crisis could quickly spiral into a major global disaster.
From a psychological perspective, it is to a grim dictator’s sense of justice and vengeance, inasmuch he is believed to be the Colletive Psyche of a people, to let loose the wrath of the monster Kraken (retaliation) upon his vulnerable victims.
Can Putin lose his mind and soon start acting like an awful monster borne on the tides of imminent wars?
A defeated Putin could still pose tremendous challenges for the West. And we better stop taunting him through the social media (that’s suicidal) lest he resort to unleashing his all-consuming fires upon the innocent people of Ukraine.
Dictators are believed to be the psychological embodiment of a people, and it behooves us all to act wiser by simply keeping a platform of mutual understanding, peace, respect and diplomacy.
“Before the fall there is pride,” and I don’t think the grandiose embodiment of the Soviet Union, Putin, would capitulate without some serious krakens going loose into the four corners of the world.
We are now crippling a major world’s leading economy, and you tell me how are we now faring with “La Fiera” (the Beast).
Much to say about weakness and strength, but the reality is that we are living suicidal times in masses.
Is Ukraine another Afghanistan for the Russians?
Destroying a captured city is not to the advantage of Putin’s political gains, and Mr. Zelensky, is keenly aware of the strength of weakness, and vice-versa, the weakness of strength (the Achilles’s heel for any strongman) when engaging in psychological warfares through the power of the social media.
Mr. Zelensky’s defiance is symbolic of an iron-people determined to fight, to the last breath and moment, for democracy, freedom, their motherland.
It is to be observed that Zelensky’s greatest weapon, “together we stand” narrative has proven to be his strength and the other‘s weakness, and he is not scared to continuing posting videos asking his people to take on guns and whatever means necessary to defeating the Russians.
Contrary to his people trapped in this awful situation, nonetheless, on the event of a final victory for the Russians, Zelensky may have the option to taking a quick flight out of the hands of the Russians.
While brazenly strutting in front of his elegant presidential house in Kyiv, and surrounded by an impressive army of loyal people, he is now posed to remain defiant and unconquerable!
This man has gut! Could Zelensky withstand the encircling onslaught of the Russians without fleeing for his life?
Is Ukraine another Afghanistan for the Russians?
It is to be observed that Ukraine’s charted territories, for the most parts, flatlands allowing easy access to in-rushing military offensives, are not as rough, rugged and rutted as Afghanistans’ treacherous dismal expanses and uncharted domains, whose throaty caves and inhospitable mountains are the greatest strategic defenses against any interlopers.
Rising Guerrillas and insurgencies in Ukraine, from a topographical perspective, would not have the run-and-hide advantages of Afghanistan’s deserted terrains and wastelands, the habitation of an indomitable army of one thousand heads, the children of Hydra, the frightening monster Gorgon in Greek Mythology.
Explosion heard in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv:
Mr. Zelensky has displayed tremendous bravery and mettle against the advancing Russian offenses, but, unfortunately, he is finding himself alone and cornered by an indomitable defiant army.
At some point, he would have to either negotiate with the Russians or flee for safety (according to this Spanish analyst).
Would you stay hiding in your fortress when Attila and the Huns threaten to capture you alive?
Putin se rie de los líderes del mundo:
If you are dealing with a fearless political crazy thug like Putin, a dangerous man believed to have at his arsenal hundreds of nuclear heads, one of the world’s largest reservoirs of natural gas, and now believed to be blocking the flow of other essentials into the hands of his fretting counterparts in Europe, the chances of capitulation by a defeated although very courageous Zelensky are very high.
Zelensky is a great man, and he has tried his best to saving his capital from falling captive to the frightening specter of the former Soviet Union, but the West could not help him during this critical hour.
His friends left him alone, and as the plot thickens, soon we will witness an incredible twist of events, but I am not sure whether he could hold-on for so long without fleeing for his life.
Mr. Zelensky may even use his own civilians as human shields or barricades against the ever-encircling Russian troops, but do you think innocent people could stand strong and defiant against such coordinated a military campaign?
Finding himself alone, Mr. Zelensky may finally flip, back and forth, and even seek to negotiate an armistice or truce with his Slavic counterparts, but these latter folks, perhaps staunch antisemites to the core, are known to be brutal, heartless and ruthless, and I don’t know, I pray, how will they spare the life of a man who has sided with us?
As we squeeze the Russians with more bone-breaking sanctions, for a winning side, the thirst for revenge (sweeter than honey but sourer than gall) could hardly be mollified by a sudden treaty of neutrality, and we may expect something in store (only God knows what is in Putin’s mind) to appease the sore sprit of a humiliated people crying for “poetic justice” to their wit’s end.
But it is to Putin’s advantage to display restraint and self-control even when his guts have been hammered with new sanctions. For sure, he has to present himself as kin and kith to the Ukrainian people, and this may explain why he has not, as yet, resorted to attacking his Ukrainian counterparts with a lightning spree of airstrikes in the heart of big cities.
Such military strategies could rather be detrimental in the long run, not only could ratty Putin potentially rouse the indignation and condemnation of his Russian people, but even further divide the will of a United People. Worse, a captured city mounting to a pile of wrecks and rubbles is not to the advantage of a clever commander.
Does he care a jot about the outcry of the international community?
The Ukrainian peoples are split with countless predicaments. Eventually, they may find themselves riven by the struggle of survival: food, shelter and energy. Hopeless between the West and East, they may seek help from without. They will implore the international community for help. This is awful.
Putin, nevertheless, is aware that a campaign of unification cannot be solely achieved through the might of military superiority, something greater than brutal force, a Collective Glue has to be instilled in the mind of these peoples, otherwise, like the former Soviet Union, the chances of collapse are predictable. Time, here, is determinative of the final victor, the final outcomes for a successful military campaign or, the efficacy of a recipe of sanctions for Rusia are perhaps working to deterring a worse disaster. One or the other will finally capitulate.
This view, a teetering economy, may hold true for America, but I am not sure whether we find ourselves headlong destined to the same fate. Empires rise and fall, and the adhesive collective elements that bind them together are always at the mercy of fate.
Whether we like it or not, the Russian and the Ukrainian people, however separated by the fragile curtail of communism vs capitalism, may share much in common as the children of the Caucasus Mountains. In the last analysis, their distant past, how much asunder by the current promissory advantages of a freer democratic society, could still choose to live peacefully, side by side, in the cozy home of mutual respect for each other’s right to be part of a larger world.
Of course, our system has some cracks, but it allows the greater number of peoples to enjoy greater equality, equity, justice and opportunities.
Putin’s grim politics may not work in the long run, democracy is at the heart of human freedom and pursuit of happiness.
Finally, contrary to the news outlets, the Russians have displayed, to some measures, a willingness to avoid a full-scale bombardment of private properties and buildings in Ukraine, but only when they deem it necessary to topple and halter the indomitable spirit of the resistant Ukrainians. Once they see their buildings going up in flames and rubbles helter skelter, their resolute spirit could collapse under the frightening strafes and barrages of military relentless airstrikes.
I hope they could stand strong and chase away the intrusive Russians, but I have to be realistic and see the obvious tactical disadvantages of the Ukrainian people whose smoke-oppressive skies smacking of dread and destructions, walled-in cities and shattered vital infrastructures are said to be under the fury and onslaught of a very capable army.
God helps this man and his family.
At times it is difficult to say whether history is going linear or backward. In the constant flux and whirlwinds of a world ever changing, it seems contrary to reason that some people would like to go back in time?
—-Is he crazy?
It is too late.
If you are in your 50s and 60s, you may probably feel a little bit “left behind” by a world ever spinning with new curious things and inventions, and as I write these notes, even the “sense of time and space”seems to have been affected by the wizardry spells of technology.
Some people believe that technology (the forbidden apple) is finally killing us, and soon we would live in a soulless society.
And the Sunday they kill the world:
Secretly, some retrograde folks may even fear that in this illusive spate of fleeting things, they may even lose their sense of belonging, identity, individuality, password (place in time and history) and could end up roaming around like sleepwalkers: a mass of suicidal people fighting against the tidal waves of this scary zeitgeist: the Antichrist?
Out of this tremendous tension, something is developing in the pregnant womb of time.
I have no clue what is coming…but I deeply believe that the days ahead will be very trying and extremely difficult.
The problems in USA are terribly complex:
On the one hand, Trump was believed to be an inciter of domestic instabilities along the racial-lines of our human species, and to the very end of his presidency, he was plagued with accusations of racism, narcissism and far-right policies. Despite his flaws, nonetheless, he could deal with our enemies, and even made friends of our enemies abroad. Amazing!
On the other hand, we have soft-spoken Joe Biden, praised for his diplomacy and missionary policies aimed at eradicating systemic racism in USA, and hence, bring us all to an unparalleled age of progress, enlightenment and justice for all. Amazing!
If you believe in aliens, extraterrestrials and a huge Cosmos teeming with people out there, then Biden is the man for the new age.
Unfortunately, and this is not surprising to me, Joe Biden may face resistance by many retrograde earthlings unwilling to embrace this new progressive age of the West!
Hannity: This is madness
I had intended to sending you this e-mail early this morning on the Russia-Ukraine crisis, but I wish not to diminish my appreciation for the people of Rachmaninoff and Tolstoy. As much as I hate the politics of Putin, I would rather let the course of things become the arbiter of such pivotal moments in history.
It is worth remembering that the renown Roman historian, Tacitus, when writing about Germania, sought to be impartial when measuring men and women for their bravery, dignity, strength and moral stamina to facing the challenges of survival.
There is much to say about the contumacious character of the tenacious Russians, as perhaps a nation of retrogrades unwilling to be part of a larger civilized democratic society with the West, but I must point out that things are going topsy turvy in America, and even here in USA, countless Americans (...) feel unrooted from their own past.
Dreamy-footed with our romantic utopias, we may think that the Russians should learn from us how to compose great music, how to philosophize, and how to write great books!
If we are to teach the Russians a lesson, we would have to continue in the path of diplomacy, respect and even reverence for their great legacy to humanity.
Putin can smell Biden’s weakness a mile off:
I thought Putin promised to remove the troops by tomorrow, Sunday, Feb. 20th?
Just when I thought things will get better, now this simmering conflict with the bad guys on the other side of the globe.
I still think a war could be staved-off with the right diplomatic skills and statesmanship. We need a leader, a charismatic one to dealing with enemies abroad.
With great respect to Mr. Biden’s soft stick of diplomacy, I don’t think he is being successful to deterring a potential serious disaster with the Russian people.
And now he is enacting some sanctions to the effects of crippling an already epileptic world economy?
What we are witnessing is a colossal debut of political insanity on both sides of the aisle: here and abroad.
I have to say that Putin is a badass, clever fox, and just when we are recovering from a pandemic he is now intent on plunging us all into a protracted war.
Mr. Biden and our leaders are too progressive to understanding the retrograde and atavistic mentality of Putin and his ilk.
No se como reaccionan los eslavos al ver a nuestro Vice Presidente, una mujer, Ms. Harris?
Just to give you an idea why these folks hate our progressive society.
Simply put: what is at stake?
Do you think Putin will withdraw his troops without losing the badger of honor to his Slavic people?
I totally see this situation from a racial-Russian perspective, but we, the American people, a nation made up of peoples, would like to bring our romantic political utopias far afield, into the minds of these diehard, stubborn, boneheaded Russian people.
Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer
It is incredible how prof. John Mearshiener, back in 2015, predicted with laser-like accuracy the unfolding crisis with Ukraine vis-a-vis Russia, NATO and USA.
John Mearsheimer On Ukraine:
Let’s see how this crisis is going to play out in the days to come.
Timing is one of the most difficult decisions for any course of action. In fact, timing is the mark of genius, but I think Putin has placed himself in an extremely difficult position.
He put his nose in this mess, and I don’t know how is he going to withdraw his troops without losing the badger of honor?
With a raging winter ahead, the stakes are high for any prospects of war, but don’t forget that the worst military disasters have often been staged during the winter: a mortal weapon capable to crushing the mettle of the bravest of men?
A crisis with Russia is to return back to the cold years of the 1980s, but for some reason, I am not thinking about the threats of a nuclear war.
It seems we are heading back to the Cold War with Russia:
Putin will invade Ukraine within days, says Biden
It is very unfortunate this is going on, and it seems that the honey-moon of solidarity with the Slavic people is on the fray. Putin is simply the personification of a people, and like Obama in Post-America, he may embody the haunting spirit of the former Soviet Union.
Concerning the quickly buildup of Russian troops along the border of Ukraine, it is preposterous to think that they will retreat due to international pressure. On the contrary, they are rather preparing for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine while allowing ample time for any strategic, somewhat tactful move with their counterparts: USA and Europe.
To me, the war has already started the moment they deployed more than one hundred thousand armed men and women hellbent on taking over another country. You may call it military drills, war-games or political gambles, but only a fool will think that these are unpremeditated moves by a cocky man totally blinded by his own ego or ludicrous ambitions.
Putin is obviously attempting to bring back the former glory of the Soviet Union. Crazy, perhaps, but most famous leaders have often been labeled as the sociopathic types, psychos, narcissists, lunatics, or mutants sprung from the pit of hell.
The brinkmanship of Putin may surprise us as totally counterintuitive and counterproductive, but I am afraid that he is bolstered by a new ally in the East, China, and even perhaps the backing of other vassals in their rapid rise to world dominance, gloating over the demise of our beloved nation of democracy.
The pandemic, as in times past, has simply set the scene for a new world stage, a new world order, and we may expect new escalations of wars and destruction in the years to come.
With a teetering economic lurching to a protracted recession, a war with Russia, one of the world’s largest reservoirs of natural gas, could be suicidal (this is not an understatement).
Prices of basic commodities will soon skyrocket, an inflation would ensue devastating an already fragile (if not damaged) economy based on the purchasing power of the dollar, once backed by the might, hegemony and prestige of USA as the superpower of the new world order, are under the serious threats from the East (Read Daniel Chapter 9).
The stakes are high for Putin and the Russian people, and for us, my dear friends, may the Almighty help us escape the horrors of a crazy world on the verge of a Third World War.
The masters are those in power, and they decide what’s right or wrong, at least, that’s how we ought to assess the dirty games of politics. Trump-ism may either become a dead horse on his track, or, perhaps, given the on-going disastrous war in Ukraine, it may be given another opportunity?
Some of my best friends are pro-Trump, but I also have friends, of very great moral caliber, who may view him as an opportunist, a demagogue and a clown. Nevertheless, given the decline of our nation, I cannot deny a romantic infatuation with the olden days in New York, that such sentiments are embodied in a clown should not surprise us. Trumpism may stand for ideas and values, however untenable, quickly plummeting in the last throes of a nation collapsing.
Realistically speaking, only a miracle could upend these forces from turning against each other’s throats, for when all is said, Donald Trump, has made enemies of very powerful people in high places.
He is lucky to have been born at a time of ubiquitous surveillance cameras, but this is not always the case: civilized society is still a jungle made up of social animals.
Political assassination and character assassination are one and the same thing, and whoever is smeared through the malicious power of the social media, could deem it as a serious threat and damage to one’s dignity, respect and livelihood.
Another great advantage for Mr. Trump’s seeming defiant spirit, is the broad base of his grassroots and wealthy followers, and this may explain why his mortal enemies have had an incredible hard time trying to getting rid of him.
I would like you to look at the current saga of mighty Donald Trump from a Shakespearean perspective: see the underlying forces at work, the characters and their plots, how powerful men could be brought down through accusations, or in the case of Attila, King of the Huns, through the somniferous effects of love-making and alcohol.
It is not accidental that one of the most powerful accusers against Donald Trump happens to be a woman: she is either a victim (Jean Carroll), or, a powerful attorney in high places (Letitia James) and in the case of the hush-money charges, the latter is said to be a famed pornstar, Stormy Daniels, whose key role in bringing down Mr. Trump could not have been accomplished without the backing and vengeful schemes of powerful enemies in high places.
It is obvious that Mr. Trump fell afoul in a treacherous web of accusations, and even if he is successful at disentangling himself from these bone-breaking grasps, the traumatic effects are no less nightmarish than the flagellation of Christ in the fetid cesspool of the social media.
The Lamb of the WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)
Of course, some of my readers would excoriate me for making such sacrilegious comparisons, for Donald Trump’s witless dalliances with beautiful women would eventually become his Achilles’ heel.
As we witness these plots unfolding and thickening right before our eyes, and in the solemn verdicts of the daylight, one may wonder whether Donald Trump, however basted alive with thirty four charges, could still defeat his sacrificers?
Donald Trump’s salvation is now deeply entrenched in the minds and hearts of us who thought he would make America Great again.
For those who are into jurisprudence and all the predicaments and limitations attached to the rule of law in a nation riven by on-going racial clashes and a teetering economy, it is perhaps fair to say that the sacrifice has been one of the most staggering, earth-shaking events in my lifetime.
I wish you could enlighten me on the possible repercussions of such verdicts in the political landscape of USA.
I feel sorry for USA, and, as an American citizen, all can say is that I find it very hard for Donald Trump to make it for a second term.
Times have changed, and your enemies could simply destroy you without touching your skin: they would aim at your character, integrity and probity. He is done.
By the way, if you go to my website, I have written a lengthy essay on jurisprudence and the ever-effective accusation of a tell-all woman to destroying men the likes of Samson, Attila, John the Baptist, (Bill Clinton should be included here, and most recently Donald Trump) for even kings and powerful men in high place could tremble under the power of Kundry (The Parsifal by Wagner).
By the way, Attila, King of the Huns, seemed to be unconquerable, but the Germans sent him a beautiful blond as a gift, Ildico, and the other day he was found dead in his bed. She was not to blame, but she led him out of his wit.
Not a misogynist, because I have also written on the redemptive power of a good woman, but I think Stormy Daniels became a nightmare for the Trump family.
As much as we try to defend and absolve Mr. Donald Trump from all these serious charges, one thing is clear to me: Donald Trump has made enemies of very powerful people in high places, and the end could be an ignominious defeat.
This is my main reason why I go to church, and why we should pray, daily, to escaping the unquenchable fires of enemies. Mind you, high places, like a hornet‘s nest, are full of dangers, lawsuits, accusations and intrigues!! Watch out!
May I read a psalm tonight?
Psalm 142, You Are My Refuge
But I still have hope. Some friends in their righteous wrath would like to convince me that powerful leaders cannot be destroyed, but do you think Donald Trump is greater than Napoleon Bonaparte?
He may have a chance, but, frankly speaking, when I learned what’s going on with disgraced Rudy Giuliani, all these ordeals can point to the same conclusion: things are going very bad for the United States of America.
Ours is a world of struggles and survival, and as I said to you, humans are extremely territorial, and it is fitting to call us social animals.
Israel attacks displacement encampment in west Rafah
At times, and this is a sad fact about peoples and nations, you either become a Komodo dragon or a Lion, and one of the two has to go.
Some people may argue that Israel is committing genocide, but isn’t the Old Testament but a reprise of the same old chronicles of wars, Holocaust, destruction and complete annihilation of peoples?
If Israel loses this war, they are done, and their fate would be one of woes and horrors. And so I am terribly sorry to see how the children of Abraham are at each other’s throats for the sake of survival, and their hatred is alike visceral and unquenchable like the fires of hell.
Hatred is such a destructive force, two brothers could vent their spleens for some material things, and whether it takes the forms of vengeance or vendetta, a feud among brothers is a force to be reckoned with.
I remember a fight between two Dominican families (1979) a serious issue escalated into a bloody scuffle, and they butchered themselves no less than the sharp claws of beasts upon each other. I remember seeing their bodies maimed and mangled, and it was an incredible reminder of the extremely explosive stuff of human nature.
John Mearsheimer is aware that in the clash of titans (clash of gods) there is not such a thing as right or wrong, good and evil, but the survival of people. Here, unfortunately, I have to agree with F. Nietzsche.
If you read the Old Testament you may side with the Jews, if you read the Iliad of Homer, you may side with the Greeks!
If you read the Koran, you may side with the Muslims.
If you read Edmund Burke, you may side with the British.
If you read the Prince by Machiavelli, you may side with the Italians.
In short, wars are a reflection of the collective forces of peoples and their gods.
I am here speaking my mind without taking sides with any group of people, Whites, Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Semitics, but I must here confess a secret delight in the Hellenistic Culture, and as I observe the decline of this nation, USA, a throwback return to the pages of history has stirred within me a long-held conviction, one which is not only nourished in my personal belief in the God of the Jews, the Bible, but another great book, the Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer, whose moral lessons I would not exchange for the best-sellers of our time.
Heinrich Schliemann, the blessed archeologist, had an inner conviction (the Book of Millennia, the Iliad) was written in his heart —-could be described as indistinguishable from magic and fantastic, and thus he set out to find the legendary City of Troy.
O Heaven! Goddess Serendipity was on his side, and so Schliemann found the remains of an ancient people…warriors and kings!
As much as I sympathize with the Christian religion, I have to admit my undying love for the Hellenic people, their culture and gods, are indistinguishable from magic!!!
Indeed, there are times when one may wonder whether the destinies of nations are but the unfolding collective psyches of theirs gods and convictions?
I wonder whether we are witnessing the demise of nations and peoples?
Avoiding oneself being headlong entangled in long-winded discourses and platitudes, let us simply go straight into the gist of my essay: hatred or love for Donald Trump may well explain how politically divided is the USA Today.
But even if Trump is allowed a second chance, one may wonder whether the West could still upend the vying forces in the games of thrones, destinies and peoples?
Should we consider these invisible forces, be they arbitrary, fickle or whimsical, but a serious war in the spirit realms? (Ephesians Chapter 6:12). The Clash of the Titans!
Ponder in your heart whether rampant immorality and lawlessness could destroy a nation?
Is there any serious moral lessons to be gleaned from the outplay of these mysterious forces?
It is noteworthy that the current war in Ukraine could catapult Mr. Trump to a second term, but I am not sure about the latter.
Trump-ism may well stand for ideas believed to be outdated, anachronistic, dead or simply untenable under the current state of things in USA, and in the worst case scenario, it is tinged with the accusation of racism and xenophobia.
Frankly speaking, I have never felt so sick of the current state of things in USA.
Countless theories have been proposed as to why Biden and Trump are so diametrically opposed along the ever contentious issues of immigration?
With an ever changing demography, it is quite a challenge for any group of people to claim any exclusive privileges as segmented by their forefathers, and so it is believed that the predicaments of white folks are worsened by a decline in reproduction versus the ever increasing tides of non-white people filling the cities of USA.
Immigration seems to be the plus and minus to any nation, because with an excess of migrants the power of demography could shape the very political structure of the system in question, and whereas race is simply a social construct, the survival of a people has always been associated with their history, race and culture.
And so when we speak of the Mayan people as a people with their peculiar characteristics, we are thereby speaking of a distinct group of people, whose fate, unfortunately, was to disappear as a powerful civilization from the surface of the earth.
Nevertheless, you are in serious trouble if you dare speak of the survival of the white people, as a distinct group of people, because you would be called a racist.
Therefore, the fate of the white people, sadly, is that they are to extricate themselves from the pages of history.
They ought to desist from ever claiming any distinct characteristics from the rest of the human family, for they have long been guilty of the “sins of colonialism.”
With a broad base ever growing non-white, USA’s might and unity are expected to decline in the years to come, for it is quite difficult to keeping a people together without a solid, firm foundation deeply rooted in a collective consciousness, volk, as segmented by the greatest glue of human society: soil and land.
Yea, it is quite silly to ignore the obvious facts pressing hard right in front of our noses, for only mentally castrated socialists would ignore the provenance of people, soil and lands, and most importantly, race, in their pursuits of happiness.
I have come across people who wholeheartedly believe that the might of USA lies in its diversity and immigration policies, and given the right time, according to renown physicist Michio Kaku, we may reach civilization Type 1: a confederacy of peoples from all the races of the earth.
I wish to subscribe to this view, but I must confess a persistent pessimism on the current state of affairs in USA.
Technology has not necessarily improved society as a conglomeration of family-units made up of healthy citizens.
But let me pause here, for we are not touching, as yet, on the uncharted territory of science, viz., the evils of the Antichrist, and who knows what damages have already been inflicted upon our stupid brains by the Advent of iPhones and Covid-19?
A lack of love, callousness, appalling hardheartedness (so well described in 2 Timothy Chapter 3) have now become so characteristic of the Millennials and the X Generation, that it is quite a disheartening undertaking to go (with some platonic mentality) out into the dangers of society, either a church, bar or pub, seeking some fellow companion, a kindred soul, in a world gone soulless and dead.
Let us forgo talking about music, because our brains are f***cked up: technology and aliens are killing us.
On the Course of Peoples and Nations:
The great Assyrians, the noblest of the Semitic people, are on the verge of extinction.
The Assyrians, well-known for their bravery and military discipline, had once founded great empires, Babylon, Nineveh, but today they are a downtrodden people, destitute and stragglers amidst the dismal lands of the Arabs.
After years of persecution and genocides, they have been reduced to an insignificant minority in their own lands.
Just do an online research about this wonderful people and you would be flabbergasted, nay, disappointed by the ironic twists in the unpalatable chronicles of history.
The so called “Christians” in Iraq and Iran are mostly of Assyrian descent, and these hapless people, unlike few ancient ethnic groups (Phoenicians, Ancient Egyptians and Jews), have become Arabized or to be assimilated with other people. The same could be said of Anglos In USA, this is not an exaggeration, for the rapid decline of the WASPs (from the 1990s onward) cannot be explained without the dissolution of the family.
So many great heroic people (Noble Warriors as those found in the Iliad of Homer) have already disappeared from the surface of the Earth, but the Jews, the Palestinians and the Assyrians are still making news!!!
The Tragedy of the Assyrians (and to a certain extent the Mongols and Tibetans) is a candid reminder on the ironic twists of History.
History is just a fickle woman, a slutty whore of insatiable lust, and Time is like a cruel gangster ever ogling after new places of woe, carnage, rapes and demonization.
Heroic people could be subjugated, stunted --downtrodden fellows like the Gypsies or some Hatian brothers-- and finally become a bedraggled minority community of beggars, survivors, refugees and stragglers scavenging and rummaging for some leftovers in the rutted path of history.
Today, I am witnessing some remarkable people being devoured alive —-like carrions or carcasses— by the voracious vultures of history.
For the last hundred years, the Germanic people, however self-assertive in their own superiority to any other group of people, have behaved with little regards to the great things they once appropriated from the ancient Roman people.
They held the Latin people as inferior, but they themselves had to learn Latin and Greek before stepping out of the dark ages. Such white supremacists have never read Pliny the Elder, Tacitus, Seneca, Plutarch, and though we may share much in common with the Ancient Greeks and Romans, nothing is more intolerable than to talk with a racist ignoramus.
And sometimes I am inclined to side with the ancient Romans, whose empire lasted at least one thousand years, than to side with these pathetic self-haters, guilt-ridden Homo sapiens bereft of any historic cognizance when speaking of solidarity in the precarious paths of survival.
Eventually, the German people became highly organized, and their civilization achieved the highest pinnacle during Frederick the Great, but only God knows what happened to these courageous Teutons?
Even more pathetic, at times, self-hating German people have flippantly scorned at anything Germanic, and so today there is little to be expected, at least for another millenium, for a people lost in the tides of history.
Unlike the Ancient Egyptians who even went on to chisel themselves in the megaliths of greatness and immortality, these latter folks, are nowadays suffering from morbid symptoms of decadence and nihilism.
The Clan Mentality of the Jewish People
In conformity with the strong character of the Semitic people, has rewarded them with a remarkable sense of community, fired spiritual togetherness, fortitude and unanimous struggle against a world of hostility.
Ths strength of the Jewish people is their remarkable ability to camouflaging themselves among any other group of people while still retaining their unbreakable bound as a people.
Nevertheless, what makes the Jews so remarkable a people is still a conundrum of speculations.
Sure! The systematic belief system of the Jews, The Old Testament, the Talmud, may have provided these stubborn roamers with a sense of historic significance, a "Jewish Unanimity" of tremendous existential
vitality and meaning.
The Old Testament, nevertheless, is fraught with wars and strange sacrifices. And it (Book of Judges) could be read anymore than the Prince of Machiavelli, in earnest, it is a religious-political treatise on how to survive among enemies.
The only difference is, however respectful of my Christian friends, that one would have to confess some embarrassment when applauding such vengeful a God Jehovah (Just peruse the Book of Judges) as uncompromisingly genocidal when defending His Chosen People: the Jews!
As they are so old, perhaps an offshoot of the Sumerians, the Jewish people perceive themselves as "one people" united by a long history of struggle, hardships, and an ever unfolding fulfillment-significance as the privileged children of Abraham. This may explain why evangelicals are always siding with Israel.
The Assyrians, on the other hand, are today strangers in their own lands; but the Jews --chameleons par excellence— could camouflage themselves among any other people while retaining their own historic significance and sense of historic togetherness.
Curiously, after thousand of years of exodus and persecution, the semitic people are still hoping for a Messiah, or a spiritual fulfillment to their precarious existence.
Like the gorged-throated rocks of times in the Sahara dessert, ever suffering the wrath of wailing-piercing winds, this people seem to be beset by a long history of bloodshed and lamentable religious schism in the name of monotheism and territorial mentality.
Why such a God, who is believed to have created so vast a universe, perhaps teeming with countless earth-like planets, would confine his selected children to a few miles of parched lands in the Middle East?
To me this is a hard nut to crack.
Back in the 90s, in Brooklyn, I had the opportunity to spending times with Israelís and American-Jews (mostly Polish immigrants) who had settled in New York at the end of the 19th century.
However an enthusiastic observer of towns and peoples, I did not interact with the Hassidic Jews, generally believed to be the most standoffish among the children of Abraham, Williamsburg, Brooklyn. These punctilious prigs impressed me as a very religious community.
My Semitic friends were, for the most part, Russian Jews, Israeli and Polish-background jews, and they all impressed me as hard-working people.
The Jews, to my sight, resembled the Semitic features of the Palestinians, and some even resembled the archaic Ethiopian people: refined facial features with dark skin, aquiline noses and thick-lips --noble faces that seemed to remind me of the Assyrians or Babylonian engravings as found in Iran and Iraq.
In New York city, I had the opportunity to meeting many hard-working Palestinians, and to me they all look like the Jewish people. The semitic people are but one people divided by religious ideas and a somewhat tribal mentality dating back to the time of King Darius in Persia.
In USA, there are many wonderful Palestinians and Jewish brothers who would like to see justice for their Semitic people.
(I watched the video-link on the Israel Lobby, and I am surprised it has not been removed from the public domain?)?
Though I am a full supporter of the Israel State from a strategic perspective in the Middle East, I am aware that it is very difficult to promote bipartisan politics without some cracks and disagreements along the lines so eloquently expressed by the guests.
It is Not An Albatross Around the American Neck.
Where I may disagree with Mr. Mearsheimer is Israel’s invaluable contributions to USA’s economy far outweigh any setbacks between the two partners. Of course, I am aware that over the years, such lobby has grown so powerful that it is almost impossible to conceive the hegemony of USA without the indispensable invisible hands of the Jewish people, from Albert Einstein to Zuckerberg, and perhaps we can run a long list of scientists, musicians, writers and philanthropists?
We can say so much about the decline of traditional WASPs leading up to a weakening of traditionally bound European citizens in high places of power (mostly Anglo and people of German descent) vs new tides of non-white immigrants proving to be extremely clever and productive and essential to our economy, such as the Chinese, Indians and Jews, whose lobbies could sometimes incur conflicts with the interests of our policymakers.
With a rising competitor such as China, USA has more and more welcome those extremely productive and ingenious immigrants (I shall mention here the Ashkenazi Jews believed to be among the most intelligent people on Earth) whom by excelling in their respective fields, could place our nation in the frontline on the world stage.
Conversations With History: John Mearsheimer and Steve Walt:
As I carefully peruse my writings, I had misspelled Janos in lieu of “Janus” the two-faced god of prosperity of the Ancient Romans. In this manner I compare the two main political parties of USA, Republican and Democrats to Janus, but I argue that a unified force, powerful lobbies —however varying in countless guises— control the USA’s policies, and when all is said, they are the true bosses.
Though Russia is perceived as a roughish, communistic, apostate nation, Germany has headlong continued its reformative efforts of sacrilegious practices, most recently, Synodal Way, which, as you may know, some of its revaluations, progressive manifesto, are in blithering contradiction to the core teachings of the New Testament. That is to say, in order to conform to the zeitgeist of our time, the latter (Christendom) has to be updated.
Such reformative efforts may further split the Catholic Church in Germany, and I wonder, however aware of all the scandals still seething in the heart of the Christian community, whether the bleeding wound could not bring about a worse schism than the one we are witnessing?
We all know these are dangerous times, and I am not trying to exonerate Russia’s current president of his well-reported abuse of power and ruthlessness. He is a politician, and like Bonaparte, he would use whatever means at his disposal, the adhesive glue of religious beliefs, to winning the mind and heart of a great soldier in the serious battlefield of life.
You well know that religion and nationalism are the fuel for an indomitable army. For us Americans, nonetheless, the army lies in disarray, in ignominious defeat, and I hope you could find a man to lead us out of the impending cesspool and demise of the United States of America.
As a cunning man, Putin has made good use of the cracks of religion in the West to winning the approval of conservative Orthodox Christians in Rusia and abroad, he has revived the spirit of the Old Russians of Ivan the Great.
Putin, better than Nietzsche, understands the abiding glue of religious beliefs to keeping a people defiant, united and strong. And so the Germans of today are not only liberal-minded volk to any winds of science, philosophies, and agnosticism, but in their own wisdom, they have brought themselves further into the cliffs of destruction.
Instead of reviving the courageous spirit of the Teutonic people in the music of Wagner, the Germans of today have succumbed to the weakening doctrines of the Synodal Ways, their daughters, alas, to be given to the rapacious children of Baal and Moloch.
Buckle Your Seatbelt
I have been listening to Prof. Mearsheimer and Prof. Wolff, albeit the latter tends to sympathize with socialism, an euphemism for communism, I am surprised at how-daring they voice their views so openly about the touchy issue of Israel, Zionism and the incendiary arguments edging on the accusation of antisemitism.
These men will lose their jobs…or pensions.
If you wish not to click on this link, due to safety concerns with any spams or the vulnerability of the current social platform, you can search the conversation as it appears in the rubric below:
John Mearsheimer Warns: Israel BLOCKED UN Famine Aid Vehicle, IDF's Atta.
It is noteworthy that both Prof. Mearsheimer and Prof. Richard Wolff are both of German descent.
On another important note to Thomas Geraghty (CEO of Sangreal Apartments), though I am a staunch supporter of the Germany of Goethe, Humboldt and Schelling, and could defend to great length the once great nation of men the likes of Bach, Beethoven and its best authors, Schopenhauer, F. Nietzsche, all these dear folks would be quite disappointed by the progressive Germany of the liberals, and how the latter are destroying Christianity —the vacuum will be filled with Muslims and atheists.
Germany has fallen astray by the Antichrist zeitgeist destroying families, churches, communities, societies… dead.
If there is any truth about all this, viz., apostasy, the destruction of Christianity, then the coming of Christ is around the corner.
2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 (the coming of the man of perdition).
By the way, although the mystery of iniquity could be said to work surreptitiously, in secrecy, the destructive forces of evil could surprise us in their incomprehensible modus operandi and boldness…and so, only God’s grace could save us from the second death in hell.
No one knows how evil works, it is beyond comprehension (2 Thessalonians 2:07)
Why are evangelicals siding with zionists is beyond my comprehension, but I can see the fulfillment of the New Testament’s prophecies tied-up with the Old Testament.
Nothing new on the world-stage because events are remarkably repetitive, but what is quite shocking, beyond any shadow of a doubt, is the fact that the dregs of history are incredibly recurrent as the unrolling waves of the sea.
Lo and behold! After a couple of decades one may see this heap of junks from a storm-stricken ship, its cumbersome loads drifting offshore.
People aboard should have seen the dangers of such undertakings (pact with the Devil), and how many souls, and more people to be slaughtered in the years to come, and so the god of this world will continue sacrificing more innocent lives.
Do you remember how that man stabbed me in my back?
Are not those innocent people dying like dogs every day?
It is worth remembered the millions of people daily sacrificed to the gods of war, and who would finance such ongoing wars?
Who would benefits from such wars?
You may answer me the Military Industrial Complex, but at the expense of so many lives lost in destruction?
And so the follies of empires seem to be ineluctable, and the colossal stupidity of those in power could be seen by all.
It is a fact: USA is coming apart unless a unifying force could hold it together.
So we hope: truth would come out of the ruins, dustbins and lawlessness of godless people claiming to be ministers of justice and light.
On May 8, 2024, at 3:52 PM, Thomas Geraghty wrote:
“This happened so many times it began to be reported. it presented the question, Who are these protestors? Why were they here? The answer is that these young people are on a list to be called for any Socialist protest that may occur. This is how they work. - TOM ”
No one would argue that communistic interlopers are infiltrating the campuses of USA’s most prestigious universities, but do you honestly believe that there is a kingdom divided in itself?
What are the objectives of these powerful people ruining the once prosperous Christian nation?
I wish I could understand the events leading up to the collapse of societies, and how the few on top (…) would go on to continue writing the pages of history. The victors, as the saying goes, will always write the history as best suit their own interests.
But don’t lose heart, no one can put a finger on the sun and thus deprive others of its glorious light. This is the beauty of Christ’s Ascension to Heaven! The forces of evil, however appearing in countless mysterious guises and deceptive schemes, were not able to keep Him in the grave!
Mind you, the Ancient Romans’s indomitable spirit was sagged down by one thousand different sects and isms!
Are you into this all-too-all mundane mentality?
One may pretend to be ignorant or oblivious of the facts pressing right in front of our noses, but do you sincerely believe that there is a political dichotomy (Democrats vs Republicans) at work in the heart of USA’s government?
To me, I see a single, coordinated, indeed unified force, however apparent in all its complex multifariousness, multiplicity and countless deceptive guises, little by little, gaining more power, and in spite of any public condemnation, showing us all, rich and poor, who ultimately rule the west.
Only fools would believe that the two-faced Janus of USA’s major political powers, Democrats and Republicans, are the ultimate powers that control the Oval Office, the Congress and the Senate.
Some may say that no one is above the law, but history has shown us, time and time again, that laws are often enacted or annulled according to the framework (judicial system) and jurisdiction of those who have the power, to quoting Nietzsche, the masters have the upper hands in matters of good and evil. If they don’t like you, they would simply demonize you.
Washing one’s hands may not exonerate us of the pangs and qualms of a guilty conscience, but I wish could go to sleep thinking that finally the evils of the world have been cleaned out, and finally, the brightest thinkers could come up with a systematic comprehensive framework upon which we may comprehend the mystery of iniquity.
I wish you good luck with that.
Nothing new under the sun: same old news about the world:
If you think the daily saga and ordeals of Donald Trump are bad enough, what about the threats of nuclear war?
This may be another warmongering nonsense from Putin’s well-known bullying tactics, but are these good dear folks still talking about nuclear threats? My goodness…what the heck is going?
Douglas Macgregor: Russia Is ANGRY After US Conducts Exercises Near Bord...
Is this the best world we can get after all these years of high-flown promises and prowess in the name of civilization and humanity?
Only a miracle could keep the world spinning without a major destruction; a major catastrophe could wipeout a staggering number of people from the surface of the earth, seems to me, as we follow the current affairs in the world stage, the repetitive course of things, and so nothing is new under the sun.
If you ever thought we are living bad times, just wait for the coming years….You better attend your Bible Studies. Peruse the Holy Scriptures from the safe window of your salvation.
2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
Prof. John Mearsheimer is one of the brightest geopolitical analysts today, and even the brightest may change their views according to the ineluctable course of things.
Mr. Mearsheimer once said that, given the size of Ukraine, it was very unlikely that the Russians would win this war, “it is a briar patch.”
Now, if you well remember, I always thought that the Russians, backed by the East, could wage a long-protracted war against Ukraine and NATO, and in the long run, either side would capitulate due to the depletion of resources, manpower, and a host of other issues leading to the collapse of a nation.
I know Tom Geraghty to be on the side of the Ukrainians, and I would like to be on your side, because we, as Americans, have spent billions of dollars going to enrich the fat cow of the military industrial complex, but even more disheartening is the fact that thousands of Ukrainians are dying in a war that, according to some of the world-leading geopolitical analysts, is being won by the Russians.
John Mearsheimer: Can Ukraine Win If US Provides $61B In Aid? SENSITIVE ...
If you well remember, I told you that Ukraine, backed by NATO, was not matched for the Russians. I am not a military expert, but I inferred that the Russians would be backed by our mortal enemies from the East, especially the Chinese, and so it pains me to say that I was blithering right.
The War in Ukraine Must End Now:
First of all, I am neither endorsing nor opposing the soft political pasture of president Joe Biden. If stupidity could be met with effrontery and retaliation, then let us avoid the worse case scenario for the Biden administration.
What can we learn from the first six weeks into the Russian invasion of ..
Thank you for replying to my question, What’s Going On In Ukraine, whereat you express admiration for the bravery of the Ukrainians to warding-off the Russian invasion, and that the pendulum of victory is now oscillating on the side of Zelensky and the West. It is all apparent and provisional. Even any negotiation has proved to be unsuccessful, and to what end are we willing to arm the Ukrainians when their cities lay in ruins?
Frankly speaking, the situation in Ukraine is extremely dangerous, and any tactics or offense, like an explosive volcano, could still crack open unsuspected evils, and perhaps a good course of action would be to minimize, as much as we can, the amount of fumes, debris and lava burning all along its destructive path.
May you accept my analogy, because such is the frightening reality of a world trying to avoid a nuclear disaster in the offing, which, however unwilling to recognize the nuclear capabilities of Putin —-a madman in possession of thousands of nuclear warheads— we must come to grips with the facts, and let us learn from the sad pages of history, that the Child of Perdition (Antichrists) could usher in an unparalleled destruction upon the surface of the earth.
By this time, it is patently obvious that the Russians will not retreat to the Donbass area, but like a pack of hyenas, they would continue their military campaign till they have their fill of woes and destruction.
A stronghold on the East of Ukraine, could still prove to be advantageous for the Russians, and I hope our sanctions could stop their rearmament, supplies and logistics. This is my hope.
Herein, I must agree with Biden, that a long protracted war with Rusia, however costly and profitable to the military industrial complex, is preferable than a nuclear confrontation with Rusia.
What we are witnessing is a complete disaster. I could only describe this crisis as essentially nihilistic, meaningless, insane, and everybody is losing. The East and the West are clashing, and we should be with the West.
I would like to ask what’s on in Ukraine?
Every day, every moment I hear contradictory statements: that the Russians are losing, that Putin is deescalating his offensives and now focusing on the East, Donbas, and so on and so forth. Keep your wit!
On the other side of the aisle, I have been told that the social media is peddling “informations,“ even fabricated montages and footages, as better suit the strategic interests of the lords of this world, and so it would be silly to accept, de facto, what’s daily being conveyed to us by the power of the social media to be factual: it is rather an explosion of contradictions and lies.
Hence why Satan is called the Prince of the World, a liar and slanderer.
All the same, no one would dispute the fact, that a country so huge as Ukraine, could not be tamed in just a few weeks. In the words of John Mearsheimer, it is a “briar patch” for any invaders. I am sorry for the contradictions.
It is commonly believed, that Mr. Putin, had planned to subdue Ukraine in one single strike of genius (blitzkrieg) but I would argue that his is a suicidal rigmarole requiring tremendous preparedness and logistics, for “timing” is what distinguishes a fine mind from a less capable commander in chief.
To say that the Russians troops were stalled out, days and nights, due to logistics is indeed a big disappointment, if not a tragedy, and one could only add an element of the supernatural anymore than the hand of God protecting the Ukrainians.
But this is only a “one-sided version” of the story: God is always on the side of the story-teller. Yeah right!
Thomas Geraghty replies:
No one can know what's going on, because Biden cannot be clear about what he expects the USA to do.
Gen Keene is correct. Biden was told that 'Russia would be victorious, no matter how long it would take. and therefore, the war should end as soon as possible to preserve life, and Zelinsky should make any kind of deal to make peace.'
That was the assumption Biden operated under. The problem is that Ukraine "messed up" that conclusion by fighting back so effectively. They are doing extraordinarily well given the fact they are fighting what was considered one of the most effective armies in the world. Their defense of Ukraine has exposed the Russian army as; poorly led, poorly equipped. and poorly motivated. Their superior (more modern) weaponry is being countered by Soviet era planes (and other cold war era materiel) in the hand of the Ukraine military. Nevertheless, they making up for that with skill and determination.
This war is an example for the ages, a study for the military colleges, and will be noted for the lessons it teaches. Biden is infirm. He can hardly speak without blundering and going off topic. How can anyone expect him to be on top of this? He doesn't know what to do, and he's confusing everyone around him. They can't decide what he (Biden) should say. We have seen the Sec of State and the Pentagon spokesman (who speaks for the Sec of Defense) publicly contradict each other on policy. This is because of the absence of leadership form the top, and they are being left to make-up policy as they go. It's a terrible situation for the country. - TOM
These essays, however desultory were written in 2022, and some my predictions may have not turned out to be true, but my main thesis, a militarily superior Rusia vs a weaker Ukraine, is, up today, indisputable.
John Mearsheimer cracks open the coffin of Ukraine:
Contrary to Mr. John Mearshiemer’s advice, that in the wake of this crisis, it is incumbent upon Ukraine to flip back into the arms of the Russians —-I would rather keep my mouth shut: the Chinese could perceive our deterrence as weak and feckless, and they could follow suit on Taiwan.
Mr. Biden, after all is said, is not so stupid, but I think he has found himself in the crosshairs of an extremely difficult chessboard with the Russians and the Chinesse.
The fall of Ukraine could be the downfall of the Biden Administration.
As much as I have to side with my countrymen, whether democrats or republicans, I am bound to admit that we have spooked the Russians with our dreamy-footed policies and democracies overseas.
NATO I definitely stand with you, but at times, I have to bite my tongue for having to agree with Mr. Mearshiemer.
John Measheimer on Ukraine-Russia Crisis:
For the last two weeks, I have listened to scores of lectures by highly-acclaimed experts on the current crisis with the Russians, but Mr. Mearsheimer’s devastating realism strikes me as much as the disheartening crisis unfolding before our eyes.
En ocasiones tuve que buscar canales y fuentes desde la perspectiva de Argentina o de Espana, porque aquí, en EEUU, ya sabemos como se nos informa. Sin embargo, aún en Espana, me sospecho que las opiniones del Señor Mearshiemer sobre la crisis en Ucrania, a penas le ganan prosélitos.
Hablar tales verdades pueden resultar riesgoso, pero algunos expertos se atreven a emitir opiniones… cuyas consecuencias le puede costar sus carreras.
—-Better keep one’s mouth shut lest you upset the gods of this age.
The Recurrent Pages of History and the Wisdom of Ages:
For years, I thought Greek mythology was just the stuff of primitiveness, ignorance and superstition, but the advent of the social media, big techs, has changed my mind: we are witnessing the clash of the titans in real life.
There is a great deal of misinformation and confusion, and who in the world knows what is really going on?
Go to YouTube and search the name Michael Matt, another interesting perspective to what the hell is going on?
Crisis In Ukraine, What’s Really Going On In Ukraine?
If there is one truth emerging out of this confusion, it is the power of the social media (el quinto poder) to distort our perception of reality.
—-But what is reality?
In order to eliciting any sound opinion, one would need the right premises prior to any inferences or speculations, but this is a thankless task: information is as foggy as the mysteries of iniquity.
From what I gather from Michael Matt’s analysis of the U-R crisis, I can infer the following conclusions:
a) The titans (oligarchs) are not happy with overpopulation.
b) Human life has become extremely cheap.
c) We are mere pawns in the chessboard of the gods of this world.
I hope you can find time to watch this visceral analysis of the crisis between Ukraine and Russia! It is an impartial analysis, so it is worth your time.
Could Zelensky Withstand the Encircling Onslaught of the Russians?
I know it is a hard decision, and painful one to make when “the stakes are so high” for a man who has made himself so famous, and now he is to remain truthful to his people, and perhaps even endure martyrdom.
If Zelensky flees for his life, then, that would be a symbolic victory for Putin, and it would be very bad news for us Westerners who love democracy. Now if you don’t believe in democracy and our highly-valued constitution, then, —-why stay in USA?
If you are from the West, it would be silly to side with the enemy, however disapproving the current state of affairs in America, it is our nation, and we should stand unshakable, steadfast and loyal to our democratic values and way of life.
I am aware that some folks (even some American people) much to my surprise, have vicariously projected themselves on either side of the aisle, Zelensky’s or Putin’s, and they may expect to soothe their festering frustrations in the dirty gameplays of politics.
—-I wish you good luck with that!
Of course, I am keenly aware that we should not meddle in the internal affairs of any nation but only when they threaten our national security and strategic interests.
The well-reported atrocities of the Bolsheviks back in the 1920s, could remind us of the woes and horrors of a people gone ungodly, lawless, callous and “bereft of any pangs conscience,” soul and respect for the sacredness of life.
Natural Resources Worth Trillions of Dollars in Ukraine:
I had surmised that conquering and destroying a country, which, from the perspective of my silly one-sidedness, could amount to a steaming pile of junks, rubbles and ruins, is, perhaps, a futile undertaking by a delusional, utopian, romantic pariah like Putin, but on closer inquiry, I have learned that Ukraine may have, as yet waiting to be drilled and refined, some of the largest reservoirs of petroleum in the world.
Therefore, not only are the Russians after the wheat (the bread-basket of most of Europe), but also after the blood of a world ever depending on fossil fuels.
Shame on Homo Sapiens, could not reach a Type 1 Civilization for interstellar traveling. The truth is that we are still a bunch of bipedal, destructive retrogrades equipped with the lethal technology to our own destruction and demise from the surface of the Earth.
Indeed, the world is always the same crazy worse-scenario staged by these little “odious vermin who ever walked on the surface of the earth” (quoting from Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels): wars, greed, piracy, looting, raids, forage, rapes, pillaging, plundering, destruction and deaths, are the old stuffs of millennia, and the law of recurrence repeats its unpalatable pages of history, time and time again, with appalling ineluctability and heart-throttling exactitude: “eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, a nail for nail.”
We are to assume that Putin’s army may soon collapse due to logistics and resources, but much to my dread, I think the Monster Kraken has already penetrated the entrails and bowels of Ukraine’s essential storehouses filled with wheats.
I use the analogy of the monster Kraken vs Hydra (multiple heads), because it could better illustrate the strength and weakness of Putin vs Zelensky.
On logistics and resources: it is very likely that Putin’s seeming discombobulated attacks on multiple fronts, all at the same time, are, by no means, a brainless undertaking without regards to logistics, fortitude and resources.
His monster (Kraken’s all-devouring tentacles and serpentine tendrils) are believed to be gorging the economy (supply and storehouses) of Ukraine anymore than worms “boring and eating” from inside the entrails of a bleeding calf.
As ugly as this may seem, I don’t think a defeated dictator, such as Putin and his henchmen, will retreat without inflicting some “shock and awe” maneuvers to shattering the iron-will of a people.
Saving precious times and scribbles in matters of unpredictable warfares, I would not add anything new to this short e-mail, because if you are an intelligent person, then you should know that Putin’s rather soft approach to the city of Kyiv is part of his tactics and political campaign, that is to say, a gradual escalation of asymmetrical conflicts, with lows and highs, which, at some point, could potentially lead to a justifiable use of far-more-devastating forces and technologies… at the hand of a madman, finding himself at the crossroads of a potential defeat abroad, and potential abdication at home.
And the masses, as we all know, are terribly fond of the firecrackers of powers, destructions and hubris. In fact, it is part of human nature to revel in the destructive machines of technology, hence why video games, rife with destructive machines, are always in high demands.
Secretly, some folks are watching this visceral feud between Putin vs Zelensky with some intimate wicked delights, some Machiavellian cheerfulness in the core of human nature, which, at times, would prefer “the joy of war” than the suffocating stagnation of boredom in a society growing suicidal, nay, tired of the same existential threats and discontentments with things in general.
Proof of this observation could be found in the disheartening carelessness, indeed, dangerous opinions daily ventilated in the reckless social media. These folks are even bent on adding more embers and burning sticks to a very flammable, dangerous situation. This crisis could quickly spiral into a major global disaster.
From a psychological perspective, it is to a grim dictator’s sense of justice and vengeance, inasmuch he is believed to be the Colletive Psyche of a people, to let loose the wrath of the monster Kraken (retaliation) upon his vulnerable victims.
Can Putin lose his mind and soon start acting like an awful monster borne on the tides of imminent wars?
A defeated Putin could still pose tremendous challenges for the West. And we better stop taunting him through the social media (that’s suicidal) lest he resort to unleashing his all-consuming fires upon the innocent people of Ukraine.
Dictators are believed to be the psychological embodiment of a people, and it behooves us all to act wiser by simply keeping a platform of mutual understanding, peace, respect and diplomacy.
“Before the fall there is pride,” and I don’t think the grandiose embodiment of the Soviet Union, Putin, would capitulate without some serious krakens going loose into the four corners of the world.
We are now crippling a major world’s leading economy, and you tell me how are we now faring with “La Fiera” (the Beast).
Much to say about weakness and strength, but the reality is that we are living suicidal times in masses.
Is Ukraine another Afghanistan for the Russians?
Destroying a captured city is not to the advantage of Putin’s political gains, and Mr. Zelensky, is keenly aware of the strength of weakness, and vice-versa, the weakness of strength (the Achilles’s heel for any strongman) when engaging in psychological warfares through the power of the social media.
Mr. Zelensky’s defiance is symbolic of an iron-people determined to fight, to the last breath and moment, for democracy, freedom, their motherland.
It is to be observed that Zelensky’s greatest weapon, “together we stand” narrative has proven to be his strength and the other‘s weakness, and he is not scared to continuing posting videos asking his people to take on guns and whatever means necessary to defeating the Russians.
Contrary to his people trapped in this awful situation, nonetheless, on the event of a final victory for the Russians, Zelensky may have the option to taking a quick flight out of the hands of the Russians.
While brazenly strutting in front of his elegant presidential house in Kyiv, and surrounded by an impressive army of loyal people, he is now posed to remain defiant and unconquerable!
This man has gut! Could Zelensky withstand the encircling onslaught of the Russians without fleeing for his life?
Is Ukraine another Afghanistan for the Russians?
It is to be observed that Ukraine’s charted territories, for the most parts, flatlands allowing easy access to in-rushing military offensives, are not as rough, rugged and rutted as Afghanistans’ treacherous dismal expanses and uncharted domains, whose throaty caves and inhospitable mountains are the greatest strategic defenses against any interlopers.
Rising Guerrillas and insurgencies in Ukraine, from a topographical perspective, would not have the run-and-hide advantages of Afghanistan’s deserted terrains and wastelands, the habitation of an indomitable army of one thousand heads, the children of Hydra, the frightening monster Gorgon in Greek Mythology.
Explosion heard in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv:
Mr. Zelensky has displayed tremendous bravery and mettle against the advancing Russian offenses, but, unfortunately, he is finding himself alone and cornered by an indomitable defiant army.
At some point, he would have to either negotiate with the Russians or flee for safety (according to this Spanish analyst).
Would you stay hiding in your fortress when Attila and the Huns threaten to capture you alive?
Putin se rie de los líderes del mundo:
If you are dealing with a fearless political crazy thug like Putin, a dangerous man believed to have at his arsenal hundreds of nuclear heads, one of the world’s largest reservoirs of natural gas, and now believed to be blocking the flow of other essentials into the hands of his fretting counterparts in Europe, the chances of capitulation by a defeated although very courageous Zelensky are very high.
Zelensky is a great man, and he has tried his best to saving his capital from falling captive to the frightening specter of the former Soviet Union, but the West could not help him during this critical hour.
His friends left him alone, and as the plot thickens, soon we will witness an incredible twist of events, but I am not sure whether he could hold-on for so long without fleeing for his life.
Mr. Zelensky may even use his own civilians as human shields or barricades against the ever-encircling Russian troops, but do you think innocent people could stand strong and defiant against such coordinated a military campaign?
Finding himself alone, Mr. Zelensky may finally flip, back and forth, and even seek to negotiate an armistice or truce with his Slavic counterparts, but these latter folks, perhaps staunch antisemites to the core, are known to be brutal, heartless and ruthless, and I don’t know, I pray, how will they spare the life of a man who has sided with us?
As we squeeze the Russians with more bone-breaking sanctions, for a winning side, the thirst for revenge (sweeter than honey but sourer than gall) could hardly be mollified by a sudden treaty of neutrality, and we may expect something in store (only God knows what is in Putin’s mind) to appease the sore sprit of a humiliated people crying for “poetic justice” to their wit’s end.
But it is to Putin’s advantage to display restraint and self-control even when his guts have been hammered with new sanctions. For sure, he has to present himself as kin and kith to the Ukrainian people, and this may explain why he has not, as yet, resorted to attacking his Ukrainian counterparts with a lightning spree of airstrikes in the heart of big cities.
Such military strategies could rather be detrimental in the long run, not only could ratty Putin potentially rouse the indignation and condemnation of his Russian people, but even further divide the will of a United People. Worse, a captured city mounting to a pile of wrecks and rubbles is not to the advantage of a clever commander.
Does he care a jot about the outcry of the international community?
The Ukrainian peoples are split with countless predicaments. Eventually, they may find themselves riven by the struggle of survival: food, shelter and energy. Hopeless between the West and East, they may seek help from without. They will implore the international community for help. This is awful.
Putin, nevertheless, is aware that a campaign of unification cannot be solely achieved through the might of military superiority, something greater than brutal force, a Collective Glue has to be instilled in the mind of these peoples, otherwise, like the former Soviet Union, the chances of collapse are predictable. Time, here, is determinative of the final victor, the final outcomes for a successful military campaign or, the efficacy of a recipe of sanctions for Rusia are perhaps working to deterring a worse disaster. One or the other will finally capitulate.
This view, a teetering economy, may hold true for America, but I am not sure whether we find ourselves headlong destined to the same fate. Empires rise and fall, and the adhesive collective elements that bind them together are always at the mercy of fate.
Whether we like it or not, the Russian and the Ukrainian people, however separated by the fragile curtail of communism vs capitalism, may share much in common as the children of the Caucasus Mountains. In the last analysis, their distant past, how much asunder by the current promissory advantages of a freer democratic society, could still choose to live peacefully, side by side, in the cozy home of mutual respect for each other’s right to be part of a larger world.
Of course, our system has some cracks, but it allows the greater number of peoples to enjoy greater equality, equity, justice and opportunities.
Putin’s grim politics may not work in the long run, democracy is at the heart of human freedom and pursuit of happiness.
Finally, contrary to the news outlets, the Russians have displayed, to some measures, a willingness to avoid a full-scale bombardment of private properties and buildings in Ukraine, but only when they deem it necessary to topple and halter the indomitable spirit of the resistant Ukrainians. Once they see their buildings going up in flames and rubbles helter skelter, their resolute spirit could collapse under the frightening strafes and barrages of military relentless airstrikes.
I hope they could stand strong and chase away the intrusive Russians, but I have to be realistic and see the obvious tactical disadvantages of the Ukrainian people whose smoke-oppressive skies smacking of dread and destructions, walled-in cities and shattered vital infrastructures are said to be under the fury and onslaught of a very capable army.
God helps this man and his family.
At times it is difficult to say whether history is going linear or backward. In the constant flux and whirlwinds of a world ever changing, it seems contrary to reason that some people would like to go back in time?
—-Is he crazy?
It is too late.
If you are in your 50s and 60s, you may probably feel a little bit “left behind” by a world ever spinning with new curious things and inventions, and as I write these notes, even the “sense of time and space”seems to have been affected by the wizardry spells of technology.
Some people believe that technology (the forbidden apple) is finally killing us, and soon we would live in a soulless society.
And the Sunday they kill the world:
Secretly, some retrograde folks may even fear that in this illusive spate of fleeting things, they may even lose their sense of belonging, identity, individuality, password (place in time and history) and could end up roaming around like sleepwalkers: a mass of suicidal people fighting against the tidal waves of this scary zeitgeist: the Antichrist?
Out of this tremendous tension, something is developing in the pregnant womb of time.
I have no clue what is coming…but I deeply believe that the days ahead will be very trying and extremely difficult.
The problems in USA are terribly complex:
On the one hand, Trump was believed to be an inciter of domestic instabilities along the racial-lines of our human species, and to the very end of his presidency, he was plagued with accusations of racism, narcissism and far-right policies. Despite his flaws, nonetheless, he could deal with our enemies, and even made friends of our enemies abroad. Amazing!
On the other hand, we have soft-spoken Joe Biden, praised for his diplomacy and missionary policies aimed at eradicating systemic racism in USA, and hence, bring us all to an unparalleled age of progress, enlightenment and justice for all. Amazing!
If you believe in aliens, extraterrestrials and a huge Cosmos teeming with people out there, then Biden is the man for the new age.
Unfortunately, and this is not surprising to me, Joe Biden may face resistance by many retrograde earthlings unwilling to embrace this new progressive age of the West!
Hannity: This is madness
I had intended to sending you this e-mail early this morning on the Russia-Ukraine crisis, but I wish not to diminish my appreciation for the people of Rachmaninoff and Tolstoy. As much as I hate the politics of Putin, I would rather let the course of things become the arbiter of such pivotal moments in history.
It is worth remembering that the renown Roman historian, Tacitus, when writing about Germania, sought to be impartial when measuring men and women for their bravery, dignity, strength and moral stamina to facing the challenges of survival.
There is much to say about the contumacious character of the tenacious Russians, as perhaps a nation of retrogrades unwilling to be part of a larger civilized democratic society with the West, but I must point out that things are going topsy turvy in America, and even here in USA, countless Americans (...) feel unrooted from their own past.
Dreamy-footed with our romantic utopias, we may think that the Russians should learn from us how to compose great music, how to philosophize, and how to write great books!
If we are to teach the Russians a lesson, we would have to continue in the path of diplomacy, respect and even reverence for their great legacy to humanity.
Putin can smell Biden’s weakness a mile off:
I thought Putin promised to remove the troops by tomorrow, Sunday, Feb. 20th?
Just when I thought things will get better, now this simmering conflict with the bad guys on the other side of the globe.
I still think a war could be staved-off with the right diplomatic skills and statesmanship. We need a leader, a charismatic one to dealing with enemies abroad.
With great respect to Mr. Biden’s soft stick of diplomacy, I don’t think he is being successful to deterring a potential serious disaster with the Russian people.
And now he is enacting some sanctions to the effects of crippling an already epileptic world economy?
What we are witnessing is a colossal debut of political insanity on both sides of the aisle: here and abroad.
I have to say that Putin is a badass, clever fox, and just when we are recovering from a pandemic he is now intent on plunging us all into a protracted war.
Mr. Biden and our leaders are too progressive to understanding the retrograde and atavistic mentality of Putin and his ilk.
No se como reaccionan los eslavos al ver a nuestro Vice Presidente, una mujer, Ms. Harris?
Just to give you an idea why these folks hate our progressive society.
Simply put: what is at stake?
Do you think Putin will withdraw his troops without losing the badger of honor to his Slavic people?
I totally see this situation from a racial-Russian perspective, but we, the American people, a nation made up of peoples, would like to bring our romantic political utopias far afield, into the minds of these diehard, stubborn, boneheaded Russian people.
Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer
It is incredible how prof. John Mearshiener, back in 2015, predicted with laser-like accuracy the unfolding crisis with Ukraine vis-a-vis Russia, NATO and USA.
John Mearsheimer On Ukraine:
Let’s see how this crisis is going to play out in the days to come.
Timing is one of the most difficult decisions for any course of action. In fact, timing is the mark of genius, but I think Putin has placed himself in an extremely difficult position.
He put his nose in this mess, and I don’t know how is he going to withdraw his troops without losing the badger of honor?
With a raging winter ahead, the stakes are high for any prospects of war, but don’t forget that the worst military disasters have often been staged during the winter: a mortal weapon capable to crushing the mettle of the bravest of men?
A crisis with Russia is to return back to the cold years of the 1980s, but for some reason, I am not thinking about the threats of a nuclear war.
It seems we are heading back to the Cold War with Russia:
Putin will invade Ukraine within days, says Biden
It is very unfortunate this is going on, and it seems that the honey-moon of solidarity with the Slavic people is on the fray. Putin is simply the personification of a people, and like Obama in Post-America, he may embody the haunting spirit of the former Soviet Union.
Concerning the quickly buildup of Russian troops along the border of Ukraine, it is preposterous to think that they will retreat due to international pressure. On the contrary, they are rather preparing for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine while allowing ample time for any strategic, somewhat tactful move with their counterparts: USA and Europe.
To me, the war has already started the moment they deployed more than one hundred thousand armed men and women hellbent on taking over another country. You may call it military drills, war-games or political gambles, but only a fool will think that these are unpremeditated moves by a cocky man totally blinded by his own ego or ludicrous ambitions.
Putin is obviously attempting to bring back the former glory of the Soviet Union. Crazy, perhaps, but most famous leaders have often been labeled as the sociopathic types, psychos, narcissists, lunatics, or mutants sprung from the pit of hell.
The brinkmanship of Putin may surprise us as totally counterintuitive and counterproductive, but I am afraid that he is bolstered by a new ally in the East, China, and even perhaps the backing of other vassals in their rapid rise to world dominance, gloating over the demise of our beloved nation of democracy.
The pandemic, as in times past, has simply set the scene for a new world stage, a new world order, and we may expect new escalations of wars and destruction in the years to come.
With a teetering economic lurching to a protracted recession, a war with Russia, one of the world’s largest reservoirs of natural gas, could be suicidal (this is not an understatement).
Prices of basic commodities will soon skyrocket, an inflation would ensue devastating an already fragile (if not damaged) economy based on the purchasing power of the dollar, once backed by the might, hegemony and prestige of USA as the superpower of the new world order, are under the serious threats from the East (Read Daniel Chapter 9).
The stakes are high for Putin and the Russian people, and for us, my dear friends, may the Almighty help us escape the horrors of a crazy world on the verge of a Third World War.