A. Schopenhauer's views on the gift of genius lies on the power of objectivity, which is the capacity to access any transient phenomena with little meddling of our subjectivity (something that he felt to be affected by the "will-to-exist").
A genius could cast, in one single bold strike of brilliance, the eternal recurrence of one thousand similar sunsets and sunrises: the same results and circumstances!
This is what Schopenhauer means by genius: the phenomenal ability to intuiting or perceiving universals in single moments of reflections.
A true genius, in a moment of blissful revelation, or immersed in sudden epiphanic moments of insights, could plumb the womb of time and space and thus fill us with enough thought-material for the interpretation of transient phenomena.
Arthur Schopenhauer's list of geniuses is smaller than the McArthur Genius Awards. He highly admired Rembrandt, the Dutch painter, not just for his astonishing technical virtuosity, but also for his in-depth understanding of human nature.
Rembrandt knew people to the core, in and out. The human face, "countenance," was clearly read as the quintessential monogram of a person's inward nature. Accordingly, the greatest geniuses have often been deemed as the greatest psychologists. They could see one million faces in one single character!!! They seem to read books in one single glance, introduction or pre-face at first sight.
A. Schopenhauer (Parerga and Paralipomena, Vol. 2). places Shakespeare as a genius who towers above the rest.
The reason is obvious: If you can see one thousand Joes in one individual character, you are a natural psychologist. Simply stated, you are a genius. And if you are a gifted psychologist, you could potentially outfox ten lawyers, and could even outsmart the lion, the asp-snake and the tiger!
When speaking of character, there is a chasmic dichotomy among intelligent people. Some very clever people believe that character is like an image forged on a coin, and that the unrolling Scroll of Circumstances could only unfold but to prove the inner staff of our inner nature.
A good lawyer, trained on human nature, would probably treat his subjects as would a good doctor prove his expertise by the rigor of time and experience. Between two opponents, let's say two competent lawyers, the most disciplined, that is to say, the one with the greatest acumen, equanimity, penchant for evidence, punctiliousness, profesional mien and probity, would win the approval before a jury and a wise judge.
There are those, and you may subscribe to this view, whose views on human nature is not to be founded on the principles of determinism (predictability, set of outcomes according Behavioral Patterns or Precedents). According to this view, a human being has the potential to becoming a completely different person.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, was a genius. Go online and find out why.
Salvador Dali: this artist proved to be not only beyond praise or reproach, he is the father of "locology," a branch of psychology that studies the phenomenon of genius as often misunderstood, misjudged or vilified by established parameters, norms, intellectual prejudices in a given society (cliques and claques).
It is worth reminding ourselves the famous cases of geniuses, real martyrs, once thought to be madmen and madwomen. In some exceptional cases of remarkable geniuses, society was often wrong, but it took times and generations to really appraise a genius of the caliber of Mozart or Henry D. Thoreau.
You are at liberty to choosing your favorite genius, but this rare quality is nowadays much abused and misused when speaking of exceptional minds towering above one millions heads out there. It is not enough to rise above one million heads. A true genius, like a mountain, has to rise above his-her time, and from such heights, be able to create something totally new and original.
This is an excellent video, and why it is important to cultivate the healthy garden of friendship and probity. An intelligent person would be slow to upsetting the sensitive bonds of friendship and trust: the oldest institution for success, happiness and peace. Why do some institutions go to the dogs? To me it is a mystery.
What is adaptive intelligence:
The e-mail below is a polite reply to an African-American Friend, Ivan T. whose views on our beloved human family are often expressed within the classification of race.
Though the "categorization of race" has little bearing for those already schooled in the
well-reported facts on human intelligence and morality as often determined by milieu and custom, there is, however mindful of the sensitive ethical nuances or usage of the "social bracketing term," a quasi universal tendency to speaking of other people in terms of racial characteristics, education and nationality.
While I am in favor of assimilation to the "mainstream society," there are times when whole groups of people (...) could suffer persecution due to the whimsical, indeed flimsy, pendulum of social order, anarchy, lawlessness.
The rule of law could strike a happy chord in the fabric of humanity, but I am not sure you would be able to feed so many people with a loaf of bread and three fish: inequality is a fact of life.
The most common form of persecution is that of religious or personal conviction, and in some instances, men and women advocating justice on behalf of the weak and destitute, could make proselytes of every nation. Nay, the greatest civil right activists today would do well to stop speaking in terms of race, black or white, because poverty and suffering may concern us all (period). By the way, the word "Race," as far as I know, is rarely mentioned in the New Testament (Acts of the Apostles). Nevertheless, it was once thought to be useful when looking for a suspect.
To be honest with you, I think most wealthy people would display a face of compassion to those less fortunate, but when you deal with the stuff of humanity, callousness, mendacity and recalcitrancy, one thousand saviors could still leave unredeemed a great number of human beings out there: legion.
Yes. These folks could sacrifice one thousand saviors.
Collectively, we do seem to fall into a frenzied hysteria that quite often affect our power of judgement as individuals. In other words, human beings seem to act, dance or think, at their basic animal instincts, as though compelled by the exertion of the greater number of people. This may explain the phenomenon of stardom, and why some celebrities are soon to reach the greater number of people.
Most of us would not admit it, but the mob-social instinct, the rabble, the mass-man, is deeply imbedded in our human nature. There is greater comfort through immediate assimilation than through passive resistance.
In some unfortunate cases, some unassimilated people, that is to say, those unwilling to be part of the "mainstream society" (as it often happens to some arabs and black people in certain part of the world), could suffer behavioral setbacks (resistance) with far-reaching consequences along the rutty path of survival and productivity.
Adaptive Intelligence is always useful, and under certain circumstances it is even advantageous, but the struggle of survival in civilized society, as observed by some sociologists, could leave countless clever people roaming the streets, jobless, subject to vagrancy or delinquency, and solely subsisting through the power of cunning, wit and shrewdness.
It is worth reminding ourselves that wide is the path of perdition, and hell could swallow both the rich and the poor.
Mental atrophy could be linked to conflicts perhaps non-related or inherent in both the individual and society: a reciprocity which would require mutual agreement, compatibility (social contract) and understanding.
In some cases, as observed among some blacks living in a predominantly European society, assimilation could have the advantage of greater share of happiness, entertainment, and productivity through the unquestionable benefits of friendship, excellent work-ethics and social gathering.
Few people would stone others individually, but collectively, there is ample evidence to believe that some could even lynch an innocent person under the spell of legion, or under the power of the many.
Animal Intelligence vs Intelectual Intelligence:
Of course, I would speak from my own personal experiences while living in a rough neighborhood: Washington Heights, a hood once replete with people who lived and survived on animal intelligence and the survival of the smartest.
Convicts, hooligans, thugs and hoodlums (uncultivated criminals) may not have an ear for Beethoven's music, and some could care less about the wise Proverbs of Salomón, but, mind you, they are totally schooled in animal intelligence, which is instinctual --and below the threshold of rationality-- but it is a type of congenital intelligence, very effective when outsmarting the fox, the lion and the asp-snake.
By the way, this is the reason why you should keep your family's flaws privy (hush-hush) because intelligent people know that psychological tendencies are often congenital or hereditary.
In the case of genius, as was the case of Beethoven, it is often appraised or misjudged as affected or stunted by unfavorable circumstances, and it is not strange to finding a genius in a dysfunctional family.
That such genius could relapse into madness is often due to misunderstanding or poverty. Robert Schumann, very gifted composer, we all know struggled all lifelong with some serious psychological illnesses.
(Si, some clever people could outwit me in matter of psychological warfare and tenacity.)
Bookish people could potentially develop the capacity (intellectual intelligence) to coping with danger at a philosophical level (on the abstract) but there is an "instinctual intelligence" which is based on wit, guile, subterfuge, shrewdness and cunning.
Civic Intelligence, people who enjoy the protection of their local precinct (311), or are protected by a retinue of securities, bodyguards and other safety measures, are said to be better off than those poor urban people lacking foresight, caution and oblivious to their immediate reality.
Of course, the higher you climb in the difficult ladder of society, the more you are tasked to resolve any matter or sensitive issue with the help of a competent lawyer. I have seen savvy people reaching very high levels of material success, but their wealth soon become their downfall. High society is always brewing with unpredictable dangers and lawsuits, and trusting is the Achilles' Heel.
The Law of the Jungle: the stronger will survive, and in the last analysis, society is a big jungle. Poor people, like ferocious animals, could devour one another for the prettiest squabbles and trifles, but wealthy people would drag you to court, and these dapper folks are extremely litigious.
To my surprise, I have met many people out there, however of the cheapest plumage, frowzy and unkempt, capable to outwitting me in matters of worldly wisdom and sagacity.
Please, read the Proverbs of Salomón!!!
A person who is too trusting may be deemed "un burrito," un simpleton. For my part, I would trust a friend who is cautious in his dealings with other human beings.
Describe Bungled Robbery in Killing of Hasidic Landlord - NYTimes.com
Proverbs 12:
Be slow to talk about your personals with people out there, because at a latter point, this "free-for-all stuff" could haunt you, and you would have a hard time to sleep.
Lock your door: and like an old lady, peer through the little window-hole: who is there?
1-* Your personals (family's inner circle and matters) should stay within your family.
Needles to say, in big family, the chances of having one a schizophrenic relative are very high. Mind you, Beethoven, the great composer, came from a dysfunctional home. But you and I are not Beethoven.
So what!!! Beethoven's father was an alcoholic! Ok.
You think it is cool to tell people that you are seeing a psychiatrist, or that you are in food-stamps, or that you receive a monthly disability check? Ok.
Normal people would think you a slack-jawed loser, a total disaster, or simply mentally-castrated joe. --Hey Joe!
2-* Keep your mental stuff sealed with three layers of discretion lest your friend divulge your personals out there.
Because I am a dummy.
You tell shady people the flaws of your family, or you go on to show them the careless scenes of your habitation, and get ready when in-rushing troubles break-in through the main entrance door.
Most people would play you an itching ear to dig out your personal flaws (psychological aberration) within your family in order to launch at your character with laser-like precision.
3-* Funneling out sensitive information could crack the platform of your safety, social standing and the high regards of your friends.
4-,* The pipeline of safety could be cracked by insiders, slacked securities forces, the super, janitor, the secretary and even a neighbor could funnel out sensitive information to a third-party.
How about sitting in front of the building or by the stairways or halls?
In New York City, we have heard of dangerous hooligans and convicts coercing employees into keeping sensitive matters privy and hush-hush among themselves.
A few years ago, we heard of a hapless Hasidic landlord who was targeted by those around him (employees), but the authority were able to catch the evildoers.
A genius could cast, in one single bold strike of brilliance, the eternal recurrence of one thousand similar sunsets and sunrises: the same results and circumstances!
This is what Schopenhauer means by genius: the phenomenal ability to intuiting or perceiving universals in single moments of reflections.
A true genius, in a moment of blissful revelation, or immersed in sudden epiphanic moments of insights, could plumb the womb of time and space and thus fill us with enough thought-material for the interpretation of transient phenomena.
Arthur Schopenhauer's list of geniuses is smaller than the McArthur Genius Awards. He highly admired Rembrandt, the Dutch painter, not just for his astonishing technical virtuosity, but also for his in-depth understanding of human nature.
Rembrandt knew people to the core, in and out. The human face, "countenance," was clearly read as the quintessential monogram of a person's inward nature. Accordingly, the greatest geniuses have often been deemed as the greatest psychologists. They could see one million faces in one single character!!! They seem to read books in one single glance, introduction or pre-face at first sight.
A. Schopenhauer (Parerga and Paralipomena, Vol. 2). places Shakespeare as a genius who towers above the rest.
The reason is obvious: If you can see one thousand Joes in one individual character, you are a natural psychologist. Simply stated, you are a genius. And if you are a gifted psychologist, you could potentially outfox ten lawyers, and could even outsmart the lion, the asp-snake and the tiger!
When speaking of character, there is a chasmic dichotomy among intelligent people. Some very clever people believe that character is like an image forged on a coin, and that the unrolling Scroll of Circumstances could only unfold but to prove the inner staff of our inner nature.
A good lawyer, trained on human nature, would probably treat his subjects as would a good doctor prove his expertise by the rigor of time and experience. Between two opponents, let's say two competent lawyers, the most disciplined, that is to say, the one with the greatest acumen, equanimity, penchant for evidence, punctiliousness, profesional mien and probity, would win the approval before a jury and a wise judge.
There are those, and you may subscribe to this view, whose views on human nature is not to be founded on the principles of determinism (predictability, set of outcomes according Behavioral Patterns or Precedents). According to this view, a human being has the potential to becoming a completely different person.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, was a genius. Go online and find out why.
Salvador Dali: this artist proved to be not only beyond praise or reproach, he is the father of "locology," a branch of psychology that studies the phenomenon of genius as often misunderstood, misjudged or vilified by established parameters, norms, intellectual prejudices in a given society (cliques and claques).
It is worth reminding ourselves the famous cases of geniuses, real martyrs, once thought to be madmen and madwomen. In some exceptional cases of remarkable geniuses, society was often wrong, but it took times and generations to really appraise a genius of the caliber of Mozart or Henry D. Thoreau.
You are at liberty to choosing your favorite genius, but this rare quality is nowadays much abused and misused when speaking of exceptional minds towering above one millions heads out there. It is not enough to rise above one million heads. A true genius, like a mountain, has to rise above his-her time, and from such heights, be able to create something totally new and original.
This is an excellent video, and why it is important to cultivate the healthy garden of friendship and probity. An intelligent person would be slow to upsetting the sensitive bonds of friendship and trust: the oldest institution for success, happiness and peace. Why do some institutions go to the dogs? To me it is a mystery.
What is adaptive intelligence:
The e-mail below is a polite reply to an African-American Friend, Ivan T. whose views on our beloved human family are often expressed within the classification of race.
Though the "categorization of race" has little bearing for those already schooled in the
well-reported facts on human intelligence and morality as often determined by milieu and custom, there is, however mindful of the sensitive ethical nuances or usage of the "social bracketing term," a quasi universal tendency to speaking of other people in terms of racial characteristics, education and nationality.
While I am in favor of assimilation to the "mainstream society," there are times when whole groups of people (...) could suffer persecution due to the whimsical, indeed flimsy, pendulum of social order, anarchy, lawlessness.
The rule of law could strike a happy chord in the fabric of humanity, but I am not sure you would be able to feed so many people with a loaf of bread and three fish: inequality is a fact of life.
The most common form of persecution is that of religious or personal conviction, and in some instances, men and women advocating justice on behalf of the weak and destitute, could make proselytes of every nation. Nay, the greatest civil right activists today would do well to stop speaking in terms of race, black or white, because poverty and suffering may concern us all (period). By the way, the word "Race," as far as I know, is rarely mentioned in the New Testament (Acts of the Apostles). Nevertheless, it was once thought to be useful when looking for a suspect.
To be honest with you, I think most wealthy people would display a face of compassion to those less fortunate, but when you deal with the stuff of humanity, callousness, mendacity and recalcitrancy, one thousand saviors could still leave unredeemed a great number of human beings out there: legion.
Yes. These folks could sacrifice one thousand saviors.
Collectively, we do seem to fall into a frenzied hysteria that quite often affect our power of judgement as individuals. In other words, human beings seem to act, dance or think, at their basic animal instincts, as though compelled by the exertion of the greater number of people. This may explain the phenomenon of stardom, and why some celebrities are soon to reach the greater number of people.
Most of us would not admit it, but the mob-social instinct, the rabble, the mass-man, is deeply imbedded in our human nature. There is greater comfort through immediate assimilation than through passive resistance.
In some unfortunate cases, some unassimilated people, that is to say, those unwilling to be part of the "mainstream society" (as it often happens to some arabs and black people in certain part of the world), could suffer behavioral setbacks (resistance) with far-reaching consequences along the rutty path of survival and productivity.
Adaptive Intelligence is always useful, and under certain circumstances it is even advantageous, but the struggle of survival in civilized society, as observed by some sociologists, could leave countless clever people roaming the streets, jobless, subject to vagrancy or delinquency, and solely subsisting through the power of cunning, wit and shrewdness.
It is worth reminding ourselves that wide is the path of perdition, and hell could swallow both the rich and the poor.
Mental atrophy could be linked to conflicts perhaps non-related or inherent in both the individual and society: a reciprocity which would require mutual agreement, compatibility (social contract) and understanding.
In some cases, as observed among some blacks living in a predominantly European society, assimilation could have the advantage of greater share of happiness, entertainment, and productivity through the unquestionable benefits of friendship, excellent work-ethics and social gathering.
Few people would stone others individually, but collectively, there is ample evidence to believe that some could even lynch an innocent person under the spell of legion, or under the power of the many.
Animal Intelligence vs Intelectual Intelligence:
Of course, I would speak from my own personal experiences while living in a rough neighborhood: Washington Heights, a hood once replete with people who lived and survived on animal intelligence and the survival of the smartest.
Convicts, hooligans, thugs and hoodlums (uncultivated criminals) may not have an ear for Beethoven's music, and some could care less about the wise Proverbs of Salomón, but, mind you, they are totally schooled in animal intelligence, which is instinctual --and below the threshold of rationality-- but it is a type of congenital intelligence, very effective when outsmarting the fox, the lion and the asp-snake.
By the way, this is the reason why you should keep your family's flaws privy (hush-hush) because intelligent people know that psychological tendencies are often congenital or hereditary.
In the case of genius, as was the case of Beethoven, it is often appraised or misjudged as affected or stunted by unfavorable circumstances, and it is not strange to finding a genius in a dysfunctional family.
That such genius could relapse into madness is often due to misunderstanding or poverty. Robert Schumann, very gifted composer, we all know struggled all lifelong with some serious psychological illnesses.
(Si, some clever people could outwit me in matter of psychological warfare and tenacity.)
Bookish people could potentially develop the capacity (intellectual intelligence) to coping with danger at a philosophical level (on the abstract) but there is an "instinctual intelligence" which is based on wit, guile, subterfuge, shrewdness and cunning.
Civic Intelligence, people who enjoy the protection of their local precinct (311), or are protected by a retinue of securities, bodyguards and other safety measures, are said to be better off than those poor urban people lacking foresight, caution and oblivious to their immediate reality.
Of course, the higher you climb in the difficult ladder of society, the more you are tasked to resolve any matter or sensitive issue with the help of a competent lawyer. I have seen savvy people reaching very high levels of material success, but their wealth soon become their downfall. High society is always brewing with unpredictable dangers and lawsuits, and trusting is the Achilles' Heel.
The Law of the Jungle: the stronger will survive, and in the last analysis, society is a big jungle. Poor people, like ferocious animals, could devour one another for the prettiest squabbles and trifles, but wealthy people would drag you to court, and these dapper folks are extremely litigious.
To my surprise, I have met many people out there, however of the cheapest plumage, frowzy and unkempt, capable to outwitting me in matters of worldly wisdom and sagacity.
Please, read the Proverbs of Salomón!!!
A person who is too trusting may be deemed "un burrito," un simpleton. For my part, I would trust a friend who is cautious in his dealings with other human beings.
Describe Bungled Robbery in Killing of Hasidic Landlord - NYTimes.com
Proverbs 12:
Be slow to talk about your personals with people out there, because at a latter point, this "free-for-all stuff" could haunt you, and you would have a hard time to sleep.
Lock your door: and like an old lady, peer through the little window-hole: who is there?
1-* Your personals (family's inner circle and matters) should stay within your family.
Needles to say, in big family, the chances of having one a schizophrenic relative are very high. Mind you, Beethoven, the great composer, came from a dysfunctional home. But you and I are not Beethoven.
So what!!! Beethoven's father was an alcoholic! Ok.
You think it is cool to tell people that you are seeing a psychiatrist, or that you are in food-stamps, or that you receive a monthly disability check? Ok.
Normal people would think you a slack-jawed loser, a total disaster, or simply mentally-castrated joe. --Hey Joe!
2-* Keep your mental stuff sealed with three layers of discretion lest your friend divulge your personals out there.
Because I am a dummy.
You tell shady people the flaws of your family, or you go on to show them the careless scenes of your habitation, and get ready when in-rushing troubles break-in through the main entrance door.
Most people would play you an itching ear to dig out your personal flaws (psychological aberration) within your family in order to launch at your character with laser-like precision.
3-* Funneling out sensitive information could crack the platform of your safety, social standing and the high regards of your friends.
4-,* The pipeline of safety could be cracked by insiders, slacked securities forces, the super, janitor, the secretary and even a neighbor could funnel out sensitive information to a third-party.
How about sitting in front of the building or by the stairways or halls?
In New York City, we have heard of dangerous hooligans and convicts coercing employees into keeping sensitive matters privy and hush-hush among themselves.
A few years ago, we heard of a hapless Hasidic landlord who was targeted by those around him (employees), but the authority were able to catch the evildoers.