Due to din noise and the distraction of our hectic times, inconsistency and desultoriness are faults for which I must constantly ask forgiveness and forbearance. These common symptoms, as those of stress, angst, ambivalence, disturbance, paroxysm, among other psychological perturbations in the troubled water of our times, may rather point to a larger crisis in the very core of our civilization.
The placid serenity of some animals in the wood, e.g. the squirrel and the bird of Thoreau, unperturbed by the concerns, ennui and brain-racking cavils of modern man, may impress me as perhaps too naive in the serious struggle of existence.
Nevertheless, when assessing the fundamentals of our civilized society, I cannot deny a greater share of happiness among those friends who have found lodging, peace & enlightenment, in some sequestered spot with the boon of Mother Nature.
A greater spirituality, but also greater sense of vitality, energy and healthy intoxication seem to feed the soul of the naturalist.
Virtues, potencies and forces, which, for the most part, remain dormant in the automaton of our inquiries, are constantly at work in the womb of Mother Nature.
By neglecting our bodies and minds a greater participation in the natural theaters, luscious libations and operations of Mother Nature, we have rather reduced ourselves to little animalitos, the Lilliputians of Jonathan Swift, with a sickly penchant for the firecrackers and fleeting gadgets of our civilization.
Training ourselves to live amid the distractions of our times is a thankless task. It would require a new society, a new milieu, a new mentality, a complete revaluation on the intrinsic values, gifts and potencies of every human being when reared and nursed in settings of grandest scope.
Every now and then, I have come across some skeptical minds, whom, in their views, humans are not so different than gnats, mosquitoes, fleas or roaring drones ever complaining about the meaning of life.
Many skeptical people, mostly fed on materialism, cannot live beyond the realm of rocks, metals and their stubborn wiring indolence as their sole mode of existence.
With the staggering explosion of gadgets and other electronic unnecessary luxuries of our sciences, it has become increasingly difficult to strike congeniality with the unquestionable benefits and boon of Mother Nature.
There are those skeptics, as those slimy creatures ever oozing forth in the experimental labs of biogenesis, who, disappointed with the human race, have chosen to live amid swamps, moraine, moats of fetid water, thus rarely reaching the Safe Citadel against the advancing army of Nihilo (Nihilism, there is no meaning in this life).
Other straggled souls, as those fatal existentialists nourished in the insidious philosophy of Camus and Sartre, have finally surrendered their precious spiritual belongings to Nihilo, the god of meaningless of our times.
Accordingly, when accessing some post-modern philosophers, I must constantly guard my mind against such drivels and twaddles as the noxious stuff of our post-modern times.
Bacterial thoughts, like anything parasitic and harmful, could be communicated even in the best form of prose-writing and philosophy, and soon the spirit is inundated with a morbid feeling of things smacking of grave, desolation, nihilism, competitiveness, grave and death.
If you enjoy these humble insights on the crisis of our civilization, please, peruse the refreshing writings of Henry David Thoreau, the Walden Pond.
Perhaps you are familiar with the refreshing insights of Henri Bergson's philosophy on consciousness and intelligence.
Better than many new-age gurus, or money-making charlatans, or those charismatic evangelists, Bergson's luminous views on the meaning of life --as a mirrored-reflection of our higher strivings in the sublime peaceful realms of existence, such divine man par excellence, could deliver us from the predatory, pernicious mosquitoes of our times.
Of course, such Debussy-like philosophy would require new ears for a new supernal music, nay, a pure heart in the refined thoughts of serenest lakes of things pellucid, vitreous, crystalline as only possible when we elevate ourselves beyond the lower impulses of the brute, the natural man/woman.
If you ever thought yourself to be more than just a complicated bundle of biological material, or something more than just an automaton, or something more than a mere defective machinery in the chess-game of chance and fate; or, perhaps you are something more than a post-modern hybrid enslaved in the mechanistic procedures of civilized society.
If you ever felt you are none of the above, but something more, divine, intelligent, sentient... then you are awakening to a new revelation of yourself.
These are the first signs that you are not content with the Matrix of Our Times, for your inner-self, perhaps, all the while, has been diligently looking for new thought-materials, new prototypes analogous to the nature of higher essences, minds and spirits.
You are not alone.
Perhaps there were times when you felt to be something more than a two-legged animal feeding on the carrion and carcasses of Darwin's survival of the fittest.
Perhaps there were times when you felt to be more than just a mammal, a biped of clumsy gait, or, a mere ridiculous brute making grimaces, winces and meaningless headways in the struggle of existence.
Have you ever felt like this?
Yes or Not?
If you ever felt to be a greater biological project in the labs of intelligence, sentience and awareness, consciousness, then you are, so I hope, ripe and ready for the transcendental philosophy of Henri Bergson.
Three blooming virtues would make you stand out as a remarkable person committed to a higher form of existence: diligence, understanding and probity (Immanuel Kant, Essay Of the Different Hunan Races).
Please, take time to imbibe these lofty thoughts, insights, revelations, epiphanies which shall bring good fruits of peace and wellbeing.
The Philosophy of Henri Bergson
In this final revision and insights on Extraterrestrial Life, I have added other provocative thoughts and "nays" within the confinement of brackets []. Please find them here and there as we embark on the journey of life as the wonder of all our inquiries.
That aliens and gods are a mere reflection of our own psyche would bring objective data no less real than the fancy of figments, dreams, illusions; and if there is any glimmer of hope to resolving the question of space, time and immortality, it would have to be sought in the phenomena of consciousness and sentience.
And if these latter, consciousness and sentience, could exist independent of any biological procedure or decomposition, then we are called to re-embrace ourselves as spiritual entities.
As such, let us ponder on the beauty, love and divinity of a higher universe replete with essences, souls, and heavenly beings whose joy and beauteous existence are not affected by the conflicts and clashes attendant to this awful world of Charles of Darwin: woes, tears and injustice.
This is the sad reality for those materialistic atheists who may finally succumb to the dint of reason on the baffling mysterious origin of good and evil.
Physically speaking, aggression may appear to be but a mere plaything of blind forces and organisms fighting for supremacy; but when we delve deeply into the nature of mankind, we cannot always reduce these recalcitrant creatures to the low level of brutish animals, virus or bacterial nits endlessly reproducing to staggering quantity.
Some people are beautiful, good-hearted creatures, and if we are to make any careful assumption on human nature, there are many remarkable cases of extraordinary perfection, elevation, probity; and sometimes, here and there, we may find people, alike children and older ones, gifted with an amazing level of saintliness, purity and intelligence, thus pointing to higher types of incipient nature in the family-tree of Homo Sapiens.
Though there is much ground to classifying a large part of mankind within the bracketing demotion of pernicious, "predatory entities," there is, nevertheless, a great deal of good in humanity, beautiful qualities which could justify their earthly existence as intended for a lager, meaningful grand plan in the colonization of other planets.
Meanwhile, their kind has to be restrained from further damages, and it is only through the agency of either Mother Nature, or Providence, that a major universal change in human history and psyche, however rife with calamities, wars and unspeakable suffering, could finally usher into a new epoch of greater peace, love, fraternity and understanding.
Perhaps such new posterior humanities will have the tickets to interstellar traveling, and the seed of a new humanity will there flower, bloom, and blossom in the most beautiful lush, serene worlds conceivable; new celestial worlds where water, a mild temperature and luscious oxygen could welcome the celebration of life's verve free from the stings of snakes, fleas, thistles and suffering.
That said, and following the rigor of tangible proof and philosophy, my conclusion is that there is no ground, neither verifiable nor evidential, so as to assume that intelligent Aliens (physical) from outer space are currently meddling with the affairs of our civilization.
Midsummer of the Year 2016:
My mind, enervated by a wave of heat and exhaustion, could not so readily correct the obscurity of some of my passages on the keyboard of clarity and lucidity, and I had to further rework this essay replete with wrong dictions, common-hackneyed words and redundancy. Nevertheless, please, bear with me as we touch upon the question of extraterrestrial life, hostile or benevolent?
In this latter revision, I have included links to other references, but also my thoughts dare strike kindred with serious authors dealing with the uncanny controversial origin of the human species.
So as not hurt the religious feelings and conviction of some my beloved readers, some Christian, other Jewish, I was bound to find corroboration in the sacred literature of the Bible, a reliable source of reference, and much quoted by serious authors when making allusion to extraterrestrial contact, spirits, demons or angelic hosts from outer space (Ezequiel Chapter 1, the Old Testament).
As I peruse my own thoughts on the subject of Extraterrestrial Contact, I was surprised to see my ideas as bearing little conflicts with the canon of the New Testament; and this duality between the children of light and darkness, became the more meaningful when admitting higher powers and dominions as the main perpetrators to the suffering of mankind (Ephesians Chapter 6: 11-23, Book of Revelations Chapter 12: 04--).
Therefore, while grappling for facts on the possibility of Extraterrestrial life, I was bound to reexamine the wise counsels of those venerable prophets, holy men and women, who perhaps had a clearer understanding on this millennial dichotomy between the forces of good and evil.
However respectful of religious institutions, I could not win other friends by merely supporting my insights and opinion on the staff of faith alone, but philosophy, Sophia, and Muse, have led me placidly to seek wisdom, God and congeniality but in the holy shrines of Mother Nature.
This essay is a continuation on the ever-controversial issue of extraterrestrial life, and how any respectable stance may suffer the lack of conclusive tangible proof in the solemn verdict of science and archeology.
Nevertheless, philosophically speaking, there is still a much unexplored field in the search for intelligent life, namely, the very phenomena of consciousness and sentience.
Unable to elicit a link between the shimmering sparks of consciousness and the baffling operations of our brains, there is this hope that energy does die out, but it may continue to exist beyond the decomposition of our physical body.
In the following essay, a seminal analysis of life as found here on Earth and perhaps elsewhere in outer space, I dare inspect the matter of Alien visitation while perusing the wonders, and riddles, of our own planet's ecosystem in the history of complex life-form development.
I cannot search elsewhere without a careful investigation on those causes, organism, at times hostile, predatory, which are often bent on aggressiveness and the destruction of their own habitat.
Of all species, humans are known not only for predation, but unlike the lion or the snake, or the hippopotamus, the human species may relish on the devastating power of fire, or on the most complete revolting alteration of their own natural habitat.
Therefore, after years of pondering on the writings of Henry David Thoreau, I was bound to praise those learned seers, poets and philosophers, who, time and time again, warned us on the obnoxious effects of a civilization gone unnatural and ever reducing every aspect of our lives into purely mechanistic, materialistic, pragmatic procedures.
The argument against Homo Sapiens's technological destructive prowess, may likewise shed light on the mysterious reasons behind mankind's apparent disconnection and isolation from the rest of the cosmos.
Obviously, provided these wicked creatures could traverse the outer limits of their solar system, what kind of tragedies and troubles could be transported into the Elysian realms of other peaceful worlds.
The enormous distances separating some hostile organisms, when viewed from a cosmic perspective, would set boundary to the mystery of iniquity as found on this planet Earth, for otherwise, in the long stretches of time and intelligence, what kind of troubles and woes could ensue onto the outer limits of space?
Accordingly, I dare keep an eye on the essentially wary nature of our human species as perhaps capable of further damages and destructions in the distant shores of our own solar system.
High intelligence still unable to keep footing on the wise utilization of energy and resources, would argue against the notion that our human species is essentially good and an integral part of the universe, and that we should be allowed to reproduce in other planets.
But unlike Bertrand Russell, in his classic Why I am not Christian?, I do not appraise the human race as inessential or useless in the potential colonization of other planets out there, and their nascent earthly existence may be a plan for a greater germination of the human genus-seed (or genome) as the basis for any intelligent life-form in the known universe. But I highly doubt this inference.
If there are indeed intelligent extraterrestrials observing us in our fast, inexorable race to contaminating the entire Earth, many fine minds may wonder on the seeming indifference and tardiness of such furtive entities to intervening in the serious troubles of mankind.
On the contrary, we are told by ufologists and other enthusiasts, that Aliens would simply expect us to learn from our own unpalatable mistakes, and that a cosmic confederacy of planetary civilizations have agreed not to meddle in the earthly affairs of our human civilization.
The only reasonable argument for their apparent refusal or objection to any open dialogue with our human species was either our low ethics, greed, hygiene, ignorance, mendacity, bigotry and religious fanaticism as incapable to accepting a new version of the origin of life on Earth. It has also been reported that such encounters would bring worldwide panic in the established institutions of traditional authority, religion and faith.
Lack of communication was not always a hindrance concerning the development of our species, but in many cases, these visitors from outer space offer indecipherable solutions and technological advances which, for the most, can neither be decoded nor understood by our scientists.
Please, read this essay in your placid hours of leisure, and forgive those incongruous passages which seem to suffer from unwitting prolixity or self-indulgent twaddles in the incomprehensible phenomenon of UFO.
In the last analysis, the topic cannot be discussed without some enthusiasm for the plausibility of extraterrestrial life, but the force of evidence and facts are so tenuous and flimsy, that often I felt inclined to treating the subject as the fanciest vaporous thoughts on metaphysics, art, science fiction, morphology and biology in the scribbles of a badly informed witness. Countless books have been written on the subject, but as Carl Sagan warned us:
"Extraordinary truths would require extraordinary evidence."
As perceived by our robotic probes surveying other worlds, there are countless planets whose surfaces appear to be dismal, waste and hellish, and if we are to make any inference on the grounds of such awful reality for our species, and as we experience the struggle for life on this planet Earth, existence elsewhere is no less a battlefield for survival than the reality of suffering for sentient beings.
From dangerous bacteria, viruses and all sorts of parasitic entities feeding on the marrow and blood of other species, the vast cosmos of Stephen Hawking could be teeming with life out there.
But what kind of life is there in outer space?
Like the building blocks of any organic matter on Earth, it is believed that other organisms from outer space may share with us the same basic molecular structure, essential to the performing of any motion or movement. Rightly so, life, as asserted by Aristotle, is indistinguishable from movement.
Biological dynamics and life are analogous to the basic principles of existence and activity, for few organisms are said to exist for inertia alone, and even those sluggish ones seem to exert themselves but for the opportunity of greater scope and spacial action in the emancipation of life.
The conquest of the outer limits of space seems to be a connatural urge, which, even among the vegetal and animal kingdom, the primary motives for life is not only to eke out for things which could add a better prospect and enhancement to our lives, and hence, a timely alleviation to the dissonant equation of life; but in many cases, the assurance of life may lead us all to seek, elsewhere, the possibility of a new horizon in the celestial shores of the cosmos.
In the struggle for existence, biological brushstrokes in the basic form of fungus, bacteria, yeast, mold, mushroom, et. al, have left their marks all over the globe. Thus, so clearly, Mother Nature seems to point to this irrefutable fact: that complex life-forms may have first originated from simpler ones, and this insightful view would lead us to further speculate, nay admit, that higher forms of existence have not yet culminated in the creation of mankind.
Of course, humans, unlike other organic phenomena, which would not require the contest of millions of spermatozoa competing for the incubation or fertilization of a single egg, cannot reproduce through the mere scummy froth of organic matter as found in many a damp area on this planet Earth, but we all know that the seed of life, as least for certain living organisms, may have oozed forth from a primeval hotchpotch consisting primarily of water, amino acids, heat and other organic left-overs brought to our planet by the conveyance of meteorites or any other cosmic purveyors.
If there is any truth to the possibility of complex organism in outer space, living thing just as we find them to exist right here on Earth, then it is also true that such creatures must subsist at the expense of other organic material.
That human beings sprang forth, and hence evolved from a primordial seminal genesis of complex organic compounds, is a theory that is neither preposterous nor laughable, but alterations to the first prototypes may have undergone considerable changes at the hands of some older unknown species, gods, Elohim or Nephilim (peruse Genesis Chapter 2). This view is shared by some Christian friends.
As much I have pondered on this genetic-engineering theory, the complexity of our physical bodies has led me to infer that chance alone could not account for some performing features of the human body, however defective in certain tasks and extremely vulnerable to infection, the superfluous appendages of the human body, i. e. eyelashes, nails, hair, and so on, may point to utilitarian reasons than the mere fancy of aesthetic predilection in the mating or coupling-drive of different species.
But I am inclined to believe that aesthetic considerations, as well as those that are advantageous to the minimization of pain and the perpetuation of life with little nuisance, may have required purposely designed engineering planning in the current anatomical form of the human body.
As we retreat more and more from the roughness of the woods to the lax comfort of urban society, these advantageous appendages may seem unnecessary, superfluous, but the human race, as observed by my admirable Henry D. Thoreau, was designed to exist in conjunction, nay in conformity to a far greater community with other sentient entities.
Perhaps, we are reaching the omega point where we may finally set ourselves free from the limits as imposed by Mother Nature, and eventually our physical bodies may evolve into creatures resembling hairless entities or extraterrestrials...
Accordingly, Aliens, a misnomer from the perspective of a larger cosmic confederacy and fraternity, are, in some cases, but former members of bygone civilizations, that is to say, technologically advanced people who have already mastered the riddles of space, time, gravity and mortality.
That such earthly Aliens, as evinced in some mummies lying in the sarcophagus of ancient Egypt, may have an interest in helping our petroleum civilization to reach a higher level of development in the equation of life, wouldn't surprise me at all.
My personal view is that humans, however easily subject to putrefaction and decay, are the outcome of past genetic manipulation in the tumultuous history of past civilizations.
Our current Human species, Homo sapiens, in all likelihood, are the product of past interbreeding with slightly different types of the first aggressive primates, e. g. the hunter-gatherers, the Neanderthal, and other apish creatures, whose rudimentary tools and stony barbed weapons could still be found all over the globe. These latter primates may have interbred with highly developed types (x) to the creation of certain remarkable races of people, Homo Sapiens, as those highly intelligent extinct types of ancient Egypt and Sumer.
Homo sapiens may be the outcome of genetic engineering, but our progenitors are not necessarily fashioned according to existent types of the human race.
In this respect, I may disagree with Immanuel Kant (Of the Different Human Races, link: http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic97823.files/I_/Sept_27/KANT.pdf)
who had assumed variations of the original human kind (genus) solely to conditions of attendant circumstances of milieu, latitude and clime, and eventually, according to his view, these peoples, genus, became distinct races of people in the family of humanity. The different races of humanity, according to Immanuel Kant, are simply varieties and variations of the same original genus or prototype.
Nevertheless, there are those who believe that the complex design of our physical bodies cannot be attributed to purposeless, blind circumstances or the fickle chances of fate in the lab of Mother Nature, i. e. predatory eyes with three-dimensional lens, highly sensitive nostrils, limbs, all-clutching fingers, spinal cord, glands, a cerebral apparatus to gather data, but also a complex system of drainage and secreting mechanism. However equipped with an immune system to warding off viruses or diseases, the organs of the human body could suffer quick deterioration.
Nevertheless, our human species, however capable to outliving many other species, may prove to be physically vulnerable, infectious, even feeble when compared to the protective hard covering of certain animals' outer hard, shaggy skins and rough-textured scaliness; and when it comes to the remarkable audacity, suppleness and tenacity of a snake set to catch a prey, humans are not always the most capable to outwitting the ubiquitous presence of night-roaming rodents, vermin, rats, galore, those mischievous entities set on the total contamination and pollution of humanity's greater achievement: the state machine, civilization.
Nevertheless, when it comes to self-defending mechanisms, humans may not have been vouchsafed with horns, fangs, feelers or claws, but ingenuity has provided them with weapons no less lethal than those of the shark, the tiger or the asp snake.
But when humans are left without technology and proper sanitation, and thereby subject to contamination, even a mosquito could put an end to human existence.
A widespread epidemic may be transmitted by those fiendish insects whose sole delight is to feed on the blood of cattle and humans.
At any rate, malevolent entities the likes of the bedbugs, the mites, the louse, the fleas, among other devilish biological things, are still proliferating their kind no less behind than those reproductive tropical races resilient to the inhospitality of Mother Nature.
That said, few species could be so adaptable to various milieus as those bipeds of our investigation.
That such two-legged walking animals would have required the intervention of intelligent genetic engineerings, would definitely presuppose the possibility of forefathers, progenitors, sires or gods, is an opinion not only shared by religious people but also by Alienists, and even staunch atheists may welcome intelligent intervention in the history Homo Sapiens.
Due to the rapid proliferation of Humans, all over the globe, countless species have been wiped out from the surface of the Earth, but our species, Homo Sapiens, persist to be resilient, indomitable, ingenious and indefatigably curious to concocting strangest alterations, head-racking experimentations often resulting in monstrous hybrids and regrettable alterations in the laws of nature.
As observed by German philosopher, A. Schopenhauer, every living organism, if it is fashioned according to the pain-reactive sensitive material of complex organic concoction, as found in most predatory entities, would be, by necessary, spurred to move around, at times aggressively, and even bent to attack, thus securing existence on the sustenance of living things. Such living entities could either be contaminated or exterminated as it is currently happening to many species on this planet.
Conflicts and clashes are the primary moving causes in the emancipation of any living organism, and every budging endeavor is triggered by the impulsive mechanism of needs and aggression in the reaffirmation of existence.
This is a fact of life.
If there is a kernel of truth in the possibility of complex organism developing in the far reaches of the cosmos, then it is also true that they must subsist at the expense of other organism.
In many instances, predatory entities, as dangerous as the rapacious hyenas, the flea, or the indomitable bedbugs or the pestering gnats which feed on the blood of cattle, are often forced to migrate elsewhere on the look out for new sources of energy or food.
It is very tempting to predict future invasions of hostile, carnivorous entities feeding on the sinews, tissues and membranes of species the likes of those of the human race.
There was this philosopher who believed humans to be the preferred muttons for some extraterrestrials. Of course, our ideas of extraterrestrial forms, however conceived in the reflection and semblance of our own physical characteristics, may not always conform to the forms of bacteria and the strangest phenomena coming from outer space.
Dangerous, degenerate, decaying nomadic entities from outer space, however intelligent but on the brink of extinction, may have been visiting the planet Earth for aeons, albeit clandestinely, these carnivorous entities may be at pain to the continuation of their existence; and perhaps here, on this Earth, they have found a vast supply of eatable human flesh, or, in the most felicitous of encounters, a vast field of organic stuff which they need as much as we need the nutrients from fats and the carbohydrate from other organic sources.
Organic material is a product of striking natural coincidences, more than gold or silver, it would require fertile soil and clime propitious for life-forms development; therefore, it is plausible to assume that other intelligent organic entities, traveling long sidereal distances, could stop here on this Earth on the look out for food. This view is shared by some modern philosophers who correlate report of aliens visitations to this Earth, not just confined to, or in relation to, the narrow world and locality of the witness, but given the advances of our own global civilization, the news of such encounter could be spread all over the world.
By the same train of thoughts, It has been pointed out that at times of great population explosions, as those vast civilizations of Ancient Egypt, Sumer, and the great population of indigenous people in the America of pre-colonial times, reports of UFO sightings increased exponentially.
And who are these gods who come from outer space?
During times of widespread media and great populations, localized reports of Aliens Visitations become a universal phenomenon, and it may task us all to wonder what are the chances of such extraterrestrial wayfarers as being no less than mosquitos, fleas or gnats to the cattle of the human race?
The correlations and striking coincidences are simply too many to assume Alien Visitations as analogous to the migration of earthly species on the ground of dearth and climatic changes.
This is common sense. The butcher of our lives (1 Peter 5: 08) meanwhile, remain hidden because perhaps we are, like the innocent sheep without a shepherd, but a lost species, which, like any vulnerable hybrid, without shelter or protection from the real dangers and rapacious ghouls of this world, could end up being destroyed by the recurrent forays of other living organism.
This is indeed a scenario not only frightful but also tragic for those who believe the sky teeming with benevolent messengers bringing good tidings.
The backyard of history is littered with scary truths for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
Logics and reason would lead us to surmise this possibility: that the justification for the burdensome proliferation of the human race is no different than the propagation and proliferation of squirrels and other denizens in the slaughterhouse of survival, but the former may have a larger utilitarian purpose; and if we are bold to admitting these conclusive facts as plausible: we are, in the last analysis, but a huge storehouse supply of organic material much needed for the sustenance of humanoid Aliens on the verge of extinction.
On the Possibility of Electric Rattling Snakes Spewing Fire!
As we have already invented the "Drone," a near-ground flying-killing machine, it is a matter of time before humans discover a remarkably malleable material, resilient, self-moved by flexible joints, tendons, membranes and supple limbs but bearing the resisting qualities and endurance of metals. Soon we will have rattling electric snakes crawling and sliding through the crevasses of subterranean passages.
These ugly things were prophesied by Goethe in Faust Part 2!!!
We all struggle with the equation of life:
I have always viewed life like Charles Darwin and Arthur Schopenhauer, the only difference is that I believe in the God of Spinoza and Albert Einstein --perhaps the God of Eric Von Daniken. Of course, I do accept the God of the New Testament as merciful and loving, but down here on Earth, there are the marks (The Mark of the Beast 666) and the spoors of the beast are all over the old planet earth.
La bestia es una realidad de la Existencia!
Today, ancient Egypt is the burial ground of past civilizations, and I do not discard the possibility of periodic —albeit disastrous— contact with extraterrestrial intelligence whose ethics are not always in keeping with the preservation of every human being.
Individually, human beings are wonderful, beautiful; collectively, the Human race could prove to be little more than an army of combatants, for like a swarm of contrary ants, they would soon devour one another.
The Struggle is real, it is (unfair) that there are as many methods to destroying a human being. Highly intelligent humans could attest to this terrible battlefield in the inner reaches of the mind, the soul: the most able would learn to guard his or her inner fabric from any unpredictable assault.
What is scary is that whoever possesses your soul would henceforth have authority over your thoughts, emotions and decisions. You are but slaves building pyramids for wealthy oligarchs, mysterious entities placed in high society, whose power could determine your very existence.
Most recently, I watched a terrible movie (Predator vs Alien). Watch this movie, and test your mettle in the struggle for existence in the universe of Stephen Hawking! It is a continuation of the philosophy of A. Schopenhauer.
Canadian Government Admits UFO's & Aliens Exist -
Religious institutions which are not eliciting answers to the possibility of life on other planets, may fall behind the ever-expanding horizons of mankind in the celestial shores of Divinity.
Unfortunately, the baffling mysteries concerning the origin of our Human Species are no less intriguing than the good news, at least for some traditionalistic Christians, that our planet Earth, is, perhaps, the only one habitable in our Solar System.
But as we peer out at the spectacular window of cosmic grandeur, logics and philosophy would lend weigh to the plausible possibility that life is a common by-product of water, heat and amino acid.
The innocent child cradled and nursed in the manger of former ages, is coming of age for another awesome chapter in the chronicles of intelligent life beyond our beautiful planet Earth.
As we peruse the Lessons of Millenia, it seems probable that from time to time, there is a separation between the wheat and the chaff in the collection of the finest gleanings in the harvest of humanities (Mathew 24).
Logically, if we are being watched by superior, super intelligent entities, as assured by men and women of the highest respectability and office, concerning the imminent dangers of our current civilization, there could be a potential evacuation of some people to be saved from a major destruction.
Veiled in the fable of religion or myth (?), it seems probable that our civilization (current debts, mind-boggling, reaching 35 Trillion!!!) would have to be salvaged and assisted by an outside power no less miraculous than the God of Moises in Ancient Egypt.
But are we matured enough to encounter this Power with less religious mystification, and boldly proclaim Him to be escorted by mysterious entities resembling Angels or Aliens with Lightning Celestial Vehicles?
Whether you are a Christian, an Agnostic or an Atheist, we all may have to agree that the planet Earth is indeed a miracle of striking coincidence!!!
Concerning Modern Civilization
While modern civilized man may praise the great advantage and luxury of having an automobile, there are the lovely places which would make us the more grateful for having legs and limbs.
Naturally, the inner urge to walk during the early hours of morning or evening --which would be propitious due to a milder weather-- could be one of the healthiest activities, and the benefits could not be overstated.
Of course, few would find joy under the scorching heat of a hot-dog, hades-day where walking could be a form of punishment or torture.
People who come from tropical climes, especially those who had much to endure under the stings of mosquitoes, parasitic nits, intestinal worms and deserted lands, when they finally set a foot in New York City, the advantage of having a car could be compared to the other luxuries of civilization: a cell-phone, a computer, a TV, DVD player and the other essential gadgets which could relieve the burdensome issues of existence in modern civilized society.
Few folks would deny the benefits of having a cellphone or a computer, and fewer would deny the facts that an automobile would be preferable than a horse, a mule or a donkey.
That said, civilized Homo sapiens, however clever bipeds, cannot be said to be healthier than the other sordid brutes climbing trees and forever devouring bananas, rotten mutton and sausages.
The question of whether Homo sapiens, as we know them to be two-legged earthly entities, and no less aliens to the wood than the beaver, the ermine or the squirrel, are naturally designed to live in places where their bodies could suffer less from obesity, mental atrophy, retardation and degradation.
Another argument against civilized Homo sapiens, is these irrefutable facts of scummy excesses, refuses and left-over-rotten organic materials besmirching every square of our habitation and ecosystem.
Much have been done to stave off an invasion of a repugnant swarm of denizens creeping from the subterranean passages of New York City.
According to the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, the war against vermin and rat-feces infesting our expired carrions and carcasses could eventually produce another spawn of the Human type: the People of the Abyss by Jack London.
The predicaments of modern Homo Sapiens, are not only an unnatural diet, badly hatched habitats and head-scratching dangerous incubation techniques, but even the staggering reproduction of their species, at close square, could unleash the strangest diseases, viruses and hellish broods of prodigious proliferation.
New designs of the Human type, for many species have been lost in the ever-frothing soup of humanity, and perhaps resisting the onslaught of Mother Nature, would task good-hearted Aliens to the creation, Homo Divino, of new intelligent resilient organisms which could survive the strangest biological phenomena in the forms of virus, germs and bacterial infestation.
Containing any lethal virus would require the complete quarantine of whole group of people and communities, but air-borne diseases and strange, unheard-of infections could still be passed-on through the medium of water and the suffocating atmosphere of our urban society.
The question whether we are more intelligent than the Ancient Egyptians was formulated not on the firecrackers of our perilous sciences, but on the best form of society entailing the least noxious damages to our planet.
The Planet Earth and Homo Sapiens
A more intelligent entity than those of current humans, would need to adjust to an ecosystem that is meant to a greater equilibrium and balance in the complex logistics of Mother Nature.
Another argument against current Homo Sapiens, is the argument of hostility to our own species and planet.
According to the most trust-worthy reliable sources on the visitation of Aliens from other planets, and their adamant refusal to open dialogue with our political leaders, our Human Species have been deemed no less aggressive than our frightening capability to bringing about a universal conflagration and annihilation of all life-forms as we know it on this planet.
The placid serenity of some animals in the wood, e.g. the squirrel and the bird of Thoreau, unperturbed by the concerns, ennui and brain-racking cavils of modern man, may impress me as perhaps too naive in the serious struggle of existence.
Nevertheless, when assessing the fundamentals of our civilized society, I cannot deny a greater share of happiness among those friends who have found lodging, peace & enlightenment, in some sequestered spot with the boon of Mother Nature.
A greater spirituality, but also greater sense of vitality, energy and healthy intoxication seem to feed the soul of the naturalist.
Virtues, potencies and forces, which, for the most part, remain dormant in the automaton of our inquiries, are constantly at work in the womb of Mother Nature.
By neglecting our bodies and minds a greater participation in the natural theaters, luscious libations and operations of Mother Nature, we have rather reduced ourselves to little animalitos, the Lilliputians of Jonathan Swift, with a sickly penchant for the firecrackers and fleeting gadgets of our civilization.
Training ourselves to live amid the distractions of our times is a thankless task. It would require a new society, a new milieu, a new mentality, a complete revaluation on the intrinsic values, gifts and potencies of every human being when reared and nursed in settings of grandest scope.
Every now and then, I have come across some skeptical minds, whom, in their views, humans are not so different than gnats, mosquitoes, fleas or roaring drones ever complaining about the meaning of life.
Many skeptical people, mostly fed on materialism, cannot live beyond the realm of rocks, metals and their stubborn wiring indolence as their sole mode of existence.
With the staggering explosion of gadgets and other electronic unnecessary luxuries of our sciences, it has become increasingly difficult to strike congeniality with the unquestionable benefits and boon of Mother Nature.
There are those skeptics, as those slimy creatures ever oozing forth in the experimental labs of biogenesis, who, disappointed with the human race, have chosen to live amid swamps, moraine, moats of fetid water, thus rarely reaching the Safe Citadel against the advancing army of Nihilo (Nihilism, there is no meaning in this life).
Other straggled souls, as those fatal existentialists nourished in the insidious philosophy of Camus and Sartre, have finally surrendered their precious spiritual belongings to Nihilo, the god of meaningless of our times.
Accordingly, when accessing some post-modern philosophers, I must constantly guard my mind against such drivels and twaddles as the noxious stuff of our post-modern times.
Bacterial thoughts, like anything parasitic and harmful, could be communicated even in the best form of prose-writing and philosophy, and soon the spirit is inundated with a morbid feeling of things smacking of grave, desolation, nihilism, competitiveness, grave and death.
If you enjoy these humble insights on the crisis of our civilization, please, peruse the refreshing writings of Henry David Thoreau, the Walden Pond.
Perhaps you are familiar with the refreshing insights of Henri Bergson's philosophy on consciousness and intelligence.
Better than many new-age gurus, or money-making charlatans, or those charismatic evangelists, Bergson's luminous views on the meaning of life --as a mirrored-reflection of our higher strivings in the sublime peaceful realms of existence, such divine man par excellence, could deliver us from the predatory, pernicious mosquitoes of our times.
Of course, such Debussy-like philosophy would require new ears for a new supernal music, nay, a pure heart in the refined thoughts of serenest lakes of things pellucid, vitreous, crystalline as only possible when we elevate ourselves beyond the lower impulses of the brute, the natural man/woman.
If you ever thought yourself to be more than just a complicated bundle of biological material, or something more than just an automaton, or something more than a mere defective machinery in the chess-game of chance and fate; or, perhaps you are something more than a post-modern hybrid enslaved in the mechanistic procedures of civilized society.
If you ever felt you are none of the above, but something more, divine, intelligent, sentient... then you are awakening to a new revelation of yourself.
These are the first signs that you are not content with the Matrix of Our Times, for your inner-self, perhaps, all the while, has been diligently looking for new thought-materials, new prototypes analogous to the nature of higher essences, minds and spirits.
You are not alone.
Perhaps there were times when you felt to be something more than a two-legged animal feeding on the carrion and carcasses of Darwin's survival of the fittest.
Perhaps there were times when you felt to be more than just a mammal, a biped of clumsy gait, or, a mere ridiculous brute making grimaces, winces and meaningless headways in the struggle of existence.
Have you ever felt like this?
Yes or Not?
If you ever felt to be a greater biological project in the labs of intelligence, sentience and awareness, consciousness, then you are, so I hope, ripe and ready for the transcendental philosophy of Henri Bergson.
Three blooming virtues would make you stand out as a remarkable person committed to a higher form of existence: diligence, understanding and probity (Immanuel Kant, Essay Of the Different Hunan Races).
Please, take time to imbibe these lofty thoughts, insights, revelations, epiphanies which shall bring good fruits of peace and wellbeing.
The Philosophy of Henri Bergson
In this final revision and insights on Extraterrestrial Life, I have added other provocative thoughts and "nays" within the confinement of brackets []. Please find them here and there as we embark on the journey of life as the wonder of all our inquiries.
That aliens and gods are a mere reflection of our own psyche would bring objective data no less real than the fancy of figments, dreams, illusions; and if there is any glimmer of hope to resolving the question of space, time and immortality, it would have to be sought in the phenomena of consciousness and sentience.
And if these latter, consciousness and sentience, could exist independent of any biological procedure or decomposition, then we are called to re-embrace ourselves as spiritual entities.
As such, let us ponder on the beauty, love and divinity of a higher universe replete with essences, souls, and heavenly beings whose joy and beauteous existence are not affected by the conflicts and clashes attendant to this awful world of Charles of Darwin: woes, tears and injustice.
This is the sad reality for those materialistic atheists who may finally succumb to the dint of reason on the baffling mysterious origin of good and evil.
Physically speaking, aggression may appear to be but a mere plaything of blind forces and organisms fighting for supremacy; but when we delve deeply into the nature of mankind, we cannot always reduce these recalcitrant creatures to the low level of brutish animals, virus or bacterial nits endlessly reproducing to staggering quantity.
Some people are beautiful, good-hearted creatures, and if we are to make any careful assumption on human nature, there are many remarkable cases of extraordinary perfection, elevation, probity; and sometimes, here and there, we may find people, alike children and older ones, gifted with an amazing level of saintliness, purity and intelligence, thus pointing to higher types of incipient nature in the family-tree of Homo Sapiens.
Though there is much ground to classifying a large part of mankind within the bracketing demotion of pernicious, "predatory entities," there is, nevertheless, a great deal of good in humanity, beautiful qualities which could justify their earthly existence as intended for a lager, meaningful grand plan in the colonization of other planets.
Meanwhile, their kind has to be restrained from further damages, and it is only through the agency of either Mother Nature, or Providence, that a major universal change in human history and psyche, however rife with calamities, wars and unspeakable suffering, could finally usher into a new epoch of greater peace, love, fraternity and understanding.
Perhaps such new posterior humanities will have the tickets to interstellar traveling, and the seed of a new humanity will there flower, bloom, and blossom in the most beautiful lush, serene worlds conceivable; new celestial worlds where water, a mild temperature and luscious oxygen could welcome the celebration of life's verve free from the stings of snakes, fleas, thistles and suffering.
That said, and following the rigor of tangible proof and philosophy, my conclusion is that there is no ground, neither verifiable nor evidential, so as to assume that intelligent Aliens (physical) from outer space are currently meddling with the affairs of our civilization.
Midsummer of the Year 2016:
My mind, enervated by a wave of heat and exhaustion, could not so readily correct the obscurity of some of my passages on the keyboard of clarity and lucidity, and I had to further rework this essay replete with wrong dictions, common-hackneyed words and redundancy. Nevertheless, please, bear with me as we touch upon the question of extraterrestrial life, hostile or benevolent?
In this latter revision, I have included links to other references, but also my thoughts dare strike kindred with serious authors dealing with the uncanny controversial origin of the human species.
So as not hurt the religious feelings and conviction of some my beloved readers, some Christian, other Jewish, I was bound to find corroboration in the sacred literature of the Bible, a reliable source of reference, and much quoted by serious authors when making allusion to extraterrestrial contact, spirits, demons or angelic hosts from outer space (Ezequiel Chapter 1, the Old Testament).
As I peruse my own thoughts on the subject of Extraterrestrial Contact, I was surprised to see my ideas as bearing little conflicts with the canon of the New Testament; and this duality between the children of light and darkness, became the more meaningful when admitting higher powers and dominions as the main perpetrators to the suffering of mankind (Ephesians Chapter 6: 11-23, Book of Revelations Chapter 12: 04--).
Therefore, while grappling for facts on the possibility of Extraterrestrial life, I was bound to reexamine the wise counsels of those venerable prophets, holy men and women, who perhaps had a clearer understanding on this millennial dichotomy between the forces of good and evil.
However respectful of religious institutions, I could not win other friends by merely supporting my insights and opinion on the staff of faith alone, but philosophy, Sophia, and Muse, have led me placidly to seek wisdom, God and congeniality but in the holy shrines of Mother Nature.
This essay is a continuation on the ever-controversial issue of extraterrestrial life, and how any respectable stance may suffer the lack of conclusive tangible proof in the solemn verdict of science and archeology.
Nevertheless, philosophically speaking, there is still a much unexplored field in the search for intelligent life, namely, the very phenomena of consciousness and sentience.
Unable to elicit a link between the shimmering sparks of consciousness and the baffling operations of our brains, there is this hope that energy does die out, but it may continue to exist beyond the decomposition of our physical body.
In the following essay, a seminal analysis of life as found here on Earth and perhaps elsewhere in outer space, I dare inspect the matter of Alien visitation while perusing the wonders, and riddles, of our own planet's ecosystem in the history of complex life-form development.
I cannot search elsewhere without a careful investigation on those causes, organism, at times hostile, predatory, which are often bent on aggressiveness and the destruction of their own habitat.
Of all species, humans are known not only for predation, but unlike the lion or the snake, or the hippopotamus, the human species may relish on the devastating power of fire, or on the most complete revolting alteration of their own natural habitat.
Therefore, after years of pondering on the writings of Henry David Thoreau, I was bound to praise those learned seers, poets and philosophers, who, time and time again, warned us on the obnoxious effects of a civilization gone unnatural and ever reducing every aspect of our lives into purely mechanistic, materialistic, pragmatic procedures.
The argument against Homo Sapiens's technological destructive prowess, may likewise shed light on the mysterious reasons behind mankind's apparent disconnection and isolation from the rest of the cosmos.
Obviously, provided these wicked creatures could traverse the outer limits of their solar system, what kind of tragedies and troubles could be transported into the Elysian realms of other peaceful worlds.
The enormous distances separating some hostile organisms, when viewed from a cosmic perspective, would set boundary to the mystery of iniquity as found on this planet Earth, for otherwise, in the long stretches of time and intelligence, what kind of troubles and woes could ensue onto the outer limits of space?
Accordingly, I dare keep an eye on the essentially wary nature of our human species as perhaps capable of further damages and destructions in the distant shores of our own solar system.
High intelligence still unable to keep footing on the wise utilization of energy and resources, would argue against the notion that our human species is essentially good and an integral part of the universe, and that we should be allowed to reproduce in other planets.
But unlike Bertrand Russell, in his classic Why I am not Christian?, I do not appraise the human race as inessential or useless in the potential colonization of other planets out there, and their nascent earthly existence may be a plan for a greater germination of the human genus-seed (or genome) as the basis for any intelligent life-form in the known universe. But I highly doubt this inference.
If there are indeed intelligent extraterrestrials observing us in our fast, inexorable race to contaminating the entire Earth, many fine minds may wonder on the seeming indifference and tardiness of such furtive entities to intervening in the serious troubles of mankind.
On the contrary, we are told by ufologists and other enthusiasts, that Aliens would simply expect us to learn from our own unpalatable mistakes, and that a cosmic confederacy of planetary civilizations have agreed not to meddle in the earthly affairs of our human civilization.
The only reasonable argument for their apparent refusal or objection to any open dialogue with our human species was either our low ethics, greed, hygiene, ignorance, mendacity, bigotry and religious fanaticism as incapable to accepting a new version of the origin of life on Earth. It has also been reported that such encounters would bring worldwide panic in the established institutions of traditional authority, religion and faith.
Lack of communication was not always a hindrance concerning the development of our species, but in many cases, these visitors from outer space offer indecipherable solutions and technological advances which, for the most, can neither be decoded nor understood by our scientists.
Please, read this essay in your placid hours of leisure, and forgive those incongruous passages which seem to suffer from unwitting prolixity or self-indulgent twaddles in the incomprehensible phenomenon of UFO.
In the last analysis, the topic cannot be discussed without some enthusiasm for the plausibility of extraterrestrial life, but the force of evidence and facts are so tenuous and flimsy, that often I felt inclined to treating the subject as the fanciest vaporous thoughts on metaphysics, art, science fiction, morphology and biology in the scribbles of a badly informed witness. Countless books have been written on the subject, but as Carl Sagan warned us:
"Extraordinary truths would require extraordinary evidence."
As perceived by our robotic probes surveying other worlds, there are countless planets whose surfaces appear to be dismal, waste and hellish, and if we are to make any inference on the grounds of such awful reality for our species, and as we experience the struggle for life on this planet Earth, existence elsewhere is no less a battlefield for survival than the reality of suffering for sentient beings.
From dangerous bacteria, viruses and all sorts of parasitic entities feeding on the marrow and blood of other species, the vast cosmos of Stephen Hawking could be teeming with life out there.
But what kind of life is there in outer space?
Like the building blocks of any organic matter on Earth, it is believed that other organisms from outer space may share with us the same basic molecular structure, essential to the performing of any motion or movement. Rightly so, life, as asserted by Aristotle, is indistinguishable from movement.
Biological dynamics and life are analogous to the basic principles of existence and activity, for few organisms are said to exist for inertia alone, and even those sluggish ones seem to exert themselves but for the opportunity of greater scope and spacial action in the emancipation of life.
The conquest of the outer limits of space seems to be a connatural urge, which, even among the vegetal and animal kingdom, the primary motives for life is not only to eke out for things which could add a better prospect and enhancement to our lives, and hence, a timely alleviation to the dissonant equation of life; but in many cases, the assurance of life may lead us all to seek, elsewhere, the possibility of a new horizon in the celestial shores of the cosmos.
In the struggle for existence, biological brushstrokes in the basic form of fungus, bacteria, yeast, mold, mushroom, et. al, have left their marks all over the globe. Thus, so clearly, Mother Nature seems to point to this irrefutable fact: that complex life-forms may have first originated from simpler ones, and this insightful view would lead us to further speculate, nay admit, that higher forms of existence have not yet culminated in the creation of mankind.
Of course, humans, unlike other organic phenomena, which would not require the contest of millions of spermatozoa competing for the incubation or fertilization of a single egg, cannot reproduce through the mere scummy froth of organic matter as found in many a damp area on this planet Earth, but we all know that the seed of life, as least for certain living organisms, may have oozed forth from a primeval hotchpotch consisting primarily of water, amino acids, heat and other organic left-overs brought to our planet by the conveyance of meteorites or any other cosmic purveyors.
If there is any truth to the possibility of complex organism in outer space, living thing just as we find them to exist right here on Earth, then it is also true that such creatures must subsist at the expense of other organic material.
That human beings sprang forth, and hence evolved from a primordial seminal genesis of complex organic compounds, is a theory that is neither preposterous nor laughable, but alterations to the first prototypes may have undergone considerable changes at the hands of some older unknown species, gods, Elohim or Nephilim (peruse Genesis Chapter 2). This view is shared by some Christian friends.
As much I have pondered on this genetic-engineering theory, the complexity of our physical bodies has led me to infer that chance alone could not account for some performing features of the human body, however defective in certain tasks and extremely vulnerable to infection, the superfluous appendages of the human body, i. e. eyelashes, nails, hair, and so on, may point to utilitarian reasons than the mere fancy of aesthetic predilection in the mating or coupling-drive of different species.
But I am inclined to believe that aesthetic considerations, as well as those that are advantageous to the minimization of pain and the perpetuation of life with little nuisance, may have required purposely designed engineering planning in the current anatomical form of the human body.
As we retreat more and more from the roughness of the woods to the lax comfort of urban society, these advantageous appendages may seem unnecessary, superfluous, but the human race, as observed by my admirable Henry D. Thoreau, was designed to exist in conjunction, nay in conformity to a far greater community with other sentient entities.
Perhaps, we are reaching the omega point where we may finally set ourselves free from the limits as imposed by Mother Nature, and eventually our physical bodies may evolve into creatures resembling hairless entities or extraterrestrials...
Accordingly, Aliens, a misnomer from the perspective of a larger cosmic confederacy and fraternity, are, in some cases, but former members of bygone civilizations, that is to say, technologically advanced people who have already mastered the riddles of space, time, gravity and mortality.
That such earthly Aliens, as evinced in some mummies lying in the sarcophagus of ancient Egypt, may have an interest in helping our petroleum civilization to reach a higher level of development in the equation of life, wouldn't surprise me at all.
My personal view is that humans, however easily subject to putrefaction and decay, are the outcome of past genetic manipulation in the tumultuous history of past civilizations.
Our current Human species, Homo sapiens, in all likelihood, are the product of past interbreeding with slightly different types of the first aggressive primates, e. g. the hunter-gatherers, the Neanderthal, and other apish creatures, whose rudimentary tools and stony barbed weapons could still be found all over the globe. These latter primates may have interbred with highly developed types (x) to the creation of certain remarkable races of people, Homo Sapiens, as those highly intelligent extinct types of ancient Egypt and Sumer.
Homo sapiens may be the outcome of genetic engineering, but our progenitors are not necessarily fashioned according to existent types of the human race.
In this respect, I may disagree with Immanuel Kant (Of the Different Human Races, link: http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic97823.files/I_/Sept_27/KANT.pdf)
who had assumed variations of the original human kind (genus) solely to conditions of attendant circumstances of milieu, latitude and clime, and eventually, according to his view, these peoples, genus, became distinct races of people in the family of humanity. The different races of humanity, according to Immanuel Kant, are simply varieties and variations of the same original genus or prototype.
Nevertheless, there are those who believe that the complex design of our physical bodies cannot be attributed to purposeless, blind circumstances or the fickle chances of fate in the lab of Mother Nature, i. e. predatory eyes with three-dimensional lens, highly sensitive nostrils, limbs, all-clutching fingers, spinal cord, glands, a cerebral apparatus to gather data, but also a complex system of drainage and secreting mechanism. However equipped with an immune system to warding off viruses or diseases, the organs of the human body could suffer quick deterioration.
Nevertheless, our human species, however capable to outliving many other species, may prove to be physically vulnerable, infectious, even feeble when compared to the protective hard covering of certain animals' outer hard, shaggy skins and rough-textured scaliness; and when it comes to the remarkable audacity, suppleness and tenacity of a snake set to catch a prey, humans are not always the most capable to outwitting the ubiquitous presence of night-roaming rodents, vermin, rats, galore, those mischievous entities set on the total contamination and pollution of humanity's greater achievement: the state machine, civilization.
Nevertheless, when it comes to self-defending mechanisms, humans may not have been vouchsafed with horns, fangs, feelers or claws, but ingenuity has provided them with weapons no less lethal than those of the shark, the tiger or the asp snake.
But when humans are left without technology and proper sanitation, and thereby subject to contamination, even a mosquito could put an end to human existence.
A widespread epidemic may be transmitted by those fiendish insects whose sole delight is to feed on the blood of cattle and humans.
At any rate, malevolent entities the likes of the bedbugs, the mites, the louse, the fleas, among other devilish biological things, are still proliferating their kind no less behind than those reproductive tropical races resilient to the inhospitality of Mother Nature.
That said, few species could be so adaptable to various milieus as those bipeds of our investigation.
That such two-legged walking animals would have required the intervention of intelligent genetic engineerings, would definitely presuppose the possibility of forefathers, progenitors, sires or gods, is an opinion not only shared by religious people but also by Alienists, and even staunch atheists may welcome intelligent intervention in the history Homo Sapiens.
Due to the rapid proliferation of Humans, all over the globe, countless species have been wiped out from the surface of the Earth, but our species, Homo Sapiens, persist to be resilient, indomitable, ingenious and indefatigably curious to concocting strangest alterations, head-racking experimentations often resulting in monstrous hybrids and regrettable alterations in the laws of nature.
As observed by German philosopher, A. Schopenhauer, every living organism, if it is fashioned according to the pain-reactive sensitive material of complex organic concoction, as found in most predatory entities, would be, by necessary, spurred to move around, at times aggressively, and even bent to attack, thus securing existence on the sustenance of living things. Such living entities could either be contaminated or exterminated as it is currently happening to many species on this planet.
Conflicts and clashes are the primary moving causes in the emancipation of any living organism, and every budging endeavor is triggered by the impulsive mechanism of needs and aggression in the reaffirmation of existence.
This is a fact of life.
If there is a kernel of truth in the possibility of complex organism developing in the far reaches of the cosmos, then it is also true that they must subsist at the expense of other organism.
In many instances, predatory entities, as dangerous as the rapacious hyenas, the flea, or the indomitable bedbugs or the pestering gnats which feed on the blood of cattle, are often forced to migrate elsewhere on the look out for new sources of energy or food.
It is very tempting to predict future invasions of hostile, carnivorous entities feeding on the sinews, tissues and membranes of species the likes of those of the human race.
There was this philosopher who believed humans to be the preferred muttons for some extraterrestrials. Of course, our ideas of extraterrestrial forms, however conceived in the reflection and semblance of our own physical characteristics, may not always conform to the forms of bacteria and the strangest phenomena coming from outer space.
Dangerous, degenerate, decaying nomadic entities from outer space, however intelligent but on the brink of extinction, may have been visiting the planet Earth for aeons, albeit clandestinely, these carnivorous entities may be at pain to the continuation of their existence; and perhaps here, on this Earth, they have found a vast supply of eatable human flesh, or, in the most felicitous of encounters, a vast field of organic stuff which they need as much as we need the nutrients from fats and the carbohydrate from other organic sources.
Organic material is a product of striking natural coincidences, more than gold or silver, it would require fertile soil and clime propitious for life-forms development; therefore, it is plausible to assume that other intelligent organic entities, traveling long sidereal distances, could stop here on this Earth on the look out for food. This view is shared by some modern philosophers who correlate report of aliens visitations to this Earth, not just confined to, or in relation to, the narrow world and locality of the witness, but given the advances of our own global civilization, the news of such encounter could be spread all over the world.
By the same train of thoughts, It has been pointed out that at times of great population explosions, as those vast civilizations of Ancient Egypt, Sumer, and the great population of indigenous people in the America of pre-colonial times, reports of UFO sightings increased exponentially.
And who are these gods who come from outer space?
During times of widespread media and great populations, localized reports of Aliens Visitations become a universal phenomenon, and it may task us all to wonder what are the chances of such extraterrestrial wayfarers as being no less than mosquitos, fleas or gnats to the cattle of the human race?
The correlations and striking coincidences are simply too many to assume Alien Visitations as analogous to the migration of earthly species on the ground of dearth and climatic changes.
This is common sense. The butcher of our lives (1 Peter 5: 08) meanwhile, remain hidden because perhaps we are, like the innocent sheep without a shepherd, but a lost species, which, like any vulnerable hybrid, without shelter or protection from the real dangers and rapacious ghouls of this world, could end up being destroyed by the recurrent forays of other living organism.
This is indeed a scenario not only frightful but also tragic for those who believe the sky teeming with benevolent messengers bringing good tidings.
The backyard of history is littered with scary truths for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
Logics and reason would lead us to surmise this possibility: that the justification for the burdensome proliferation of the human race is no different than the propagation and proliferation of squirrels and other denizens in the slaughterhouse of survival, but the former may have a larger utilitarian purpose; and if we are bold to admitting these conclusive facts as plausible: we are, in the last analysis, but a huge storehouse supply of organic material much needed for the sustenance of humanoid Aliens on the verge of extinction.
On the Possibility of Electric Rattling Snakes Spewing Fire!
As we have already invented the "Drone," a near-ground flying-killing machine, it is a matter of time before humans discover a remarkably malleable material, resilient, self-moved by flexible joints, tendons, membranes and supple limbs but bearing the resisting qualities and endurance of metals. Soon we will have rattling electric snakes crawling and sliding through the crevasses of subterranean passages.
These ugly things were prophesied by Goethe in Faust Part 2!!!
We all struggle with the equation of life:
I have always viewed life like Charles Darwin and Arthur Schopenhauer, the only difference is that I believe in the God of Spinoza and Albert Einstein --perhaps the God of Eric Von Daniken. Of course, I do accept the God of the New Testament as merciful and loving, but down here on Earth, there are the marks (The Mark of the Beast 666) and the spoors of the beast are all over the old planet earth.
La bestia es una realidad de la Existencia!
Today, ancient Egypt is the burial ground of past civilizations, and I do not discard the possibility of periodic —albeit disastrous— contact with extraterrestrial intelligence whose ethics are not always in keeping with the preservation of every human being.
Individually, human beings are wonderful, beautiful; collectively, the Human race could prove to be little more than an army of combatants, for like a swarm of contrary ants, they would soon devour one another.
The Struggle is real, it is (unfair) that there are as many methods to destroying a human being. Highly intelligent humans could attest to this terrible battlefield in the inner reaches of the mind, the soul: the most able would learn to guard his or her inner fabric from any unpredictable assault.
What is scary is that whoever possesses your soul would henceforth have authority over your thoughts, emotions and decisions. You are but slaves building pyramids for wealthy oligarchs, mysterious entities placed in high society, whose power could determine your very existence.
Most recently, I watched a terrible movie (Predator vs Alien). Watch this movie, and test your mettle in the struggle for existence in the universe of Stephen Hawking! It is a continuation of the philosophy of A. Schopenhauer.
Canadian Government Admits UFO's & Aliens Exist -
Religious institutions which are not eliciting answers to the possibility of life on other planets, may fall behind the ever-expanding horizons of mankind in the celestial shores of Divinity.
Unfortunately, the baffling mysteries concerning the origin of our Human Species are no less intriguing than the good news, at least for some traditionalistic Christians, that our planet Earth, is, perhaps, the only one habitable in our Solar System.
But as we peer out at the spectacular window of cosmic grandeur, logics and philosophy would lend weigh to the plausible possibility that life is a common by-product of water, heat and amino acid.
The innocent child cradled and nursed in the manger of former ages, is coming of age for another awesome chapter in the chronicles of intelligent life beyond our beautiful planet Earth.
As we peruse the Lessons of Millenia, it seems probable that from time to time, there is a separation between the wheat and the chaff in the collection of the finest gleanings in the harvest of humanities (Mathew 24).
Logically, if we are being watched by superior, super intelligent entities, as assured by men and women of the highest respectability and office, concerning the imminent dangers of our current civilization, there could be a potential evacuation of some people to be saved from a major destruction.
Veiled in the fable of religion or myth (?), it seems probable that our civilization (current debts, mind-boggling, reaching 35 Trillion!!!) would have to be salvaged and assisted by an outside power no less miraculous than the God of Moises in Ancient Egypt.
But are we matured enough to encounter this Power with less religious mystification, and boldly proclaim Him to be escorted by mysterious entities resembling Angels or Aliens with Lightning Celestial Vehicles?
Whether you are a Christian, an Agnostic or an Atheist, we all may have to agree that the planet Earth is indeed a miracle of striking coincidence!!!
Concerning Modern Civilization
While modern civilized man may praise the great advantage and luxury of having an automobile, there are the lovely places which would make us the more grateful for having legs and limbs.
Naturally, the inner urge to walk during the early hours of morning or evening --which would be propitious due to a milder weather-- could be one of the healthiest activities, and the benefits could not be overstated.
Of course, few would find joy under the scorching heat of a hot-dog, hades-day where walking could be a form of punishment or torture.
People who come from tropical climes, especially those who had much to endure under the stings of mosquitoes, parasitic nits, intestinal worms and deserted lands, when they finally set a foot in New York City, the advantage of having a car could be compared to the other luxuries of civilization: a cell-phone, a computer, a TV, DVD player and the other essential gadgets which could relieve the burdensome issues of existence in modern civilized society.
Few folks would deny the benefits of having a cellphone or a computer, and fewer would deny the facts that an automobile would be preferable than a horse, a mule or a donkey.
That said, civilized Homo sapiens, however clever bipeds, cannot be said to be healthier than the other sordid brutes climbing trees and forever devouring bananas, rotten mutton and sausages.
The question of whether Homo sapiens, as we know them to be two-legged earthly entities, and no less aliens to the wood than the beaver, the ermine or the squirrel, are naturally designed to live in places where their bodies could suffer less from obesity, mental atrophy, retardation and degradation.
Another argument against civilized Homo sapiens, is these irrefutable facts of scummy excesses, refuses and left-over-rotten organic materials besmirching every square of our habitation and ecosystem.
Much have been done to stave off an invasion of a repugnant swarm of denizens creeping from the subterranean passages of New York City.
According to the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, the war against vermin and rat-feces infesting our expired carrions and carcasses could eventually produce another spawn of the Human type: the People of the Abyss by Jack London.
The predicaments of modern Homo Sapiens, are not only an unnatural diet, badly hatched habitats and head-scratching dangerous incubation techniques, but even the staggering reproduction of their species, at close square, could unleash the strangest diseases, viruses and hellish broods of prodigious proliferation.
New designs of the Human type, for many species have been lost in the ever-frothing soup of humanity, and perhaps resisting the onslaught of Mother Nature, would task good-hearted Aliens to the creation, Homo Divino, of new intelligent resilient organisms which could survive the strangest biological phenomena in the forms of virus, germs and bacterial infestation.
Containing any lethal virus would require the complete quarantine of whole group of people and communities, but air-borne diseases and strange, unheard-of infections could still be passed-on through the medium of water and the suffocating atmosphere of our urban society.
The question whether we are more intelligent than the Ancient Egyptians was formulated not on the firecrackers of our perilous sciences, but on the best form of society entailing the least noxious damages to our planet.
The Planet Earth and Homo Sapiens
A more intelligent entity than those of current humans, would need to adjust to an ecosystem that is meant to a greater equilibrium and balance in the complex logistics of Mother Nature.
Another argument against current Homo Sapiens, is the argument of hostility to our own species and planet.
According to the most trust-worthy reliable sources on the visitation of Aliens from other planets, and their adamant refusal to open dialogue with our political leaders, our Human Species have been deemed no less aggressive than our frightening capability to bringing about a universal conflagration and annihilation of all life-forms as we know it on this planet.